Love Like the Galaxy Episode 40 Recap: Heartless Younger Sister

This is the recap for Love Like the Galaxy Episode 40. Qu Lingjun is interrogated by the people in the meeting room. She cries to tell the madam that she didn’t kill Liang Shang. We learn that the madam is Yuan Shen’s mother. The madam comforts Qu Lingjun that his son will return the innocence to her.

Love Like the Galaxy Episode 40

Liang Shang’s mother Madam Liang tries to do something to Qu Lingjun. Madam Yuan lets her maids take Madam Liang down. Madam Liang mentions her third son interrogated the guard. The guard revealed that he didn’t see anyone leave the house.

She asks Qu Lingjun if the one who killed her son was the kid. Cheng Shaoshang asks Madam Yuan to let her look into the case. Yuan Shen is against it. He thinks the girl will agree to it if Emperor tells her that she can save the world. She glares at him. She ignores him and she leaves. He follows her.

Cheng Shaoshang walks into Liang Shang’s room with Yuan Shen. She stares at him. She thinks he’s not like his mother. He thinks the family would be no funny if he didn’t tell a joke like his mother. She agrees to what he said. She tries to walk forward.

But he stops her. Because there’s a bloodstain. He thinks she shouldn’t come to look into the case because she’s a girl. She reveals Ling Buyi didn’t wish her to look into the case as well. But it’s related to the reputation of Qu Lingjun.

Yuan Shen agrees to what Ling Buyi said that Cheng Shaoshang shouldn’t get involved. Cheng Shaoshang wonders how did the culprit kill Liang Shang inside the house. Yuan Shen notes that her temper gets better. She thinks she does so because of Ling Buyi.

She reveals her husband was nice to her. She thinks she doesn’t have to fight with others. She didn’t expect that she would marry Ling Buyi. But she thinks she would regret if she didn’t encounter Ling Buyi. She wonders why she talked it with Yuan Shen.

She persuades him to go on a blind date for getting a new wife. He gets angry and he thinks she and Ling Buyi’s love isn’t related to him. She points out that he was unhappy when he saw their happiness because he doesn’t have a wife.

She knows he’s jealous of Ling Buyi who can marry such an outstanding girl. But she tells him that the outstanding girl like her is hard to look for. He explains it to her that he felt sick when they showed their love anytime. She drives him out of the room. She closes the door.

He opens the door and he persuades her to take a break if she’s tired. He mentions the place is very small. She finds a hidden room. She tries to open the door. But someone catches her inside. Liang Wuji meets with Ling Buyi in the room.

He reveals he’s going to give the position of chief Liang Clan to Liang Shang’s brother Liang Xia since Liang Shang is dead. Ling Buyi wonders if the two brothers got along well. Liang Wuji looks around. He finds out that Liang Xia is missing.

Liang Xia catches Cheng Shaoshang in the hidden room. He puts a knife on her neck. She recognizes him and she thinks he’s the murderer. He tells her that he didn’t kill Liang Shang. She asks him why he uses a knife to kidnap her.

She reminds him that he cannot flee if she’s missing in Liang family. But he thinks nobody knows he was the murderer. She tells him that others will know it since she has known it. She thinks he hid there for ruining the evidence.

Liang Xia takes a look at the clothes with blood. He threatens to kill Cheng Shaoshang. She thinks he killed his older brother for a reason. He reveals Liang Shang forced him to take action. He complains it to Cheng Shaoshang that he’s better than Liang Shang. But Liang Shang became the chief.

Cheng Shaoshang wonders why Liang Shang took action at that time. She thinks he was fooled by someone. She tells him that she can help him. Ling Buyi and Liang Wuji come to Liang Shang’s house. The follower reports to Ling Buyi that Cheng Shaoshang isn’t in the room.

Ling Buyi asks his bodyguards to tear down the house. Cheng Shaoshang persuades Liang Xia to use her as his hostage to flee. He rejects it when he thinks it will be more safer if he kills her and flees. The bodyguards try to tear down the house.

Liang Xia shows up with Cheng Shaoshang when he kidnaps her. Yuan Shen tries to walk to Cheng Shaoshang. But his mother stops him. Liang Xia asks Ling Buyi to step back. He threatens to kill his lover. Ling Buyi asks Liang Xia to release his girl.

But Liang Xia knows he will be killed if he does so. Ling Buyi lets his bodyguards surround the people of Liang Clan. He tells Liang Wuji that he will release the clansmen of Liang Clan if Liang Xia releases Cheng Shaoshang. Liang Wuji claims that Liang Clan is a big clan.

