Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 3. Li Chuyue looks around. An Jingzhao tells her to hug him tightly so that he can protect her. She hugs him. The wind blows to them. She wonders why there’s a big wind.

What Happens In Love Is an Accident Episode 3?

Love Is an Accident

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 3.

An Jingzhao thinks it’s normal. He tells Li Chuyue not to move. He catches the chance to hug her. He sees the killer. An Jingzhou takes Li Chuyue home. He comforts her that the killers won’t tail them. He tells her that he’s going to leave for a while. He asks her to pretend that he’s in the room.

Li Chuyue thinks nobody is going to come in if she tells them that An Jingzhao sleeps. But An Jingzhao points out that the spy will break into the room if he suspects it. He tells her not to let the spy to get what he wants. She thinks she can catch the chance to flee.

SEE ALSO: Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Li Chuyue comforts An Jingzhao that the task is very easy. He tells her that she can use the bedroom if she completes the task. He adds that he won’t forgive her if she flees. She agrees to what he said that outside is very dangerous.

Li Chuyue thinks she can have the chance to return home if she completes the task. She promises An Jingzhao to complete the task. He leaves her room and goes to the riverside. Dong Hua reports to him that Doctor Luo is waiting for him.

Dong Hua tells An Jingzhao that he has checked that there’s no spies of Zhou Wei at the water house. But he worries that the girl cannot be trusted because he thinks she’s a fool. But An Jingzhao tells Dong Hua that the girl can be trusted. He asks him to respect Li Chuyue.

An Jingzhao takes the boat to see Doctor Luo. He feels happy for seeing him. Doctor Luo flatters An Jingzhao. He wonders why he came to see him. An Jingzhao leaks that his father got drugged. He asks him to treat his father. But Doctor Luo rejects it because he only treats ordinary people.

Doctor Luo tries to leave. But An Jingzhao mentions the murder case of Yang family. He points out that Doctor Luo is the son of Yang family. Doctor Luo thinks An Jingzhao brought up the past for reaching his goal. He tells him that he doesn’t care for the business of Martial Art World.

An Jingzhao reminds Doctor Luo that there will be many people getting involved if Zhou Wei becomes the chief. He asks him if he wants to see people suffering. Doctor Luo tells his student to go to tack peach wine. He wants to drink with An Jingzhao. Dong Hua is very happy.

Does the Spy Break Into Li Chuyue’s Room?

Li Chuyue eats the apple. The guy knocks at the door. He reports to An Jingzhao that he found the killer. He asks him if he’s fine. Li Chuyue tells the guy that An Jingzhao has slept. He reveals he gathered some dewdrop. He wants to come in to take a teapot.

Li Chuyue rejects it. She tells the guy that she’s going to sleep. She thinks the task is very easy when she lies in the bed. But the guy tires to push the door. She pretends that An Jingzhao is sleeping with her. But the guy thinks it’s not An Jingzhao’s voice.

An Jingzhao gets into the room from the window. He sees Li Chuyue kissing the pillow. He tells her to keep her promise. She apologizes to him. The guy leaves. Dong Hua tails the guy. He sees him putting the letter rockery. He takes out the letter from the rockery after the guy left. He reads the letter and puts the letter back.

Episode 3 of Love Is an Accident ends with Zhou Wei taking Master An Cheng Hu to show up. Old Madam An lets Cheng Hu have a seat. He thinks he should give her a birthday present because it’s his mother’s birthday. But she tells him that she doesn’t blame him.

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