Love Next Door Episode 1 Recap: Courage

This is the recap for Love Next Door Episode 1. Some women go hiking in the mountain. In-Sook thinks the weather is good. Jae-Sook agrees to what she said. But Mi-Sook asks her to take off her sunglasses. Jae-Sook notes that In-Sook’s skin looks good.

Love Next Door Episode 1

In-Sook slaps her face. She reveals she used some Botox. Hye-Sook is against it because she thinks women should get old naturally. Mi-Sook talks back that Hye-Sook used the expensive cosmetics. She notes that Jae-Sook used something on her face.

Jae-Sook reveals she did a prune juice cleanse. The women go to a new place. In-Sook notes the new hiking outfit Mi-Sook wears. Mi-Sook reveals she began to like color. She tries to explain it to her friends. But Hye-Sook uses her knowledge to prove what Mi-Sook said is wrong.

Mi-Sook brags to her friend that the outfit was sent by her daughter from the United State. It makes In-Sook think Seok-Ryu is a good daughter. Hye-Sook doesn’t want to lose. She claims that she doesn’t want to get the present from her son because she knows he worked hard to earn the money.

She tells Mi-Sook that his son is a present to her. Mi-Sook is furious to scold Hye-Sook when she asks her if her daughter isn’t a present to her. Hye-Sook reveals her son met with the president and he got praised. In-Sook thinks Hye-Sook’s son Seung-Hyo is good. The two women begin to fight. In-Sook takes Jae-Sook away. Jae-Sook complains to In-Sook that the two women kept talking about same things. In-Sook thinks Hye-Sook will win because Seung-Hyo is going to receive a award.

There’re many people gathering in the hall for the Magazine Design Awards. The girl holds a camera. She looks like a reporter. She takes a look at Seung-Hyo’s table. She learns that her name is Na-Yoon. She sees a man sitting at the table. She mistakes him for Seung-Hyo. The guy turns around and he waves at her. She recognizes him and she’s lost. The guy Myeong-U walks to Na-Yoon. He’s excited to tell her that Seung-Hye is a star. But she only cares for Seung-Hye.

Seung-Hyo is at the funeral home. He meets with Kyung-Ran. The girl is the director of the funeral home. She takes a book at his business card. She learns that he wants to design a memorial park. He tells her that he wants to interview her because he worked for the funeral home twenty years.

She walks him around the funeral home. She reveals her mother passed away. She wishes people to visit the memorial park. Because she thinks the place isn’t bad. He offers to build a Shelter in the lobby. He reveals he wants to see the people’s smiling. She likes the idea.

Myeong-U calls Seung-Hyo. He scolds him and he reveals the awards ceremony is going to begin. We go to the awards ceremony. Na-Yoon sits at the table with Myeong-U. She’s upset because the host is going to give the award to Seung-Hyo. But the guy doesn’t come.

She notes that Myeong-U is fixing his hair. He claims that he’s the co-CEO of the company. He plans to accept the award for Seung-Hyo. But Seung-Hyo shows up. He runs to the stage and he accepts the award. Na-Yoon is happy to take a photo of Seung-Hyo.

He doesn’t give a speech. She complains that she told him to prepare the speech. Myeong-U wishes Seung-Hyo to mention his name. But Seung-Hyo doesn’t do that. He comes back to the stage and he mentions his company name Atelier In. He leaves then.

We go to the mountain top. The women are there. Mi-Sook yells at the sky. Hye-Sook reminds her that someone is going to report her. Jae-Sook thinks the two are going to have a fight. But Mi-Sook gives the wedding invitation to Hye-Sook.

She gives the wedding invitation to her other friends. Hye-Sook wonders why Mi-Sook printed the invitations since the wedding is in the United States. Jae-Sook thinks Mi-Sook dropped the burden since she married her daughter. She complains that her daughter doesn’t have a boyfriend. In-Sook comforts her.

Mi-Sook asks Hye-Sook about Seung-Hyo’s love relationship. Hye-Sook claims that her son is very busy. But Mi-Sook thinks it’s an excuse. She mentions her daughter found a boyfriend when she was busy. She reveals her son-in-law is a lawyer.

Hye-Sook brags that there were many girls liking her son. But Mi-Sook wishes to see the wedding invitation. In-Sook thinks Mi-Sook won. Mi-Sook’s daughter Seok-Ryu is sleeping on the plane. The flight attendant wakes Seok-Ryu up. It startles her. Seok-Ryu reveals she had a nightmare that she was beaten by someone. She opens the window shade and she looks at the city.

Mo-Eum goes to pick up Seok-Ryu. She finds her in the lobby at the airport. Seok-Ryu sits on the suitcase. Mo-Eum calls Seok-Ryu. Seok-Ryu laughs after she saw Mo-Eum’s dirty face. Mo-Eum complains it to Seok-Ryu that she came without washing up after she got a call from her. Seok-Ryu asks Mo-Eum to give her a hug. But Mo-Eum takes away Seok-Ryu’s suitcase. Seok-Ryu chases Mo-Eum.

