Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 8 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 8. Sang Tianer tells Wen Xiaoliu that Ye Shiqi is waiting for someone by the river. She thinks Ye Shiqi is waiting for Wen Xiaoliu. But Wen Xiaoliu tells Sang Tianer that she doesn’t know it.

What Happens In Lost You Forever Episode 8?

Lost You Forever

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 8.

Wen Xiaoliu returns to her room. She closes the door. He waits for her. It’s dark. She gets up from the couch and tells him to take a look at the stars. But she finds out that he’s not on her side. She counts the stars. Xiang Liu shows up. He tells Wen Xiaoliu not to pretend to sleep.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu that she cannot hear anything. So he breaks her couch and makes her fall to the ground. She wonders why he came to her yard. He asks her if her man belongs to Tushan Clan. She pretends to know nothing. He grabs her neck and thinks she has ways to make him wish to bite her neck.

Xiang Liu shows his monster looks to Wen Xiaoliu. He asks her if the man is Tushan Jing or not. She thinks he won’t believe it even if she denies it. He laughs to release her. She tells him not to laugh because his laughing looks scary.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu to go to see Tushan Jing because she doesn’t know him. He tells her that he knows her well. He adds that he needs some medicine because the soldiers were poisoned by the miasma. He asks her to let Tushan Jing prepare some medicine.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu that she won’t go to see Tushan Jing even if he eats her. She tries to leave. He stops her and asks her if she wishes to know the looks of the eldest younger master of Tushan family. He reveals the master made Tushan Jing disappear from the wedding.

Xiang Liu asks Wen Xiaoliu if Tushan Jing is going to be alive or not if he helps the eldest younger master of Tushan family kill Tushan Jing. Wen Xiaoliu laughs. She tells Xiang Liu that she wishes to exchange his head with money.

Wen Xiaoliu wonders what Tushan Jing can get from Xiang Liu if he helps him. Xiang Liu tells Wen Xiaoliu that he’s going to kill the eldest younger master of Tushan family if Tushan Jing asks him to do that. Wen Xiaoliu doesn’t believe that Tushan Jing can transfer the money of his family because he just returned home.

Xiang Liu thinks Wen Xiaoliu looks down on Tushan Jing. He thinks the medicine is nothing to Tushan Jing. He reveals Chenrong bought many things from Tushan family. Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu to go to Tushan family to buy the medicine.

Xiang Liu tells Wen Xiaoliu that he’s broke. She thinks he shouldn’t help Chenrong because he’s just a monster. He thinks he should do some boring things because she took care of some fools. She agrees to what he said. She intends to go to Yu Xin’s house to look for Tushan Jing. But he tells her that Tushan Jing is by the river.

Xiang Liu and Wen Xiaoliu find Tushan Jing. Wen Xiaoliu hands over the paper to Tushan Jing. She tells him that she needs some some medicine. She thinks he knows she doesn’t have any money to pay him. He tells her that she doesn’t have to pay it. He leaves.

Wen Xiaoliu decides to go back to sleep. But Xiang Liu stops her. He asks her to follow her before he gets the medicine. She agrees to what he said. Because she wants to test her new poison. He takes her to the camp of Chenrong.

Xiang Liu tells Wen Xiaoliu to open her eyes. She rejects it because she doesn’t want to give him an excuse to kill her. He thinks she shouldn’t know the location of the place if she doesn’t walk around. She opens her eyes and looks around. She follows him to his tent.

Wen Xiaoliu looks around the tent of Liang Liu. She’s surprised that Xiang Liu didn’t live well. She wonders what he does for. He stares at her. She laughs to explain to him that she thinks he’s wronged to stay in the place. He asks her for her medicine.

Wen Xiaoliu hands over the medicine to Xiang Liu. He drinks up the medicine and falls asleep. She takes out the walnut. She smiles and bites her finger. She drops her blood on the walnut. She tells the spirit to work hard. But he doesn’t dare to be close to Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu wakes up. He asks Wen Xiaoliu about what she’s doing. She reveals she’s seeing if he’s killed by her poison. He throws the blanket to her. He tells her to go to sleep. She wakes up in the morning. She lies in his bed.

Wen Xiaoliu cannot sleep because of the voice of the soldiers. She takes the bread to walk out of Xiang Liu’s tent. She sees Xiang Liu training the soldiers when she eats the bread. She’s surprised that he does the things he doesn’t want to do because monsters don’t like rules. She smiles to wave at him.

Does Wen Xiaoliu Kidnap A Nian?

Xiang Liu returns to his tent. Wen Xiaoliu thinks his training is meaningless because he doesn’t have any people to protect. He talks back that her eating is meaningless as well. She thinks he didn’t live well because he doesn’t have any good tea. She drinks up the tea.

SEE ALSO: Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 7 Recap & Ending

Xiang Liu thinks Wen Xiaoliu throw the medical ball into the teapot. He tells her that the medical ball is the feces of a kind of beast. She points out that most of medicines are feces. She thinks it’s nutritious. She continues to drink the tea. But she vomits.

The bodyguard reports to Xiang Liu that there’re two soldiers passing away. Xiang Liu attends the funeral of the soldiers. He pours the wine to the ground. He burns the dead bodies of the two soldiers. Other soldiers sing the song. Wen Xiaoliu knows the intention of those soldiers that they don’t want to surrender.

Wen Xiaoliu apologizes to Xiang Liu for what she said. She praises the soldiers of Chenrong Army. He thinks he can let those soldiers live for a while if he can get the medicine. He tells her that those soldiers should be killed in the battlefield because they’re fighters. She wishes him to get the medicine.

Jing Ye brings the flower to Tushan Jing. He tells her to replace it with ordinary wildflower. She takes the flower away. Yu Xin reports to Tushan Jing that the medicines in the list were bought by someone. He asks him to punish him.

Tushan Jing tells Yu Xin to get up. He decides to go to look for other ways. He tells him to go to tell the clans that he’s going to exchange the medicine with the crystals. But Yu Xin thinks it’s not worth it. Jun Yi reports to Cang Xuan that Tushan family bought some medicine.

Jun Yi thinks Tushan family worked with Xiang Liu. Cang Xuan decides to catch Xiang Liu and Tushan family. The kid tells his master that he’s going to boil the medical dregs because they’re lack of medicine. He agrees to his plan. Wen Xiaoliu drops her blood into the pot after the kid went to help the soldier.

Episode 8 of Lost You Forever ends with Wen Xiaoliu kidnapping A Nian and throwing her to the ground. A Nian blames Wen Xiaoliu for dropping her. Wen Xiaoliu points out that A Nian asked her to do that. She asks her about the feelings that she’s tied up.

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