Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 3. The beggar walks out of the bathroom. Wen Xiaoliu tells him to leave. But he has no place to go. She asks him about his name. He’s silent. She learns that he doesn’t want to tell his name to her.

What Happens In Lost You Forever Episode 3?

Lost You Forever

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 3.

The beggar thinks he’s Wen Xiaoliu’s servant since she saved him. He asks her to give a name to him. She thinks he doesn’t like the one who would listen to her order. She tells him that she doesn’t need him. He tells her that he will listen to her.

Wen Xiaoliu asks the beggar if he will listen to her when he runs into the people he knows. He promises it so that she keeps him. The boss is furious to walk away. Wen Xiaoliu lets Ma Zi give the licorice to the beggar. Ma Zi tells the beggar that the licorice is good for his voice.

Ma Zi thinks they shouldn’t call the person beggar. Wen Xiaoliu decides to call the guy licorice. Ma Zi is against it because he doesn’t wish the beggar to get the name like them. Wen Xiaoliu is furious to kick Ma Zi. She thinks his name is good.

Chuan Zi explains to Wen Xiaoliu that the name isn’t suitable for the beggar. She asks him if he thinks the beggar is better than her. He asks her if she wishes to hear a lie. She throws the branch to him. She tells him to count the leaves.

Chuan Zi tells Wen Xiaoliu that there’re 17 leaves. She gives the name Ye Shiqi to the beggar. Wen Xiaoliu decides to flee again after she had breakfast. The boss is furious to beat her. Ye Shiqi packs the dishes for Wen Xiaoliu. He goes to the riverside to wash the dishes.

The boss finds Ye Shiqi. He asks him who he is. Ye Shiqi remembers the person told him that he’s nobody after he gave up his position. Ye Shiqi asked the people to help him. But they ignored him. He had to cry when he climbed on the ground.

The beggar tells the boss that he’s Ye Shiqi. The kid wears the mask. He claims that he’s nine heads snake monster Xiang Liu. He chases other kids. A Nian runs into the kid. She thinks the nine heads snake monster is a nobody because she didn’t hear the name before.

A Sang tells A Nian that Xiang Liu is the top role. She wonders if Xiang Liu is better than her older brother. A Sang tries to tell A Nian the truth. But Cang Xuan stares at A Sang. A Nian smiles to walk away. The bodyguard tells Cang Xuan that he’s going to help him kill Xiang Liu.

But Cang Xuan rejects it because he wants to use Xiang Liu. He tells the bodyguard to talk with the spy on how to let Xiang Liu join him. The boss gives the present to the man. But the man refuses to accept the present. The boss tells the man to think about it.

But the man rejects it because he only has one daughter Chun Tao. He tells the boss not to mention the marriage if he cannot gather the wedding gifts. He takes Chun Tao to return to the room. The boss Uncle Mu counts the gold. He thinks the money isn’t enough.

Chuan Zi is surprised that marrying a wife should spend so much. He takes Ma Zi to drink. Uncle Mu complains that Ma Zi has to wait for two years to get married. Wen Xiaoliu hears what Uncle Mu said. She decides to go to the mountain to collect herbs.

Lao Mu notes it. Wen Xiaoliu thinks Ma Zi’s marriage cannot be delayed. She tells Lao Mu not to let the wife Ma Zi sees run away. She thinks she can resolve Ma Zi and Chuan Zi’s marriages together if she can dig three spiritual herbs.

Lao Mu points out that the spiritual herbs grow at the place of Chenrong Army. He adds that the army teacher Xiang Liu cannot be gotten along. Wen Xiaoliu points out that Xiang Liu has to follow the army rules even if he’s heartless.

Does The Eagle Eat Fei Fei?

Wen Xiaoliu walks in the woods. He finds out that Ye Shiqi is following her. She tells him to go home. She adds that there’s a monster in Chenrong Army. She thinks he cannot come out after he gets into Chenrong Army. She learns that he insists on following her.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Ye Shiqi to follow her. He carries the bag for her. He hands over the dried meat to her when they take a break. She wonders which girl is going to get him since he’s so considerate. They arrive at the stone tablet.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Ye Shiqi not to pass the stone tablet because the place belongs to Chenrong Army. She sees the feces of Fei Fei. She tells him to wait for him because she’s going to go to catch Fei Fei. But he stops her because he wants to go with her.

SEE ALSO: Lost You Forever Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

But Wen Xiaoliu worries that Fei Fei will run away if Ye Shiqi goes to catch Fei Fei with her. She reminds Ye Shiqi that Ma Zi and Chuan Zi’s marriages rely on Fei Fei. He promises to wait for her. She tells him to go home if he cannot wait.

Wen Xiaoliu turns around. She takes a look at Ye Shiqi. She thinks he will leave after he’s tried because she doesn’t believe that he will wait for her all his life. She remembers Fei Fei likes to listen to young girl’s sing. She sings.

Fei Fei comes out. Wen Xiaoliu smiles at Fei Fei. She thinks she’s help her resolve the worry when she’s going to be sold. She tells her to leave because she doesn’t want to catch her for the money. But the eagle comes to catch Fei Fei.

Fei Fei is scared to jump into Wen Xiaoliu’s arms. Wen Xiaoliu throws the poison to the eagle and tries to run away because she doesn’t wish her to catch Fei Fei. Xiang Liu casts the leaf to Wen Xiaoliu and hurts her face. He mentions what he told the eagle that humans are sly.

The eagle passes out. Wen Xiaoliu throws the poison to Xiang Liu. But it doesn’t work for him. Wen Xiaoliu tries to run away. But Xiang Liu blocks her way. She gives up Fei Fei and tells her to flee. She asks Xiang Liu for his mercy.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu that she’s a doctor. She gives the antidote to him. He casts the antidote to his pet the eagle. The eagle wakes up. Wen Xiaoliu asks Xiang Liu to forgive Fei Fei. But the eagle eats Fei Fei. Xiang Liu flies to Wen Xiaoliu. He lets his followers catch her.

Wen Xiaoliu is tied up in Xiang Liu’s tent. Xiang Liu returns to his tent. His mask disappears. Wen Xiaoliu recognizes Xiang Liu. The bodyguard reports to Xiang Liu that he has looked into Wen Xiaoliu. He tells him that Wen Xiaoliu is a doctor.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu what she said are true. She tells him that her families wish her to come back. But he asks her who she is because he only believes his judgment. But she doesn’t know who she is. She remembers she was scared when she forgot her looks.

Wen Xiaoliu tells Xiang Liu that she’s a person who got given up. She wants to be Wen Xiaoliu all her life. He tells her to be used by him if she wants to be alive. Cang Xuan puts the blanket on A Sang when A Sang lies on the couch. A Nian thinks Cang Xuan is too nice to A Sang.

Episode 3 of Lost You Forever ends with Xiang Liu telling Wen Xiaoliu to listen to him when he summons her. She agrees to it. But she points out that she cannot make any medicine. He threatens her to exchange it with her body when she cannot make the medicine.

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