Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 7-8 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 7-8. Xu Qin smiles when she sees Song Yan walking out of the fire station. She explains to him that she wanted to know if he was there. He wonders why she came because he has told her what he wants to say in the Wechat.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episode 7?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 7-8.

Song Yan tells Xu Qin to leave. But she wants to buy him a meal. He rejects it so that she asks him to buy her a meal. She tells him that tea is fine. He wonders why he has to buy her a tea. She thinks he should thank her for providing place to let him save people.

Song Yan asks Xu Qin if other people know the real looks of her. He agrees to it. Jiang Yi tries to run away with other firefighters. But Song Yan catches Jiang Yi. He blames him for giving his number to Xu Qin. Jiang Yi points out that Song Yan could reject it when Xu Qin added his number. Song Yan is furious to chase Jiang Yi.

Xu Qin smiles when she watches the two. She leaves the fire station. Xu Qin wakes up and dresses up. She summons Zhan Xiaorao. Zhao Xiaorao visits Xu Qin. She finds out that her house is very nice. Xu Qin reveals the house was bought by her father.

Zhan Xiaorao takes out the cosmetic. Xu Qin wants to pay Zhan Xiaorao. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin that she will leave if she does so. She puts makeup on her. She’s surprised that Xu Qin doesn’t know how to put on makeup. Xu Qin tells Zhan Xiaorao that she’s going to go on a blind date.

Zhan Xiaorao thinks blind date is a good idea. She mentions her friends have good marriages after they listened to their parents to go on a blind date. Xu Qin asks Zhan Xiaorao if her parents care for her marriage. Zhan Xiaorao denies it. She mentions what she told her parents that she only wants to be in love.

Xu Qin wonders if Zhan Xiaorao doesn’t wish to get together with the man she likes all her life. Zhan Xiaorao laughs to tell Xu Qin that she just wants to enjoy her life. Da Peng tells Song Yan not to let Yang Chi cut his hair.

Suo Jun learns that Song Yan wishes to get his hair cut. He volunteers to do the job. Xu Qin is waiting for Song Yan. He arrives and gets off the cab. He walks to her. She takes him to the restaurant. He remembers she told him that she’s not hungry when he took her to the restaurant.

Xu Qin tastes the chicken. She finds out that the taste hasn’t changed. Song Yan disagrees to what Xu Qin said because it has been ten years. She thinks his flavor is changed. He agrees to what she said that he doesn’t like to eat the food which he liked.

Xu Qin ties her hair. Song Yan cannot stand it. He tells her not to pretend to be cute. She’s confused. He waits for her outside. He gets a call from Zhai Miao who asks him to save her. Zhai Miao tells Song Yan that she’s in the police station.

Xu Qin walks out of the restaurant. She learns that Song Yan has a business. She volunteers to give him a ride. She comforts him that Zhai Miao wouldn’t bring big trouble because Zhai Miao is just a student. But he thinks she knows nothing about Zhai Miao.

Xu Qin is surprised that Zhai Miao has good grades. She remembers Zhai Miao didn’t like studying when she was a kid. Song Yan mentions Zhai Miao is very smart. He worries that she will choose a wrong path. Xu Qin smiles because she thinks Song Yan can be a good parent.

Xu Qin takes Song Yan to the police station. He tells her to leave. But she runs into the police station with him. Song Yan asks Zhai Miao if she had a fight. She denies it. She’s surprised to see Xu Qin. The cop learns that Song Yan is Zhai Miao’s older brother. He tells Song Yan that his younger sister sold fake goods.

Episode 7 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Zhai Miao telling Song Yan not to falling for Xu Qin. Xiao Yixiao asks Xu Qin if she has feelings for Song Yan. He tells her to give up Song Yan. But she tells him that she wishes to do so. So he asks her why she likes Song Yan. She cannot give him the answer. He realizes that she likes Song Yan very much.

Why Suo Jun Tears Up His Transferring Application?

The girl wants to jump off the building because she lost her job. Suo Jun arrives at the building. The guard tells Suo Jun that someone is persuading the girl. Suo Jun is close to the girl. She threatens to jump off the building. He comforts her that he will help her resolve the problem.

The girl cries to blame the president for ruining everything she has. Suo Jun promises to ask for the justice for the girl. But she complains to him that her parents kept thinking she did everything wrong. He tells her that his parents scolded him as well.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 5-6 Recap & Ending

Suo Jun tells the girl that her parents scolded her because they cared for her. He thinks there’s no parents not loving their children. He hands over the water to her. He tells her to drink it. But she asks him to drink the water instead.

