Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 9-10 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 9-10. Suo Jun is retired because of his injury. Da Peng doesn’t wish Suo Jun to leave because he doesn’t become his best soldier. Suo Jun tells Da Peng that he believes he will be the best firefighter.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episode 9?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 9-10.

Suo Jun embraces Song Yan. He tells him to take care of himself. Song Yan tears up. He leaves with other firefighter because of the new task. Suo Jun helps Song Yan sort out his shoes. He remembers they got the honor together.

Suo Jun leaves the fire station. His girlfriend stops him with the flowers. He turns around. She cries. She joins him and explains to him that she’s late because there was a traffic jam. She takes over the bag from him. She tells him that she came to take him home.

Suo Jun’s girlfriend thinks Suo Jun is a fool. She believes that he will keep his promise this time. She takes his hand and leaves with him. Madam Meng asks Xu Qin about the photos. She thinks she has the best age to be in love. Xu Qin explains to her mother that she put the photos in the dormitory.

Madam Meng hands over the photos to Xu Qin. Xu Qin chooses Jiang Yu’s photo. Madam Meng laughs. She tells Xu Qin that she likes the guy as well. The nurse reports to Xu Qin that Chen Min wanted to kill herself. Xu Qin goes to see Chen Min. But Chen Min throws a fit to Xu Qin.

Chen Min’s father apologizes to Xu Qin for bringing trouble to her. The doctor walks into Chen Min’s ward. She asks Chen Min’s parents to let her stay with Chen Min alone. The doctor tells Chen Min to control her emotions. But Chen Min doesn’t want to get her parents involved.

The doctor tells Chen Min to be brave. But Chen Min grabs the doctor’s clothes. She thinks she shouldn’t say so because her face didn’t get disfigured. The nurse has to take Doctor Yang away because Chen Min is in a bad mood. Xu Qin asks Chen Min if she thinks she was out of luck.

Xu Qin tells Chen Min that the firefighter who saved her had to leave his team because his face got disfigured as well. She thinks the firefighter’s sacrifice is like a joke. Song Yan and Yang Chi return to the fire station. Song Yan tells Yang Chi not to hold it if he’s not happy.

Yang Chi tells Song Yan that he’s fine. He thinks the misunderstanding is normal. Chen Min asks Xu Qin about the firefighter. Xu Qin tells Chen Min that the firefighter’s girlfriend doesn’t care for the looks of the firefighter. Because she loves him. Chen Min tells Xu Qin that she fears it.

Xu Qin reminds Chen Min that she doesn’t have any chance if she’s dead. Chen Min cries to tell Xu Qin that she cannot bear it. Xu Qin thinks Chen Min doesn’t have to accept the suffering because she has started her new life. Doctor Yang gets angry after knowing Xu Qin convinced Chen Min.

Meng Yanchen takes Xu Qin home. Madam Meng asks Meng Yanchen about the fine. He explains to her that he did it for his friend. She chooses to trust him. She asks Xu Qin if she went out with Jiang Yu. But Xu Qin claims that she’s very busy.

Madam Meng tells Xu Qin to ask Jiang Yu out. Xu Qin sends a message to Jiang Yu. She shows the message to Madam Meng. She puts her hand on Meng Yanchen’s shoulder before she leaves. Madam Meng asks Meng Yanchen if the money is related to Song Yan.

Madam Meng blames Meng Yanchen for doing such a thing under her eyes. She asks him if he wishes to be the matchmaker of Xu Qin and Song Yan. He claims that he just wanted to help Xu Qin. She scolds him for telling a lie to her.

Xu Qin walks into the cafe. Jiang Yu is waiting for her. He thinks she’s very busy after knowing she’s a doctor. He tries to tell her about his feelings after he watched Swan Lake. But she gets a message from Song Yan. Xu Qin lies to Jiang Yu that there’s a business in the hospital. She has to leave. The fool believes what she said.

Song Yan thanks Xu Qin for transferring the money to him. She catches the chance to ask him to buy her a meal. He agrees to it. Aunt Song feels regret for Suo Jun’s leaving. She agrees to what Suo Jun said that Song Yan needs something except work. She knows Song Yan still misses Xu Qin.

