‘Go Go Squid’ Season 2 Dt.Appledog’s Time Episode 1 Recap: Lover’s Dream

This is the recap for ‘Go Go Squid’ Season 2 Dt.Appledog’s Time Episode 1 Recap. Wu Bai takes his men to arrive at the field. He’s going to take part in the robot fight game. His rival is Ai Qing the Appledog. Ai Qing is in the cab. It’s raining outside.

'Go Go Squid' Season 2 Dt.Appledog's Time Episode 1

Ai Qing encounters a traffic jam. She gets off the cab and she carries the suitcase to run in the rain. The staff in the field welcomes Wu Bai. He takes him and his team members to changing room. Wu Bai hears the staff says that Ai Qing doesn’t arrive.

Wu Bai gives his bag to the team member. He runs out of the building. Someone bumps Ai Qing when she runs on the street. Her suitcase falls into the sewer. The remote in the suitcase is flushed away. Wu Bai shows up when he holds umbrella for Ai Qing. He volunteers to help her.

Ai Qing and Wu Bai return to the lobby. The team member wonders why Wu Bai is soaked since he took the umbrella to go out. Wu Bai takes off his cap and he asks the team member to go to take a dry towel for him. The team member runs away.

Ai Qing thanks Wu Bai. She reaches out her hand to him when she introduces herself. He holds her hand and he introduces himself to her. The game begins. Wu Bai and Ai Qing control their robots to fight with each other. The anchor thinks Ai Qing takes the leadership.

Wu Bai takes a look at Ai Qing. He finds out that her remote setting hasn’t changed. He thinks her operating style is sharper than seven years ago. He reveals he has waited for the moment for seven years. He mentions he stands in front of her as a player.

Wu Bai’s robot is beaten by Ai Qing’s robot. Wu Bai is excited to tell 97 that he’s playing with Ai Qing. But 97 asks Wu Bai to fight it back. Wu Bai drives his robot to turn over Ai Qing’s robot. But Ai Qing doesn’t give up. She hits Wu Bai’s robot.

97 persuades Wu Bai not to fight with Ai Qing. Because he knows they will get the championship if they consume the time. But Wu Bai doesn’t want to do so. Ai Qing’s robot Tornado bites Wu Bai’s robot Nameless Boy and pushes him to the flame trap. But Nameless Boy pushes Tornado to the mace. But they’re hit by mace. The two robots are paralysis. Tornado moves. The anchor thinks Ai Qing is going to win. But Nameless Boy uses his weapon to flip himself. He recovers his kinetic energy. He wins in the end.

Ai Qing takes a look at Wu Bai. They have an eye contact. They walk to each other. Ai Qing mentions Wu Bai is going to go to Singapore to take part in the game. She asks him not to lose the face of Chinese. He agrees to it. Wu Bai goes to the stage. The guy gives the medal to him. He congratulates him.

Ai Qing tries to leave. But another guy stops her. She’s surprised to see him. He reminds her that he’s the member of organizing committee. He asks her about her feelings. She reveals she regretted. But he points out that she got two champions and one runner-up.

She sees Wu Bai taking over the trophy. She sighs and she thinks she lost to a rookie. She feels shame. Wu Bai lifts the trophy. The anchor congratulates Wu Bai. Ai Qing asks her friend about the history of Wu Bai. He reveals the guy is studying overseas and he came back to team up a team.

He tells Ai Qing that Wu Bai is the top student. He thinks it wasn’t shame to lose to the guy. But he knows she would feel regret because she can only take part in Asian Championship after she get the champion. He mentions it was her wish.

She swears to work hard for her wish. But her friend tells her that he has a way. He mentions he’s the team leader of the Chinese Team. He asks her to join DT Team as the Vice Captain. But she thinks they should ask Wu Bai first. Her friend thinks Wu Bai won’t be against it because Ai Qing and Wu Bai have same goal.

But Ai Qing tells him that she won’t accept the proposal. She takes a look at the poster and she decides to take part in the sprint game. She mentions the solo sprint game champion can go to Singapore taking part in the game. She leaves.

Ai Qing walks out of the building. She looks at the night sky. She remembers Wu Bai’s name. She wishes him to take back the champion. Wu Bai chases her out of the building. She’s missing. Han Shangyan met with Wu Bai in the room. He asked him to remember that Ai Qing is Solo’s girlfriend. He told him that he knows why he named himself DT.

Ai Qing goes to Singapore and she arrives at the Athlete Village. She calls her friend Hua Ti. He tells her that he’s waiting for her in Room 206. He praises her and he thinks she can get anything. The reception gives the room card to Ai Qing. She welcomes her and she puts the wreath on her.

Ai Qing walks alone the hallway. She finds her room. She visits Room 206 and Wu Bai opens the door after he took a bath. We return to the lobby. Wu Bai introduced himself to Ai Qing. 97 brought the towel to Wu Bai. But he gave the towel to Ai Qing. She mistook that Wu Bai wishes her to dry his hair when he bent over. She dried his hair with the towel.

We return to the present. Ai Qing tells Wu Bai that she came to take part in Racing Game. But he asks her if the game is funny. He lets her in. 97 wants to help Wu Bai. He tries to take off his bath towel. But he finds out that Wu Bai is wearing shorts.

Wu Bai goes to get changed. Ai Qing notes that the laptop on the table is playing her video. She tries to watch it. But Wu Bai closes the laptop. She smiles at him and she thinks he’s studying her. He explains it to her that he watched for the game.

