Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 22 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 22. Qin Moyao tells Lin Xintong that he doesn’t wish to be the reason if she likes him one day. He adds that he wishes her to actually like him. She smiles to hug him. She tells him that she actually likes him.

What Happens In Forever Love 2023 Episode 22?

Forever Love 2023

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 22.

Lin Xintong tells Qin Moyao that she likes him wasn’t because he saved her. She blames him for not expressing because she’s confessing her feelings to him. She mentions what he told her that he likes her as well. He strokes her hair. He tells her that he doesn’t have past and future.

Lin Xintong doesn’t care for it. Qin Moyao asks Lin Xintong if she will regret or not if he’s not the looks she expects. She tells him that she’s regretting for not finding out that she likes him as well. She adds that she regrets for misunderstanding him.

SEE ALSO: Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama: Episode 21 Recap & Ending

Lin Xintong tells Qin Moyao that she only trusts him from now on. She adds that she trusts him no matter what he says. She smiles to remind him that he doesn’t give her any birthday present. She tells him to try to get together with her if he actually likes her.

Lin Xintong tries to kiss Qin Moyao. But he passes out in her arms. She’s preparing breakfast for him. He hugs her from her back. He kisses her. She wonders how did he get hurt. She tells him that she didn’t see it clearly because she was drunk.

Lin Xintong tries to get coffee for Qin Moyao. But he stops her and he asks her if she regrets. She tells him that she never regrets. He tells her to complete the thing they didn’t complete last night. He tries to kiss her. But she puts the bread into his mouth.

Does Qin Moyao Hide A Secret from Lin Xintong?

Lin Xintong goes to make coffee for Qin Moyao. But she finds out that there’s no coffee bean. He tells her to go to look for coffee beans from the cabinet. She finds out that he studied her hobbies to get her trust after she found the coffee beans.

Lin Xintong asks Qin Moyao if he took the shares of Hongfu. She thinks he did it for tricking Chi Shan. But he tells her that everything is true. But she thinks he told a lie to her. He denies it and he confesses to her to he went to her house with goals.

Qin Moyao tells Lin Xintong that he got everything he wanted to get. She stops him when she yells at him. He tells her that he did it not for the shares of her group. He leaks that the shares were given by her father. She asks him to tell her the truth since he concealed him from her many times.

Qin Moyao tells Lin Xintong that he wants to look into the case first because it’s related to her family. He doesn’t wish the case to affect their love. She learns that he doesn’t want to tell anything to her. She tries to leave. He hugs her from her back to stop her. He asks her not to leave.

Qin Moyao mentions what Lin Xintong said that she will trust him no matter what he does. He asks her not to leave him. But she wishes to leave because she thinks she needs to calm down. She tears up to let his hands go. She leaves.

Episode 22 of Forever Love 2023 ends with Lin Xintong looking at her family photos. She wonders what her father did with Qin Moyao. She finds that words Qin Moyao wrote that he wishes her not to see so that she won’t be hurt by the things in front of her. She wonder why he has concealed it from her since he cares for her very much.

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