Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Episode 2. Pi-Young breaks into her room after she took a shower. She takes the phone and she tries to kill someone. But the person doesn’t pick up her phone.

Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Episode 2

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Episode 2.

The driver thinks her master is cold when she drives. He denies it. She tells him to be healthy. He takes a look at the window. He turns into Ji-A. A-Mi grabs the dress. Pi-Young runs to the parking lot. Dong-Mi opens the door. She picks up the newspaper.

Dong-Mi returns to the house. She places the newspaper on the table. A-Mi tells Dong-Mi that she’s going to go to the church. Dong-Mi thinks A-Mi doesn’t want to cook. A-Mi turns around. She takes a look at Dong-Mi. Dong-Mi mentions the death when A-Mi tries to wear her shoes.

A-Mi tells Dong-Mi that her father passed away. Ki-Rim arrives at the house. He hands over the cash to the driver. He tells her to keep the change. The madam passes by. She sees Ji-A. She gets in the cab. She asks the driver if she knows the person is a spirit.

The madam is furious to use the item to drive the madam. But the item doesn’t work to the madam. Ji-A tries to open the door of the elevator. But the door doesn’t open. So she chooses to take the stairs. She runs into A-Mi. A-Mi tries to say something to Ji-A. But Ji-A ignores A-Mi.

A-Mi follows Ji-A. She sees her ringing the doorbell. She joins her. Ji-A takes a look at A-Mi. She thinks she’s soft and weak. Yu-Shin opens the door after he saw Ji-A. He wonders why she visited him. But she tells him to go golfing with him when she calls him son.

Yu-Shin mistakes that his daughter is mimicking her grandpa. Dong-Mi shows up. Ji-A is furious to call her. She’s startled when she covers her mouth. Ji-A runs to Dong-Mi. She tries to kill her. But she’s stopped by Yu-Shin. She tells him that he suffered a wrong death because of Dong-Mi. She shakes off his hands.

Dong-Mi is scared to look for A-Mi’s hand when Ji-A is close to her. Ki-Rim tells Dong-Mi not to hide. She hides behind Yu-Shin when Ji-A comes to catch her. Ji-A grabs Dong-Mi’s hair. Dong-Mi cries to tell Ji-A that she’s her grandma.

Ji-A passes out. Yu-Shin carries her to the couch. Pi-Young arrives at the police station. She gets a call from A-Mi who tells her that Ji-A is at her place. A-Mi reveals Ji-A attacked Dong-Mi. She tells Pi-Young to come to her place.

SEE ALSO: Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

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