Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 4. Zhou Wei asks Old Madam An to let Bai Zhi marry An Jingzhao. She thinks Zhou Wei intends to let Bai Zhi watch her grandson. An Jingzhao tells Zhou Wei that it’s not the time to talk about marriage because there’s many enemies.

What Happens In Love Is an Accident Episode 4?

Love Is an Accident

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 4.

But Master An tells An Jingzhao to marry Bai Zhi for the power of Fengnuan Sect. He tells him not to go against his father even if he ruins Demon Sect. An Jingling agrees to An Jingzhao said that it’s time to protect the villa. But An Jingzhao stops his brother.

Master An scolds An Jingling. An Jingzhao reminds Master An that he has an engagement. But Zhou Wei points out that the lady of Hanshui Sect is missing. Li Chuyue is happy when she watches the drama. But An Jingzhao takes her arm. He tells the people that Li Chuyue is the lady of Hanshui Sect Han Wanqing.

SEE ALSO: Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

An Jingzhao tells Li Chuyue not to conceal it. He adds that it’s her home. She tells him that he will be nice to her. Master An asks An Jingzhao is what he said is true that Li Chuyue is Han Wanqing. An Jingzhao nods. Zhou Wei asks An Jingzhao to prove it.

An Jingzhao reminds Old Madam An that there’s a birthmark on Han Wanqing’s hand. He asks her if she remembers the birthmark. He lifts Li Chuyue’s hand. He shows the birthmark to the people. Old Madam An doesn’t expect that An Jingzhao took Han Wanqing home. She thinks it’s destiny.

Li Chuyue takes a look at Old Madam An. She thinks the grandma and the grandson are good at telling lies. Old Madam An holds Li Chuyue’s hand. She thinks she has suffered. She tells her that she’s going to give the bracelet to her. She takes her to her room.

Old Madam An comes back with Li Chuyue. Both cry. Zhou Wei tells Old Madam An not to trust Li Chuyue. But she thinks he doesn’t trust her. She yells at him that Li Chuyue is her granddaughter-in-law. Zhou Wei tells Master An not to treat Li Chuyue as Han Wanqing according to the birthmark.

Master An agrees to what Zhou Wei said. But Old Madam An is furious to stand up. She mentions she has raised him. She thinks his wings are hard after he became chief. She pulls out her hairpin and she tries to kill herself. He stops her and tells her that he’s going to listen to her.

Does An JingZhao Lend His Bed to Li Chuyue?

Zhou Wei walks out of the house. He’s furious to kick the follower. He thinks he shouldn’t keep him because he didn’t complete his task. He tries to pull out his sword. An Jingzhao stops Zhou Wei. He tells him not to get angry for a follower.

Zhou Wei thinks he shouldn’t get An Jingzhao’s permission to punish his servant. He tries to pull out his sword again. But An Jingzhao stops him again. He tells him to return the sword to his father because he thinks he doesn’t know how to use it.

An Jingzhao reminds Zhou Wei that he cannot get the thing which doesn’t belong to him. But Zhou Wei claims that he can get the everything he wants to get. Li Chuyue lies in the bed. She remembers she fell down when she slept. She thinks she will come back once she wakes up.

An Jingzhao shows up when he takes off his belt. He tells Li Chuyue that he’s going to sleep. She tells him to let her use the bed because she helped him. He reminds her that she’s on the bed. He claims that he didn’t lend the whole bed to her.

Episode 4 of Love Is an Accident ends with An Jingzhao holding Li Chuyue’s hand when he teaches her how to write. Bai Zhi is furious to tear the flower. She complains that An Jingzhao is going to get married with Li Chuyue even if she moves in the villa.

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