Yuan Shen reminds his uncle that Emperor will get angry if Cheng Shaoshang is hurt. He thinks Liang Clan is be ruined. Cheng Shaoshang tells Ling Buyi that she saw the clothes with blood in the hidden room. She thinks the murderer was Liang Xia.

Liang Xia threatens her with the knife. Ling Buyi reminds Liang Xia that he doesn’t have any road. He promises not to hurt his mother if he releases his wife. Madam Liang cries to tell Liang Xia to flee. Liang Xia claims that he won’t be moved even if Ling Buyi kills the old lady.

Ling Buyi breaks Madam Liang’s arm. He casts the knife to Liang Xia. It hurts his hand. Cheng Shaoshang catches the chance to run to Ling Buyi. Liang Xia tries to catch the girl. But the archers shoot his legs. It makes him get on knees.

Madam Liang cries to join her son. Ling Buyi mentions he told Cheng Shaoshang not to come to look into the case. But she took the risk. She takes out the knife Uncle Wan gave to her. She thinks she could protect herself. But she noted that Liang Xia didn’t wish to die. So she let the guy take her out.

Cheng Shaoshang tells Ling Buyi that she wanted to see him the last time before she dies. She blames him for not comforting her. He apologizes it to her and he explains it to her that he was startled. He reveals he fears the things that are related to her.

Madam Liang cries when she hugs Liang Xia. He complains it to her that everyone was nice to Liang Shang. Madam Yuan cannot stand it. She scolds Liang Xia. But he blames his mother. Ling Buyi asks Liang Xia to confess who told him to kill Liang Shang for wronging Crown Prince.

He asks the bodyguards to take the guy away. But Liang Xia’s neck is shot. He’s killed. Ling Buyi turns around. He finds out that the one who shot Liang Xia was Liang Wuji. Liang Wuji tells Ling Buyi that he’s going to go to see Emperor Wen with him.

Liang Wuyi visits Emperor Wen. Emperor Wen thinks Liang Wuji shot Liang Xie because he worried that Ling Buyi would know the truth. Liang Wuji denies it. He mentions her two brothers weren’t good. He cries. But Emperor Wen wonders why it’s related to the case.

He mentions Crown Prince was wronged. He thinks they should let Ling Buyi know the truth. But Liang Wuji shot Liang Xia. Liang Wuji reminds Emperor Wen that it won’t be good if they continue to look into it. Emperor Wen lets Liang Wuji leave.

Ling Buyi thinks Liang Wuji wasn’t the mastermind. He wonders who wanted to wrong Crown Prince. Emperor Wen thinks it was Crown Princess’s older brother Sun Sheng. He mentions Sun Sheng was asked to guard Zigui Palace. Ling Buyi reveals he arrested Sun Sheng.

He believes that Sun Sheng will be killed if he releases him. Emperor Wen wonders who was the mastermind. But Ling Buyi believes that Emperor Wen knows who was the mastermind. He thinks the guy didn’t just do the thing. Consort Yue slaps her older brother Little Marquis Yue in her room.

She tells him that she felt hurt as well. He promises not to get her involved. She yells at him that his brain got her involved. She thinks he did a stupid thing to wrong Crown Prince. He complains it to her that their family was killed after they followed Emperor Wen to rebel.

She points out that he got benefits from it. She reminds him that he ate the good food and wore good clothes. She brings up Huo Clan. He reveals he saw through Emperor Wen because of Huo Chong. He thinks Emperor Wen should kick Ling Yi out of the city if he was a good guy.

But Emperor Wen persuaded Ling Buyi to get along with his father. But Consort Yue points out that Little Marquis Yue would be killed if Emperor Wen wasn’t kind. But he reminds her that she’s the empress if Emperor Wen didn’t marry Lady Xuan.

He mentions everyone knew the Crown Prince met with someone’s wife. He thinks Third Prince is under the trash. She claims that she was the consort. She tells him not to put the wronged on her head. She tells him that she’s not interested in being Empress Dowager.

She mentions he did all of the things for her and Third Prince. She knows he did it for himself. She mentions Yue Clan had grace to Emperor Wen. But he didn’t have the grace because he was late to save Marquis Huo. She thinks he cannot feel wronged for Marquis Huo.

She asks him why he was late to Alone City. She thinks he intended to kill Huo Chong with the excuse of miasma. He denies it and he thinks she tricked him. She reveals Ling Buyi knew he killed the messenger Han Wu. She thinks the guy didn’t report it to Emperor Wen because he gave the face to Yue Clan.

