Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 5 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 5. Xiang Liu tells Wen Xiaoliu that he likes to eat humans. He bites her neck. She’s surprised that he would eat humans. He turns the bite mark into kiss mark.

What Happens In Lost You Forever Episode 5?

Lost You Forever

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 5.

The eagle arrives. Xiang Liu asks Wen Xiaoliu if he needs to come to her. She denies it and walks to him. Ye Shiqi is waiting for Wen Xiaoliu. She gets off the eagle. Xiang Liu lets the eagle leave with him. The eagle makes Wen Xiaoliu trip before he leaves.

Ye Shiqi asks Wen Xiaoliu if she’s fine. He sees the kiss mark on her neck. She blames the eagle when he flies away. She tells Ye Shiqi to rest early. She returns home and sees the flowers he picked for her. She finds the stuff from the bed. She throws the stuff and the flowers out of the window when he’s outside.

Jun Yi goes to see the spy. He asks him what he wants to talk with him. The spy turns around. He turns into Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu lets the spy’s dead body fall from the tree. Jun Yi runs away. He stops and lets his two followers fight with Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu kills Jun Yi’s followers. He hurts Jun Yi and asks him who sent him there when he threatens him with the blade. The bodyguards come. They tie Xiang Liu up with the formation. Jun Yi tells the bodyguards to catch Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu takes out his knife. He kills those bodyguards.

Chuan Zi tells Wen Xiaoliu to come to him. He reveals Ye Shiqi made the dishes she likes. Ye Shiqi puts the dish into Wen Xiaoliu’s bowl. But Wen Xiaoliu gives the dish to Chuan Zi. She asks him if Lao Mu refuses to leave his room.

Chuan Zi plans to ruin A Nian and Hai Tang’s wine store. But Wen Xiaoliu points out that Chuan Zi will get thrown out before he reaches the gate. He tells her that he cannot bear it. She tells him that the princes and the princess live like that.

Chuan Zi doesn’t believe Wen Xiaoliu knows it because he thinks she wasn’t a princess. She’s furious to kick him. Lao Mu walks out of his room. He tells Wen Xiaoliu that he has heard what she said. He tells her that he’s fine. Wen Xiaoliu walks into Cang Xuan’s bar. He welcomes her.

Wen Xiaoliu tastes Cang Xuan’s wine. She thinks the wine is terrible. The customers leave his bar. Hai Tang reports to Cang Xuan that A Nian doesn’t want to eat anything. He lets her give the litchi to A Nian. But Wen Xiaoliu takes over the litchi.

Wen Xiaoliu thinks the litchi is fresh. She tastes the litchi. Cang Xuan tells Wen Xiaoliu not to tease his younger sister. He apologizes to her. But she asks him to let A Nian apologize to Lao Mu. But he wants to replace A Nian to apologize to Lao Mu.

Wen Xiaoliu thinks Cang Xuan is a good older brother. He claims that he should take the duty because he’s the older brother. She mentions the mulberry wine is good. She thinks he made it well because his younger sister likes to drink it.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Cang Xuan to send a few wines to her place. She tells him that she won’t come to his bar to drink if Lao Mu forgives him. He takes the wines to see Lao Mu. He apologizes to him for what his younger sister did to him.

Cang Xuan tries to drink the wine. But Lao Mu stops Cang Xuan. He mentions he gave the wines to him. He drinks up the wine and thinks he’s a good person. He tells him that he accepts him as his brother. He forgives A Nian because he treats A Nian as his younger sister as well.

Cang Xuan drinks with Lao Mu. Wen Xiaoliu watches Cang Xuan. She thinks he’s interesting. Cang Xuan is drunk to leave Lao Mu’s house. Wen Xiaoliu complains to Lao Mu and Cang Xuan that she’s tired when she cleans the table. Ye Shiqi tries to help Wen Xiaoliu.

But Wen Xiaoliu rejects it. Ye Shiqi thinks she’s still in anger. She denies it because Lao Mu and Cang Xuan became brothers. Ye Shiqi tells Wen Xiaoliu that he wishes her to talk to him like she did before. A Sang takes Cang Xuan home. He thinks he didn’t have to apologize to Lao Mu.

Cang Xuan fears Wen Xiaoliu because she poisoned Hai Tang. He thinks he shouldn’t make trouble. A Sang complains to Cang Xuan that there would be no trouble if A Nian didn’t hurt Lao Mu. Cang Xuan thinks A Nian was just bored. He wonders why Jun Yi doesn’t come back. He thinks something happened to Jun Yi.

Wen Xiaoliu wishes to kill Xiang Liu. She’s startled when she sees him. She tells him that she didn’t curse him. He lets her come to him. He bites her neck. He asks her if she fears him. She denies it because he just drank her blood.

Why Wen Xiaoliu Hides in Cang Xuan’s Cellar?

Xiang Liu tells Wen Xiaoliu that he’s going to cook her. She tells him to do anything to her because she belongs to him. He thinks she told a lie to him. She notes that he was hurt. She wonders who hurt him. He lies in her bed. She has to sleep on the floor.

SEE ALSO: Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

Wen Xiaoliu goes to the kitchen to take the charcoal stick. She tries to draw something on Xiang Liu’s face. But he wakes up. She tells him to heal himself. She draws nine eyes on his face. She’s happy to let him look at himself in the mirror.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu that she wishes to see his nine heads. He swears to eat her. She runs away before she thinks he’s going to recover. She walks out of her house. She sees Ye Shiqi. She lets him come to her. He’s very happy. But he sees the kiss mark on her neck.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Ye Shiqi to watch Xiang Liu. She thinks Xiang Liu will leave after he wakes up. She runs to Cang Xuan’s cellar to drink the wine. She thinks the place is good because there’re wines accompanying her. She thinks Xiang Liu won’t guess that she’s hiding in the cellar.

Jun Yi reports to Cang Xuan that the helpers were killed by Xiang Liu. He worries that he will be hurt if Xiang Liu looks into it. Cang Xuan thinks he should kill Xiang Liu because he refused to be used by him. He plans to kill Xiang Liu when he was hurt.

Ye Shiqi walks into Wen Xiaoliu’s room. He sees the white hair from the blanket. He changes the blanket. Wen Xiaoliu goes to the kitchen to look for food. She finds the chicken. Cang Xuan shows up behind her. She explains to him that she’s hungry.

Cang Xuan tells Wen Xiaoliu that he’s hungry as well. He asks her to have meal with him. She agrees to it. He asks her to taste the wine he just made. She worries that he found out that she hid in his cellar. She thinks he’s going to poison her.

Cang Xuan takes out the knife. He cuts the chicken with the knife. He asks Wen Xiaoliu to taste the chicken. She thinks the dishes were cooked by A Nian. Cang Xuan denies it. He tells Wen Xiaoliu that A Nian only knows to eat. She thinks A Nian is very lucky.

Episode 5 of Lost You Forever ends with A Sang telling Cang Xuan that Wen Xiaoliu is just a doctor. Cang Xuan lets A Sang look at him. A Sang thinks Cang Xuan is just a wine seller. Cang Xuan thinks Wen Xiaoliu hid deeply. He tells A Sang to let Jun Yi look into Wen Xiaoliu.

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