I May Love You: Episode 9 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for I May Love You: Episode 9. Tang Dingding asks Tang Xin if her older brother came. Tang Xin denies it. But Tang Dingding saw Tang Yu’s car. Tang Yu shows up. He tries to leave when he sees Tang Dingding.

Does Tang Yu Have Feelings for Tang Xin?

I May Love You

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for I May Love You: Episode 9.

But Tang Dingding stops Tang Yu. She asks him why he’s there. He explains to her that he just moved in. Tang Xin learns that Tang Yu is her neighbor. She thinks he’s interesting because he gave up his villa. She returns to her room.

Tang Dingding asks Tang Yu what happened to him. He denies it and he tries to close the door. But she stops him. She thinks he intended to do so. It flashes back. Tang Yu calls the agent. He tells him that he wishes to get two houses. He asks him not to leak it to Tang Dingding.

He reveals he wishes to buy Tang Dingding and her friend houses. The agent realizes that Tang Yu has feelings for Tang Dingding’s friend. He thinks he’s going to chase the girl. Tang Yu admits it. He reveals he has to be close to be the girl because the girl is hard to get.

Tang Yu tells Tang Dingding about what happened. She blames him for tricking his real sister. Tang Xin lets Tang Dingding in. Tang Dingding persuades Tang Xin to invite Tang Yu. But Tang Xin reveals she didn’t prepare Tang Yu’s meal.

Tang Dingding walks into Tang Xin’s room. She tells Tang Xin that her older brother is chasing her. She reveals Tang Yu bought Tang Xin the house. She thinks it’s her brother when someone rings the doorbell. But she finds out that it’s Tang Xin’s friend.

Tang Dingding is drunk after she drank. Tang Yu brings the water to her. He tells her not to sleep at his house. She asks him if he’s chasing Tang Xin. He admits it and he reveals he has feelings for Tang Xin. But she points out that Tang Xin doesn’t like him.

How Does Tang Xin Know Tang Yu Wishes to Chase Her?

Tang Dingding mentions Tang Xin didn’t sign a contract with Tang Yu. Tang Yu drives Tang Dingding out of his house. He visits Tang Xin. He calls her and asks her to open the door. Because he wishes to tell something to her. She opens the door. He asks her if she doesn’t forgive him after he bullied her. She reveals she’s a bully.

Assistant Gao calls Tang Yu when Tang Yu is cooking eggs. Tang Yu asks Assistant Gao if he wants to eat eggs. He tells him that he’s going to bring breakfast to him. He waits for Tang Xin until she walks out of her house. He hands over the breakfast to her. He tells her that he has changed.

He tells her that it’s his turn to chase her. She mentions what he told her that they’re not suitable. She asks him about what he means. He tells her that he regrets. He wishes to take back what he said. She thinks he doesn’t want to give up her because he didn’t expect that she would leave him.

She asks him if he isn’t used to it when she didn’t tangle him. He denies it. She believes that she will recover if he doesn’t tangle her. She tells him that she’s not the one he can play with. She leaves. Tang Dingding intends to help the employee. But the girl tells Tang Dingding that she doesn’t need her help because she’s just a worker.

Director Lu invites Tang Xin to watch the movie with her. He promises to take Mr. Feng. She agrees to it. Tang Dingding texts Tang Xin. She complains to her that all of the people at the company knew her identity. She asks her to compensate her.

She reveals Tang Yu confessed to her that he’s chasing Tang Xin. She asks Tang Xin if she’s going to be her sister-in-law. Tang Xin remembers Tang Yu told her that he wants to chase her. She thinks she doesn’t have to agree to it even if Tang Yu chases her.

Why Doesn’t Tang Xin Accept Tang Yu?

Tang Dingding tells Tang Xin that Shen Fei wished to invite her to attend her party. But Tang Xin rejects it because she’s very busy. Assistant Gao reports to Tang Yu that Zhou Jialu wishes to end the contract because the drama is hard to her.

He reveals Zhou Jialu intends to star Director Lu’s drama. He comforts Tang Yu that Zhou Jialu cannot pay the penalty. But Tang Yu tells Assistant Gao to let Zhou Jialu end the contract. Manager Tian thanks Assistant Gao when he talks with him over the phone. He promises to buy Tang Yu a meal.

Zhou Jialu learns that Tang Yu agreed to end the contract. But she likes the role. She worries that she will leave the bad impression to Tang Yu. Manager Tian tells Zhou Jialu not to think of Tang Yu. He mentions Tang Yu ignored her when they had rumors.

He tells her to chase Huo Chendong. But she rejects it. Tang Xin attends Shen Fei’s party. Tang Dingding mentions what Tang Xin told her that she wouldn’t come. Tang Xin reveals she wants to help You Huan. Tang Dingding wonders why Tang Xin didn’t accept Tang Yu.

Tang Xin walks out of the room. She thinks Tang Yu just likes her just like Ming Zhu. She remembers the director told her that Tang Yu flied to see Ming Zhu after Tang Yu heard Ming Zhu was hurt. She cries when she remembers Tang Yu kissed her. Tang Dingding is drunk to ask Tang Xin if she doesn’t accept Tang Yu because Tang Yu let her help him chase Ming Zhu. Tang Yu shows up. He mentions what he told Tang Dingding not to drink.

Episode 9 of I May Love You ends with Tang Yu carrying the drunk Tang Xin home. He puts her on the bed. She smiles when she strokes his face. He tries to explain Ming Zhu’s case to her. But she doesn’t want to listen to it. She hugs him and tells him that she wants to tell her secret to him. He mentions her secret is that she likes him.

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