Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 2. Li Chuyue lights the candle and makes the water rise. Dong Hua is surprised that the water could rise. She explains the principle to him. An Jingzhao tells Dong Hua to tell the method to Second Young Master.

What Happens In Love Is an Accident Episode 2?

Love Is an Accident

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 2.

An Jingzhou thinks Li Chuyue is very smart. He wonders if she’s Zhou Wei’s woman or not. Dong Hua doesn’t know it as well. An Jingzhou reminds Dong Hua the medicine they got from Beiming. He mentions the medicine can make people tell truth.

An Jingzhao tells Dong Hua to bring the medicine to him. Li Chuyue thinks An Jingzhao believes that she’s not killer. She tells him to tell what he needs to her. Dong Hua brings the medicine to An Jingzhao. An Jingzhao tells Li Chuyue to drink the tea.

SEE ALSO: Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

But Li Chuyue worries that there’s poison in the tea. She mentions what An Jingzhao promised her not to kill her. She tells him to keep his promise. He tells her that it’s just an ordinary tea. But she refuses to drink the tea. She tries to flee.

An Jingzhao stops Li Chuyue. He feeds her the tea. She confesses to him that she wants to hit on a man. It makes him blush. Dong Hua thinks An Jingzhao is sick. He intends to go to invite a doctor. But An Jingzhao rejects it because he’s fine.

An Jingzhao thinks Li Chuyue isn’t Zhou Wei’s woman. But he still suspects her. He tells Dong Hua to lock Li Chuyue in the guest room. Mr. Ling visits An Jingzhao. He tells him that his method worked. He adds that Doctor Luo agreed to meet with him.

But Doctor Luo knew Zhou Wei isn’t the young master. He asked An Jingzhao to come to see him. Mr. Ling wonders who came up with the idea. He’s surprised that there’s an expert on An Jingzhao’s side. An Jingzhao tells Mr. Ling that the person is just a girl he picked up outside. He adds that the girl knew some tricks.

An Jingzhao thinks Mr. Ling is going to visit his aunt. He tells him to bring the cake to his aunt. Mr. Ling thanks An Jingzhao. But he mentions there’re many spies of Zhou Wei in Lingxiao House. He wonders how An Jingzhao is going to avoid the spies.

An Jingzhao comforts Mr. Ling that he has the method on his own. He tells him to go to see his mother. Mr. Ling leaves. He forgot the take the cakes. Li Chuyue thinks she should find a method to escape. She worries that An Jingzhao is going to hurt her.

How Does Li Chuyue Escape from the Guest Room?

Li Chuyue tells the guard to release her. But he tells her that An Jingzhao didn’t allow her to leave her room. She tells him that she wants to go to restroom. But he tells her to resolve it in her room. She complains to him that An Jingzhao isn’t a human.

But the guard tells Li Chuyue not to badmouth their young master. He thinks An Jingzhao is a good person. She tells him that she’s going to die. She reminds him that An Jingzhao will fire him if she passes away. He walks into her room to check on her.

Li Chuyue catches the chance to stun the guard with a pot. She smiles and she wears his clothes. Li Chuyue tries to flee. But she bumps Mr. Ling. He wonders why he didn’t see her. She tells him a lie that she’s a rookie. But he doesn’t believe what she said.

Li Chuyue bumps An Jingzhao when she’s startled to step back. She takes a look at him. She holds his hand and tells Mr. Ling that he wants to be the bodyguard of An Jingzhao. She touches An Jingzhao’s chest by mistake. She thinks everything of himself is very good.

Episode 2 of Love Is an Accident ends with the killers chasing An Jingzhao and Li Chuyue. Li Chuyue tells An Jingzhao that she won’t flee if he saves her life. She swears not to be a designer all her life if she flees again. He takes her to fly away when the killer shoots her.

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