Mo-Eum drives her car on the road. Seok-Ryu is in her car. She sticks her head out of the window. But Mo-Eum rolls up the window. It almost hurts Seok-Ryu. Seok-Ryu scolds Mo-Eum. But Mo-Eum claims that she just gave Seok-Ryu a lesson.

Seok-Ryu mentions Mo-Eum jumped off the fences when she wore a cape. They talk about Seung-Hyo. Seung-Hyo is at the party. Myeong-U blames the guy for not mentioning his name. He learns that his partner went to another memorial park. He reminds him that he’s not a feng shui master.

But Seung-Hyo thinks he should learn feng shui as an architect. Na-Yoon agrees to what he said when she takes photos of him. He asks her to remove the camera. But she tells him that she wants to be buried with him. She sees the beauty Yoon-Seo. They greet each other.

Yoon-Seo wears a white dress. Myeong-U is excited after knowing Seung-Hyo knew the beauty. Seung-Hyo reveals he met with the girl at a ceremony. Myeong-U intends to go to greet Yoon-Seo. But Seung-Hyo leaves. He drives his car out of the building.

He drives on the street. Seok-Ryu and Mo-Eum are in the car. They’re on same street. They miss each other. Seok-Ryu looks outside. She reads the shop signs. She finds out that she’s hungry. She goes to a restaurant with Mo-Eum. They order the rice cakes.

Seok-Ryu cannot bear the spicy food. She drinks the water. Mo-Eum washes the food with the water. She tries to hand over the rice cake to Seok-Ryu. But Seok-Ryu avoids the guy when he walks into the restaurant. Mo-Eum finds out that the guy is Seok-Ryu’s younger brother Dong-Jin.

Dong-Jin sees two weird women at the restaurant. He walks out of the restaurant. Seul-Gi grabs Dong-Jin’s ear. He reminds him that he needs to work out more if he eats the food. He takes the food and he lets him run to the gym. He eats the food.

Mo-Eum wonders why Seok-Ryu avoided her brother. She learns that she didn’t tell her family that she came back. Seok-Ryu explains it to Mo-Eum that she wants to give her family a surprise. Mo-Eum and Seok-Ryu take the balloons to walk on the street.

They’re going to give Mi-Sook a big surprise. Seok-Ryu asks Mo-Eum to stay by her side. But someone calls Mo-Eum. Mo-Eum tells Seok-Ryu that she needs to leave because it’s emergency. Seok-Ryu persuades her friend that her case is emergency as well. But Mo-Eum flees. Seok-Ryu passes by the building. She remembers it was a sauna. She takes a look at the slate.

It flashes back. Mi-Sook takes the kid Seok-Ryu to the sauna. Hye-Sook takes the kid Seung-Hyo to same sauna. Mi-Sook tries to drag Seok-Ryu into the building. But Seok-Ryu claims that she doesn’t want to take a bath. Seung-Hyo rejects it as well. His reason is that he doesn’t want to stay with Seok-Ryu.

Seung-Hyo passes by the building. Seok-Ryu complains that the two bad mothers forced her and Seung-Hyo to share a bath. Seung-Hyo shows up behind her when he wonders who she is. He calls her and it makes her turn around. She’s shocked when she sees him. She releases the balloons.

He claims that it’s his land. He asks her to leave. She tries to leave. But she sees her mother coming back with other ladies. She tries to choose another road. But she sees her father Geun-Sik who just bought groceries. She hides in a cardboard box.

She asks Seung-Hyo to treat her as a discarded box. She asks him not to tell anyone that he saw her. But he asks her to come out when he slaps the discarded box. Jae-Sook sees a suitcase in the street. She mentions it. Hye-Sook sees her son. Seung-Hyo gives his mother a hug.

The ladies are happy when they see the handsome guy. Geun-Sik shows up. He gives a apple to Seung-Hyo. He learns that the building is his new office. Mi-Sook asks Seung-Hyo if the suitcase belongs to him. He denies it. She plans to take it to the police.

Seok-Ryu hits the discarded box. It makes Seung-Hyo claim that the pink suitcase belongs to him. Mi-Sook carries the suitcase to him. She learns that he didn’t eat her beans. He returns the apple to her as an apology. She wonders why he guards the box.

Geun-Sik tries to throw away the box for Seung-Hyo. But Seung-Hyo stops him because he wants to put trash into the box. Geun-Sik leaves with Mi-Sook. Hye-Sook leaves then. Seok-Ryu tries to come out. But Seung-Hyo presses the box. He asks her why she avoided her parents.

She ruins the box and she comes out. She tells him that she can ruin him as well. He tells a lie to her that her mother is behind her. She’s scared and she tries to hide in the box. But he tells her that he was just kidding. She runs into his house because she wants to use the bathroom.

Seok-Ryu walks out of the bathroom. Seung-Hyo reveals her mother gave him the wedding invitation. He congratulates on her wedding. He wishes her to leave. But she goes to second floor. She finds his office. She takes a look at his ceiling. She finds out that the ceiling is good.