Suo Jun drinks the water. He tells her to move out if she doesn’t want to live with her parents. He reaches out his hand to her. But she hears the people badmouthing her. She thanks Suo Jun for helping her. But she apologizes to him. She jumps off the building.

Suo Jun jumps to catch the girl. He saves her. She’s sent to hospital. Yang Chi blames the people. He thinks they’re not humans. Suo Jun stops Yang Chi. He reminds the people that there was a life. He asks them if they would treat it as a joke if their children stood on the building.

The people walk away. Suo Jun feels uncomfortable. He tears up. Ye Zi runs into the dormitory. She asks Zhai Miao if she’s fine. Zhai Xiao thinks she’s in the police station if Song Yan didn’t save her. She tells Ye Zi that she wouldn’t betray her even if she got stabbed.

Ye Zi explains to Zhai Xiao that she didn’t know her friends gave her the fake goods. But Zhai Xiao thinks Ye Zi is victim as well. She shows the fine to her. Ye Zi is shocked after she saw the fine. Zhai Miao comforts Ye Zi that she won’t let her pay the fine.

But Zhai Miao needs a method to get rich because Song Yan paid the fine for her. She wants to pay her older brother back. Song Yan finds Suo Jun when Suo Jun is checking the fire truck. Song Yan tells Suo Jun that he will be always his best friend no matter where he’s going to go.

Song Yan reaches his hand to Suo Jun. Suo Jun holds Song Yan’s arm. He promises to be the soldier of the fire station no matter where he is. The two smile. Suo Jun tells Song Yan not to wrong himself in his personal life. He tells him to do anything he wants to do.

Song Yan tells Suo Jun that he wishes him to leave. Suo Jun learns that Song Yan told a lie to him that he wanted him to stay in the fire station. He worries that he will have a fight with the new partner. Song Yan tells Suo Jun that he likes new friends.

Suo Jun gets a message from the girl he saved from the building. She thanks him for saving him. She tells him that she thought the world is terrible before he hugged her. She adds that she found out that there’s light in the world.

The girl tells Suo Jun that she will cherish the life he gave her. He calls his girlfriend Yuan Yuan. He asks her to give him one year. But she cries because she thinks he loves his career more than her. She tells him not to call her again. He takes out his transferring application. He tears up the transferring application.

Does Suo Jun Forget His Oath?

The chief takes Jiang Yu to the meeting. He lets Jiang Yu give a presentation. Jiang Yu introduces the robot to the captains. He thinks the machine can reduce the death of firefighters. But Song Yan thinks the fire scene needs the savvy firefighters.

Jiang Yu walks into the restroom. He tells Song Yan that he wishes to add his Wechat. But Song Yan tells Jiang Yu to visit him at the fire station. Song Yan goes to see Chief Gao. He asks him to approve Suo Jun’s transferring application.

But Chief Gao tells Song Yan that Suo Jun didn’t submit it. Song Jun is hurt when he saves the lives from the fire scene. He’s sent to the hospital. Song Yan arrives at the hospital. Yang Chi reports to Song Yan that Suo Jun’s arm is broken.

Song Yan cries when he watches Suo Jun from the ward. Suo Jun wakes up. He wonders why Song Yan is so sad. He asks him if Chief Gao scolded him. Song Yan denies it. Suo Jun comforts Song Yan that he will be fine after he takes a break.

Suo Jun asks Song Yan to smile. But Song Yan walks out of Suo Jun’s ward. He remembers Suo Jun told him that he will get 1,200 yuan if he gets transferred. Song Yan blamed Suo Jun for doing it for the money. He reminded the oath he made when they teamed up.

Song Yan blamed Suo Jun for forgetting the oath. He thought he gave up the duties. Song Yan slaps himself. He remembers Suo Jun promised to make Ten Miles Stage to be the best fire station. Doctor Yang finds out that the patient is the celebrity Chen Min.

Doctor Yang thinks Chen Min won’t know what to do after she wakes up. She feels regret for Chen Min because Chen Min was burned. Song Yan returns to Suo Jun’s ward. Suo Jun tears up. He asks Song Yan about the girl he saved. Song Yan feels guilty for making Suo Jun not submit the application.

Episode 8 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Suo Jun thinking he shouldn’t blame Song Yan because he made the decision on his own. He tells him that he wished to stay in the fire station for one year. But he has to leave. Song Yan thinks it wouldn’t happen to Suo Jun if he didn’t go to the meeting.

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