Episode 9 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Madam Meng telling Xu Qin that she doesn’t know what she and Meng Yanchen think because they rejected the people she recommended. She thinks it’s a good thing that Xu Qin gets married early.

Why Doesn’t Xu Qin Make Up with Song Yan?

Master Meng asks Xu Qin about her blind date. But she tells him that she wishes to make a boyfriend she likes. He learns that she has someone she likes. She tells him that she doesn’t want to get the arranged life. He thinks her mother did it for her.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 7-8 Recap & Ending

Xu Qin claims that she wishes to get the freedom in her own case. Master Meng asks Xu Qin if she still has feelings for Song Yan. She admits it. He thinks her mother won’t agree to it. She wonders if he will be against it. He tells her that her mother will try her best to stop her and Song Yan. Master Meng tells Xu Qin that he doesn’t wish the family to be broken.

It flashes back. Madam Meng gets angry after knowing Xu Qin didn’t get into the university for Song Yan. She tells Xu Qin that she doesn’t allow her to get together with Song Yan. She asks her to make a choice if she thinks Song Yan is more important than the family.

Xu Qin meets with Song Yan at the restaurant. Song Yan learns that Xu Qin regrets for her previous decision. The kitchen is on fire. Song Yan breaks into the kitchen to save the girl. The girl asks Xu Qin for Song Yan’s number because she wishes to pursue Song Yan.

The girl kisses Xu Qin after she got Song Yan’s number. She calls Song Yan and tells him that she wishes to buy him a meal. But he hangs up. She tells Xu Qin that she won’t give up because she thinks Song Yan is a good man. Song Yan hits the sandbag. He remembers Xu Qin told him that she wishes to get together with him again.

Xu Qin runs into the girl at the bar. The girl tells Xu Qin that the firefighter agreed to see her. Xu Qin goes to the restroom to wash her hands. The waitress Ye Zi asks Xu Qin if she’s fine. Uncle Yan asks Aunt Yan if Song Yan went to see Xu Qin. He thinks they should disallow Song Yan to see Xu Qin.

Aunt Yan agrees to what her husband said. They go to see Song Yan. Aunt Yan tells Song Yan that Uncle Yan wants to tell something to him. But Uncle Yan doesn’t have the guts to scold Song Yan. Song Yan walks out his house. Xu Qin drinks at the bar. She leaves the bar.

Meng Yanchen and the bar owner go to look for Xu Qin. Ye Zi tells them that Xu Qin left the bar. Meng Yanchen walks out of the bar. He volunteers to take Xu Qin home. But she rejects it and gets in the cab. He thinks she drank it for getting the guts. He tails the cab.

Did Song Yan Do Something for Him and Xu Qin’s Love?

Xu Qin arrives at Song Yan’s house. She knocks at the door. Zhai Miao opens the door. She’s surprised to see Xu Qin. Xu Qin runs to the second floor. Zhai Miao follows Xu Qin. She asks her if she knows the current time. Xu Qin knocks at the door. She asks Song Yan if he falls asleep.

Zhai Miao tells Xu Qin that Song Yan isn’t in the room. She adds that Song Yan went out with someone else. She tells Xu Qin to leave. Xu Qin squats down. She tells Zhai Miao that she wishes to kill herself. She kicks away Song Yan’s shoes.

Episode 10 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Xu Qin throwing Song Yan’s shoe to him. The bar owner tries to take Xu Qin away. But Xu Qin asks Song Yan where he went. He tells her that he went out with the girl she knows. He adds that the girl is named Zhan Xiaorao. She’s furious to push him.

Song Yan reminds Xu Qin that she doesn’t have the right to bring trouble to him. The bar owner tells Xu Qin to leave because he thinks Song Yan isn’t match for her. She agrees to what he said that Song Yan isn’t match for her. She tells Song Yan that she likes him more than he likes her.

Xu Qin mentions she became a doctor for Song Yan. She asks him what he did for her. She cries to ask him why he didn’t come to her. She tells him that she won’t do anything for him. Zhai Miao chases Xu Qin. She tells her that it’s not what she thinks. But Song Yan stops Zhai Miao. He goes to chase Xu Qin. But she gets in Meng Yanchen’s car. She leaves with Meng Yanchen.

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