He reveals he designed a ceiling for the tomb. It makes her think his office is like a tomb. She tries to leave. But she trips over the rope. He saves her before the cabinet hits her. But his back is hurt. She takes off his suit and she checks his injury.

She finds out that he’s fine. But she sees the scar on his back. She remembers his back was hurt by the wire netting after she pushed him over. He complains it to her that he was always hurt when he saw her. He persuades her to go to face her mother.

She agrees to what he said. But she hits his back. He picks up the chunk of metal. He reveals it cost 17 million won. He claims for damages. She grabs the chunk of metal. She rubes it. Mo-Eum returns to the 911 Safety Center. She blames the captain for calling her. He reveals the rookie had a carsick.

They get a new task and they go to the park. They find the injured man. Mo-Eum wakes the man up. She tells him that she’s going to take him to the hospital. She wonders how was he hurt. He reveals he fell from a chair. He refuses to go to the hospital. He kicks her.

She reminds him that her camera is filing her. He’s furious to break the wine bottle and he tries to attack her. The guy Dan-Ho volunteers to help Mo-Eum. He claims that he’s a red belt in taekwondo. But he trips before he reaches the injured man. His hand is hurt.

Mo-Eum kicks off the injured man’s bottle. She tells Dan-Ho that she’s a black belt. She lets her colleague dress Dan-Ho’s wound. Dan-Ho looks at her when she tests the injured man’s blood sugar. Seok-Ryu walks on the street with the suitcase. Seung-Hyo follows her.

She asks him not to follow her. But he claims that he just returns home. He notes that she’s looking at the delivery person. He mistakes that she wants to eat the fried chicken. But she’s interested in the man’s helmet. She opens her suitcase and she wears the clothes.

Seok-Ryu returns home with Seung-Hyo. She asks him to spend a night with her. She yells at him and she reveals she broke off the engagement. She turns around and she finds out that her mother is behind her. Geun-Sik passes out after he knew that her daughter broke off the engagement.

Seung-Hyo’s father Kyung-Jong wakes Geun-Sik up. Mi-Sook tries to beat Seok-Ryu. But Geung-Hyo guards Seok-Ryu. Seok-Ryu provokes her mother when she persuades her that marriage isn’t good. It makes Mi-Sook realize that the guy called off the engagement.

She asks her husband to go to buy two plane tickets. She intends to go to give the guy a lesson. But Seok-Ryu tells her mother that it was her mistake. She confesses it to her that she cheated on her boyfriend. Mi-Sook is furious to beat Seok-Ryu. But she hits Seung-Hyo. Hye-Sook takes her son’s side. She yells at Mi-Sook.

Mi-Sook tries to hit Seok-Ryu. But she hits her husband. Geun-Sik guards his daughter. He persuades Mi-Sook to listen to Seok-Ryu’s reason. Seok-Ryu reveals she resigned. It makes Geun-Sik cry. Mi-Sook is furious to beat Seok-Ryu. Seok-Ryu holds Seung-Hyo’s hand. She takes him to run away.

Mi-Sook fails to catch her daughter. Seok-Ryu finds out that she’s holding Seung-Hyo’s hand. She shakes off his hand. She’s tired to lie on the bench. She asks him to go to buy her a drink. But he rejects it. She takes him to the tree.

She lets him be her human shield. She takes off her clothes. She tells him that she missed her mother. He wonders why she told a lie to her mother that she cheated. Because he knows she’s not such a person. She mentions she worked hard and she went to the United States.

She reveals she came back for looking for the courage she lost. The couples pass by. Seung-Hyo takes a photo for them. The couples mistake that Seok-Ryu and Seung-Hyo are dating. But they’re told that they’re just each other mothers’ son and daughter.

The couples leave. Seung-Hyo gets a call from Dong-Jin. Dong-Jin tells Seung-Hyo that Seok-Ryu can return home because her mother doesn’t have any energy to beat her. Seok-Ryu doesn’t believe her mother. But she still follows Seung-Hyo.

Dan-Ho is at the Medical Center. He runs into Mo-Eum. He stops her. She thinks he’s a good person even if he didn’t help her. He asks her for her number. But she refuses to give her number to him. She leaves. He turns around and he sees the injured man. The nurse gives the note and the candy to the injured man. He’s told that the candy was given by Mo-Eum. He tries to throw away Mo-Eum’s note. But he gives up and he leaves. Dan-Ho records it.

Seung-Hyo takes Seok-Ryu home. He rings the bell. Mi-Sook opens the door. The two walk into the house. They see Mi-Sook on the couch. Seung-Hyo mistakes that Mi-Sook is crying. Seok-Ryu joins her mother when she cares for her. But she sees the stick Mi-Sook is holding. Seok-Ryu tries to flee. But Seung-Hyo catches her and he pushes her to Mi-Sook. He flees and he closes the door. Seok-Ryu threatens Seung-Hyo that she will give him a lesson tomorrow. But Mi-Sook grabs her.

SEE ALSO: Love Next Door Episode 2 Recap: Stars

Seung-Hyo tries to leave Seok-Ryu’s house. He remembers Seok-Ryu guarded him when the kids bullied him. He hears her crying. He smiles to return home.

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