Good Partner Episode 1 Recap: Rookie Lawyer

This is the recap for Good Partner Episode 1. The lawyer Eun-Kyung walks out of the court. She tells the reporters that she did her best for her client. Yu-Ri arrives at the law firm Daejeong. She receives a message from someone. She’s asked to the 15th floor.

Good Partner Episode 1

Yu-Ri remembers the interviewer promised to send her to corporate department. She walks into the building. She sees the screen. She learns that the corporate department is on 13th floor. But she was asked to to to 15th floor where is divorce department.

Woo-Jin walks into the office. He confirms that the new employee will be sent to his department. Yu-Ri walks into the divorce department. Eun-Ho welcomes her. He reveals she will join Eun-Kyung’s team. Eun-Kyung shows up. She has an eye contact with Yu-Ri.

Woo-Jin walks into Eun-Kyung’s office. He asks Eun-Kyung not to fire the recruit. Yu-Ri is in the meeting room. She remembers she had a fight with Eun-Kyung about the divorce case. An angry client breaks into Eun-Kyung’s office. He tries to beat Eun-Kyung.

Woo-Jin stops him. He asks him for a men talk. They’re outside Eun-Kyung’s office. We learn that the client’s name is Mr. Kim. Eun-Kyung meets with Yu-Ri. Eun-Kyung reveals Yu-Ri is the only recruit who was sent to divorce department.

She tells Yu-Ri that she needs to win ten cases if she wants to go to corporate department. She asks her to buy a watch and a car. Eun-Ho walks into Yu-Ri’s office. He brings 60 cases to her. Eun-Kyung informs Yu-Ri that she needs to go to the conference room to see the client.

Yu-Ri doesn’t know where the conference room is. Eun-Kyung guides her. Yu-Ri is told that she needs to see the client alone. The client Jong-Sik shows up. Yu-Ri learns that her client cheated on his wife. She meets with Jong-Sik in the conference room.

He denies it when she thinks he cheated on his wife. He reveals his wife suffers from delusional jealously. His son Min-Joon supports him. He tells Yu-Ri that his mother is sick. Yu-Ri learns that her client doesn’t want to get a divorce. She promises him that she will dismiss the case.

But she gets scolded by Eun-Kyung. Eun-Kyung tells her to clear the case fast. But Yu-Ri chooses to trust her client. Yu-Ri and Eun-Kyung are in the car. Yu-Ri is studying how to answer the judge’s questions. Eun-Kyung gives her some tips.

Yu-Ri tries to make the judge believe that the plaintiff Eun-Hee has a paranoia. But the plaintiff’s lawyer brings the evidence that defendant had an affair. Eun-Hee’s mother grabs Yu-Ri’s collar outside the court. She thinks she’s Jong-Sik’s woman.

Eun-Kyung picks up Yu-Ri’s badge after Yu-Ri left. Yu-Ri is in the restroom. She hears Eun-Hee badmouthing her. Yu-Ri is in Eun-Kyung’s car. Eun-Kyung returns the badge to Yu-Ri. She persuades her to lead the client to confess. Yu-Ri gets a message from Jong-Sik. She’s told that he’s coming to her office.

Yu-Ri meets with Jong-Sik. She’s furious to show him the evidence. But he gives her a perfect explanation. He claims that he just texted the lady Eun-Ji if she needs drink. Eun-Kyung laughs after she heard the client’s explanation. She tells Yu-Ri to let the judge make the decision.

Woo-Jin asks Eun-Ho to be nice to Yu-Ri. Eun-Ho takes Yu-Ri to a restaurant. He learns that she doesn’t want to do divorce case because she doesn’t like Eun-Kyung. He persuades her to listen to her boss. Yu-Ri begins her second hearing. She does a better job this time. She shows the evidence that the plaintiff treated her as the defendant’s mistress.

Yu-Ri has a fight with Eun-Hee outside the court. She learns that Jong-Sik cheated six times. Eun-Hee begs Jong-Sik to get a divorce with her. Yu-Ri is on the bus. She thinks about Eun-Hee’s words. Eun-Kyung returns home to see her daughter.

Eun-Hee walks out of the court. She failed her case. She blames Yu-Ri. Yu-Ri overhears it. She calls Jong-Sik. But a woman picks up her phone. We see Jong-Sik sleeping with the woman. Yu-Ri informs Jong-Sik that they won. She drinks with her colleagues after she won.

Eun-Kyung attends the company dinner. She claims that she needs to go to the radio show. Woo-Jin and Yu-Ri are outside the restaurant. He tells her that Eun-Kyung was proud of her. She gets in the taxi. She listens to Eun-Kyung’s radio show. Eun-Kyung claims that she loves her job.

Eun-Kyung gets a call from Sa-Ra. She’s told that she left the report in the office. She decides to come to take her report. Yu-Ri returns to her office. She decides to resign because she trusted a bad guy. She remembers there’s a relaxing room on 16th floor.

SEE ALSO: Good Partner Episode 2 Recap: Perfect Win

Eun-Kyung comes to her office to take her papers. Yu-Ri finds the relaxing room. She sees Eun-Kyung’s husband cheating on Eun-Kyung. She’s shocked to cover her mouth. She runs out of the relaxing room. She runs into Eun-Kyung. Eun-Kyung calls Yu-Ri.

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