Let Me Introduce Her Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 1-2

These are 1-2th episodes of Let Me Introduce Her Korean Drama, Hyun Seo is chased by thugs, and wants Kang Woo to change her looks. But he needs a reason to do the surgery, until sees the scar around her wrist. Let Me Introduce Her makes tension through Hyun Seo scared emotion, it drives me to watch the next episode to see what will happen.

Let Me Introduce Her Korean Drama Recap: Episode 1

Let Me Introduce Her

Note: These are specific plot spoilers for Let Me Introduce Her Korean Drama Episodes 1-2.

Shin Hyun Seo wakes up from hospital, and is scared to see her face from the mirror with scream. It’s flashback to 10 days ago, she tries to avoid a man in the train, and takes a peek at him. She is vigilance to look around while walking at street, and shows up at the funeral. She sees a woman is crying, and wants to walk to her. But a thug shows up from the stairs, she is startled, and hides herself behind the pillar. The thug says that he is waiting for Hyun Seo at her aunt’s funeral, and wants to cut her throat. She tears up, as she cannot greet her mother and her brother because of the thug.

Hyun Seo’s mother and brother talk about her who went missing two months. She wonders if Hyun Seo has meals, he thinks his mother know why his sister left home. But she yells at him, and thinks her daughter is torture her.

A handsome guy Kang Woo shows up at the funeral, and bows to Chae Young’s mother. He tells Chae Young to take care of herself, and wants to leave. But she stops him to says that she has something to say. He ignores her words, and goes straightly. She says that she gets divorced, and wants to get back with him. He pushes her against to the wall, and tells her that their relationship ended seven years ago. She sighs after he left.

Shin Hyun comes to her mother after the thug went to restroom, but she finds out he is waiting her at the stairs, and gathers other thugs to catch her. She flees after getting in the elevator, so that the thugs take the stairs.

He catches her after she showed at at the parking lot, and tells her that he chose to play hide-and-seek game with her is because he waited the double ransom. But she tells him she isn’t cheap, and catches the chance to beat him down. She hurts her arm as well.

Kang Woo recalls Chae Young’s words, and says that there won’t be any woman in his life again. Shin Hyun shows up, and asks him to help her while he is driving. He lets her to get in after seeing the thugs want to kill her.

He gets off the car to buy her medicine since her arm is bleeding, but she disappeared after he returned.

Hyun Seo is startled by Seok Joon, after returning home. She is frightened, and wants to go back. But he reminds her the danger to go back. She tears up, and thinks she was too greedy. Just then he gets a call from So Young’s mom, but he doesn’t pick up.

Kang Woo runs into Hee Young who is picking up ingredients at the market. Hee Young asks Kang Woo why Chae Young contacted him, and thinks she wanted to help Kang Woo with her money. But Kang Woo doesn’t answer him, and go to buy mom’s favorite tea.

Ja Young shows up at the funeral, and asks Chae Young to work at her company. Chae Young is curious what her reason is, Ja Young gives her the present Ms. Jung prepared. Ms. Jung says she can put her mother’s photos in the frames to remember her. But Chae Young wants to put the photos of someone else instead of her mom, and reveals she proposed to him. Ja Young asks Chae Young to have meal together, Chae Young accepts it.

Ja Young is curious which male Chae Young proposed, and says she will ask him to accept her proposal. Ms. Jung asks Ja Young why she wants to flatter Chae Young so much. Ja Young reveals she wants her to fight with Chan Ki. She promises Ms. Jung that she will give her everything she wants, if she can convince Chan Ki. But Ms. Jung claims she is satisfied with her job.

Hee Young holds a dish of octopus to step in, and thinks Kang Woo’s mom will relieved if he takes a woman better than Chae Young to visit her. Kang Woo thinks it’s fine, and goes to make her mother flavored tea. Drunk Young Cheol ruins the memorial service, and thinks his wife doesn’t deserve to be happy. Kang Woo yells at his father, and says that his mom died because of paying off her debt. Young Cheol thinks his son doesn’t respect him, and yells at Kang Woo. But Hee Young reveals all of the money he earned returning to the creditor. Hee Young chases Kang Woo outside, and thinks he should pour his mom a drink at least. But Kang Woo runs away.

He runs at street, and recalls Young Cheol’s words. He stops because his heart beats too fast, and sees Hyun Seo jumping off from the high platform.

Let Me Introduce Her Korean Drama Recap: Episode 2

Kang Woo passes out because of heart attack, she gives him the artificial respiration, until he wakes up. Hee Young shows up at the emergency medical center, and asks Kang Woo if he is ok. The doctor says that he was a luck guy to be saved by someone else. Kang Woo tells Hee Young that he asked his mom to help him, when he was almost dead. But Hee Young is jealous to him, as he got the mouth to mouth resuscitation from a pretty girl. Kang Woo reveals the girl is chased by thugs, and hopes her to live well.

Hyun Seo goes down stairs from the cafe after seeing nobody is there. She picks up her photo, and returns when the thug Mr. Kim is waiting for him at the 1st floor. She knows Kang Woo is a plastic surgeon after watching the news, and makes the decision while looking at her own photo.

Ms. Jung fixes tie for Chan Ki, and tells him Ja Young asked her to convince him. But he thinks Ja Young shouldn’t have false hope. Reporter Hyun Soo gets a call from Hyun Seo who asks her for the phone number of Kang Woo. But Hyun Soo claims he cannot to give out it to anyone, until Hyun Seo mentions Chan Ki’s name.

Hee Young is excited to tell Kang Woo that there is a pretty woman who is waiting him at his office. Kang Woo doesn’t know who she is, until he sees Hyun Seo. He asks her to leave after she asked him to change her looks for her, because she is pretty enough.

Ja Young decides to ask the CEO of SBS to fire Chan Ki after Ms. Jung failed her mission. But Chan Ki reminds her that he owns big amount of female audiences. She is out of mind, and says the company belongs to her as well. He thinks the company will get benefits if he gets rid of the rotten parts.

Tae Soo waits Kang Woo at the parking lot, and tells him to do the surgery for Hyun Seo. Kang Woo asks him for the reason, Tae Soo mentions the scars on Hyun Seo’s wrist, and says that he saved her too times, but he cannot save her each time.

Kang Woo says that Hyun Seo is obstruction of business since she shows up at his office everyday. She claims he is the one refusing to do surgery, and puts a knife on the desk. He thinks she is threatening him, but she says that she comes there to survive. He asks her to tell him the reason. She kneels down in front of him, and cries out.

Hee Young persuades Kang Woo to do the surgery for Hyun Seo, Kang Woo gives him the photo of her new face, and says that he is going to turn her into a different person naturally. Hee Young is very happy, but his face falls after knowing Kang Woo will do it free for her.

Kang Woo notices Hyun Seo is still wearing the bracelet before the surgery. She holds his hand, and says that it’s her lucky charm, nothing bad will happen when she wears it.

1 thought on “Let Me Introduce Her Korean Drama Recap: Episodes 1-2”

  1. OMG! yes someone is recapping this show , i am loving it so far i’ve caught up finally to the latest episodes i am really enjoying the story its different and might not be everyone’s come of tea but its great.

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