Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 2. Han-Soo feels happy when he eats with his parents. But he tells Joseon Attorney that his mother sold her hair to get the fish. Han-Soo’s father feels guilty.

Does Cheol-Joo Betray Master Jang?

Joseon Attorney

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 2.

Han-Soo’s father sells his books to buy his wife a present. He runs into Han-Soo on the street. He hands over the present to him. He tells him to give it to his mother. Han-Soo returns home. He runs into a woman who just walked out of his house.

Han-Soo’s mother feels happy after Han-Soo gave the present to her. He sees the package. He opens the package and finds the treasure. Master Jang breaks into the house with the bodyguards. He tells the bodyguards to search the house. He beats Han-Soo. Han-Soo’s mother is hurt for protecting Han-Soo.

SEE ALSO: Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

Han-Soo is hung. He tells Master Jang that he will help him if he releases him. Master Jang laughs. He doesn’t believe that Han-Soo has the ability. He walks aside. The thugs are close to Han-Soo. Han-Soo takes over the knife from the thug. He cuts off the rope with the knife. He fights with the thugs. He tells Master Jang that he will help him get the painting.

But Master Jang doesn’t trust Han-Soo because he fooled him before. He tells him that he will kill Yeon-Joo if he doesn’t bring the painting to him. Yeon-Joo sees Master Jang off. She tells Han-Soo that she wanted to give him her trust.

Yeon-Joo tells Han-Soo that she has feelings for him. But he thinks she’s crazy. He puts his hand on her forehead. He tells her that she’s sick. Han-Soo tells Yeon-Joo that he will complete the task within five days. She tells him to leave.

Dong-Chi walks Han-Soo in the woods. He doesn’t believe that the girl has feelings for Han-Soo. Han-Soo mentions Yeon-Joo apologized to him. He gets angry. He returns home and Dong-Chi. He takes a bath. Dong-Chi asks Han-Soo about his plan.

Han-Soo thinks they should release Pyo. He believes that he will get money from Master Jang if he gives the painting to him. Dong-Chi is furious to blame Han-Soo for locking Pyo up. He complains to him that he has looked for Pyo.

Han-Soo calms Dong-Chi down. Han-Soo mentions Pyo stole the painting from Great Ming. He thanks Pyo for helping him use Master Jang. Dong-Chi wonders how Han-Soo will fool Master Jang. He thinks Master Jang isn’t related to Pyo. Han-Soo visits Pyo in the jail. He tells him that he will be killed if he doesn’t hire him.

Pyo points out that he has no money. Han-Soo reminds Pyo that he has a painting. Pyo asks Han-Soo for a ship. Han-Soo reports it to Master Jang. He asks him to testify. Master Jang agrees to it for the contract of the palace. Cheol-Joo tells Master Jang not to trust. He asks him for a chance to look into Han-Soo.

Cheol-Joo goes to see Yeon-Joo. He leaks that Han-Soo intends to defend a children kidnapper. She asks him to release her when he puts the knife on her neck. She tells him that he wants to stop Han-Soo. She claims that she knew nothing about Han-Soo’s plan.

Cheol-Joo releases Yeon-Joo. He tells her to go to give Han-Soo a lesson. She realizes that he wants to use her to deal with Han-Soo. She runs away. Yeon-Joo goes to see Han-Soo. She drinks with him. She tells him that she wants to trust him.

Cheol-Joo tells the judge that Master Jang was the criminal. He reveals there’re many children in the ship. Cheol-Joo was on the way to save Master Jang. Han-Soo stopped Cheol-Soo. He told him that he will help him replace Master Jang.

Master Jang tells the judge that the two worked together to wrong him. But Cheol-Joo tells the judge what he said is the truth. Han-Soo asks Master Jang to tell them where he went that day. The judge agrees to what Han-Soo said. Master Jang remembers he let Je-Soo enjoy the drug. He tries to tell the judge the truth.

Cheol-Joo shakes his head when he looks Master Jang. He tells him that he will be over if he tells the judge the truth. Master Jang tells the judge that he forgot it. The judge tells Master Jang that he will continue the lawsuit if he remembers what he did. He lets the bodyguards take him away.

Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama: Episode 2 Ending

Joseon Attorney: A Morality K-Drama ends with Yeon-Joo running to Han-Soo when he’s feeding the horse. She shows her new dress to him. She tells him that she’s going to work with him. She tells him to hire her. She smiles at him.

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