Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 24 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 24. Chi Shan knocks at the door. Lin Xintong opens the door. She tries to close the door after she saw him. But he tells her that he’s going to confess to her.

What Happens In Forever Love 2023 Episode 24?

Forever Love 2023

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 24.

Chi Shan tells Lin Xintong that he regrets. But he hugs her from her back after he walked into her room. He tells her that he misses her. He blames Yu Wei for using him. He tells Lin Xintong that everything was done by Yu Wei. He mentions what Yu Wei told him that Lin Xintong’s father is a bad person.

Chi Shan tells Lin Xintong that he believed Yu Wei because he was dizzy. But she knows he’s acting to her. She asks him to admit that he killed her father. He explains to her that her father’s death was an accident. She asks him why he stole her father’s hair since he didn’t kill her father.

SEE ALSO: Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 23 Recap & Ending

Lin Xintong tells Chi Shan that the hair was fake. He realizes that she and Qin Moyao tricked him. She tells him that she didn’t know he was the murder if she didn’t trick him. He tells her that she cannot threaten him. He thinks she doesn’t have solid evidence.

Chi Shan tells Lin Xintong that he cannot be polite to her. She tells him to kill her if he has the power. She pushes him away. But he tells her that he won’t kill her because he doesn’t get her shares. He tells her that he will be nice to her like before.

Chi Shan reminds Lin Xintong that they’re going to get married. He kisses her when she tries to flee. Qin Moyao shows up. He punches Chi Shan and he tells him to leave. Chi Shan tells Qin Moyao that the game just begins. He tells him that he’s going to accompany him to play. He leaves Lin Xintong’s house.

Lin Xintong wonders why Qin Moyao came. He yells at her and he asks her if she intended to force Chi Shan to kill her. He thinks she’s a fool. But she tells him that it’s not his business. He tells her that her business is his business.

Lin Xintong pushes Qin Moyao away. She asks him why he did it to her. She reminds him that she’s the daughter of his enemy. She mentions her father killed his father. She thinks he doesn’t have to do so. She tells him to leave. She tries to run away. But he hugs her from her back.

Does Qin Moyao Agree to Let Lin Xintong Go?

Qin Moyao learns that Lin Xintong has known the truth. She admits it and she cries. She thinks Lin family hurt him. She cannot face him. But he thinks she didn’t do anything wrong. He tells her that he cares for her. But she thinks it’s very important. She realizes why he came to Lin family.

Lin Xintong wonders why Qin Moyao protected her since her father hurt him deeply. He tells her that he did it because he loves her. He adds that he could do anything after he knew his feelings for her. He tells her that he only wants to protect her.

Lin Xintong tells Qin Moyao that she cannot forget what her family did to him. She feels guilty for getting together with him. She thinks she shouldn’t ask him to forget the revenge. She thinks they cannot get together. She tells him not to come to see her.

Episode 24 of Forever Love 2023 ends with Qin Moyao hugging Lin Xintong. He tells her not to say some words to him. He reveals he was dead after she left. He tells her to forget everything. But she cannot do it. She tells him that she remembers what he suffered when she sees him. Lin Xintong begs Qin Moyao to let her go. He agrees to it. But he chooses to be on her side no matter she agrees to it or not. He tears up.

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