Consort Yue asks Little Marquis Yue why the horses came back alive if there was a miasma. He admits that Old Qianan Prince came when the messengers reported it to him that there was a miasma. He found out that the miasma was harmless.

He knew Old Qianan Prince was related to Xuan Clan. He also knew Old Qianan Prince was Empress’s uncle. He believed that Empress Xuan will be scolded by Emperor Wen if he delayed Old Qianan Prince. So he killed the messengers. Ling Buyi shows up with Emperor Wen.

He wonders why Old Qianan Prince trusted Little Marquis Yue since Xuan Clan and Yue Clan hated each other. Little Marquis Yue is shocked when he sees the two. He falls to the floor. He thinks Consort Yue hurt him. But she tells him that she’s helping him.

He thinks she’s heartless. But Emperor Wen asks Little Marquis Yue how did Old Qianan Prince passed away. Little Marquis Yue reveals Old Qianan Prince didn’t come back after he went to check the miasma. Old Qianan Prince’s follower Peng Kun reported it to him that Old Qianan Prince passed away in the woods. But he knew he miasma is harmless.

Ling Buyi realizes that Peng Kun was the one who killed Old Qianan Prince. Emperor Wen wonders why the Alone City was ruined. Ling Buyi reveals Prince Yong replaced the weapons. He tears up. He mentions Alone City didn’t last for two days.

He yells at Little Marquis Yue. He blames him and other guys for killing his uncle. Little Marquis Yue tells Emperor Wen that the Alone City’s case wasn’t related to him because he didn’t replace the weapons. But Ling Buyi thinks the guy should take the duty.

Emperor Wen blames Little Marquis Yue for provoking Liang Xia for wronging Crown Prince. But Little Marquis Yue claims that he didn’t kill Liang Shang. Ling Buyi points out that Liang Shang is dead because of Little Marquis Yue.

Little Marquis Yue points out that it was an indirect killing. Emperor Wen stops Little Marquis Yue. He tells him that he won’t kill him. But he sends him to guard the Imperial Tomb. Consort Yue is against it. She thinks he was irresolute. She tells him that she looks down on him.

Little Marquis Yue thanks Emperor Wen for not killing him. Emperor Wen promises Ling Buyi that he will look into the case of Peng Kun. He lets him return to Long Autumn Palace. Ling Buyi returns to Long Autumn Palace. Cheng Shaoshang opens the door for him.

He’s surprised that she’s in the palace because he let her return home. She explains it to him that she worries that her family will scold her. He blames her for taking the risk. She points out that nobody could help Empress and Crown Prince if she didn’t help them.

She mentions Empress and Crown Prince were wronged because of the two sons of Liang Clan. She thinks Qu Lingjun’s two kids cannot face people if the lady doesn’t clear her name. She asks Ling Buyi not to scold her because she didn’t do it for herself.

He explains it to her that he just worried about her. He claims that he cannot forgive himself if she was hurt. She strokes his eyebrows and she wonders why he’s not happy since the culprits were arrested except Peng Kun. He asks her what she will do if he cannot punish the one who hurt his family.

She tells him that she will let the guy repay for it. He mentions her lover will be hurt when she takes revenge. She thinks she should make the decision. She thinks there will a side who is more important. He hugs her. Yuan Shen is paying his respect to his father in the room.

His mother persuades him to pick a wife. He wonders why she mentioned it since she has never cared for his marriage. She reveals she noted that he had feelings for Cheng Shaoshang. He tells her that he didn’t want to get married after he saw her and his father not loving each other.

She apologizes it to him for hurting him. But he thinks it’s the good thing that he doesn’t get married. She thinks he had feelings for Cheng Shaoshang because he was nervous when the lady was in danger. He admits that he loves Cheng Shaoshang. But he thinks he should have his life even if Cheng Shaoshang gets married.

Consort Yue summons Ling Buyi to her palace. She asks him if he knows why she helped him punish Little Marquis Yue. He thinks she did it for Yue Clan and Emperor Wen. But she reveals she did it for Huo Clan. She tells him that she knows he’s not happy after Emperor Wen let her older brother guard Imperial Tomb.

SEE ALSO: Love Like the Galaxy: Episode 39 Recap

She tells him that she will kill her older brother for him. She asks him to get married for Huo Clan. He thinks what Emperor Wen did was right. She thinks Yue Clan owed him. She wants to make up for it. But he rejects it and he leaves her palace.

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