Hua Ti returns with the food. He invites Ai Qing to eat with him. He needs someone to wash the fruits. Wu Bai volunteers to do the job. 97 joins Wu Bai in the bathroom. He asks him if he’s happy that his goddess came. Wu Bai asks 97 to lower his voice. 97 tells Wu Bai to catch the chance.

Wu Bai asks 97 to go to wash the banana. He washes the apple. He remembers Ai Qing and Solo got the champion on the stage when he was in the audience. He thinks he can tell her that he chose the industry because of her. He took the notebook with the autograph Dt.Appledog.

Wu Bai bites the apple. Ai Qing is in her room to read the fans’ comments. She learns that she let her fans down because she used Racing Game to take part in Asian Championship. She wonders if she needs to be retired. She notes the fireworks and she goes to the balcony to watch the fireworks. Wu Bai is outside the house. He sees the fireworks as well.

Ai Qing walks alone the beach. She sits on the wood and she sees two cats. She asks them if they’re brothers or couples. Wu Bai reveals the cats are couples when he shows up behind Ai Qing. He sits with her. She asks him how did he know the cats are couples.

He points out that the cats aren’t sisters because they’re male cat and female cat. But she thinks the cats are sister and brother. He reveals they’re different kinds of cats so that they have different parents. She laughs and she wonders if the cats can be couples.

He thinks it’s fine since they’re cats. She asks him if the cats the cats give birth have different kinds. He admits it. So she thinks the cats become different kinds of cat sister and brother. Ai Qing learns that Wu Bai couldn’t sleep like her.

She walks to the cat and she asks him to turn around. But Wu Bai tells her not to touch the cat’s belly. He teaches her to touch the cat’s back so that he will feel comfortable. She learns that he knows cats a lot. He carries the cat. She strokes the cat and she asks her for her name.

Wu Bai tries to let Ai Qing carry the cat. But the cat flees. It makes the two fall to the sand. Ai Qing and Wu Bai laugh when they look at each other. He intends to help her up and he tries to reach out his hand to her. But he’s got a bad eye. He falls to her.

She asks him what happened to him. He denies it and he thinks he was nervous because of the game. They walk alone the beach. She asks him what he wanted to say to her. He denies it again. He invites her to go to the shooting range with him. She thinks he wants to relax before the game. She agrees to it.

Ai Qing and Wu Bai are in the shooting range. Ai Qing shoots the target. She checks the record and she tries to give the gun to him. She thinks he worries that he will lose. She tells him that the one who loses needs to pay the bill.

He shoots the target. She watches him and she thinks he’s focus and calm. She thinks it’s the quality sports need. She’s sure that he has potential to lead AD Team more than her. She’s happy after she won. He tries to go to pay the bill.

But she stops him and she invites him to join her team. She lets him give her the answer later. They’re outside the shooting range. He buys her ice cream. She walks him and she mentions his shooting posture was professional. She thinks he practiced it.

But he thinks he didn’t do a good job. She reveals she thought he’s a rookie. She planned to show him her shooting posture. She didn’t expect that she almost failed. She’s satisfied that she won him and she got the ice cream. He asks her why Solo Team disbanded.

She wonders why people kept asking her the question since it’s the past. She asks Wu Bai if he joined the industry because he worshiped Solo Team. She asks him about his idol and she wonders if he did it because of her. She thinks he saw the news. She tells him to find a reasonable explanation and believe it. She tries to leave. But he takes her to the high platform.

The wind comes out from the platform. Wu Bai blows bubbles. Ai Qing reveals she wishes the sunny boy to get the world champion for China. Ai Qing is on the field. She shows Hua Ti the list. She reveals the organizer’s rivals are weak but her rivals are world champions. She thinks the organizer did it too obvious.

Wu Bai overhears it. He texts his friend and he asks him for the number of organizer. Hua Ti tries to go to see the organizer. But Ai Qing stops him. She thinks she shouldn’t affect the whole team because of her personal case. He thinks it’s too unfair to her.

She claims that she will get the champion even if she doesn’t change the rivals. She thinks only the absolute strength can ignores all of the injustices. The game begins. Ai Qing takes her ladybug robot to get into the finals.

She drives her robot to surpass the rival. But the rival follows her. The Malaysian player finds her weapon. She has to give up the track. The ladybug breathes fire to the rival’s robot. Ai Qing wins. Wu Bai’s game begins. He defeats the rival and he gets into the finals. Ai Qing applauds for Wu Bai.

Hua Ti brings a good news to the team that they got first place. He promises to buy the team members a meal if they win. The people gather at the restaurant. They celebrate for the champion of Ai Qing. Wu Bai is in his room. He gets a call from Han Shangyan.

Han Shangyan scolds Wu Bai. He asks him to come back because he worries that he’s going to lose his sight. But Wu Bai wants to achieve the dream of world champion for Ai Qing. 97 overhears it. He asks Wu Bai about his eyes. Wu Bai reveals he has an eye disease and he lost his sight sometimes.

97 persuades Wu Bai to accept a surgery. But Wu Bai reveals the surgery has a high risk. He asks 97 to keep the secret for him.

Wu Bai walks in a bulb room. He mentions he asked his parents why eye can see things. His parents replied to him that it was because of light. He remembers the words when Ai Qing shows up in the room. Wu Bai looks at Ai Qing. He thinks it was because the light cast the things into his eyes.

He thinks it’s a simple principle. But it makes his heart flutter. He reveals the principle can be his obstacle. The heaven mistakes that he dared to accept the challenge. But he only wants to see the girl he likes. He tears up.

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