Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 33-34 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 33-34. Xu Qin watches the snow when the guy is playing game with his friends in the living room. Madam Meng shows up. She asks him about his father. She walks away. The guy walks to Xu Qin. He asks her if she’s getting together with a firefighter.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episode 33?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 33-34.

Xu Qin admits it. The guy leaks that the firefighter was waiting for her. But Madam Meng didn’t let the firefighter in. Madam Meng tells the kids to have a meal. But Xu Qin tells her mother that she needs to leave. But Madam Meng tells Xu Qin to have a seat to eat.

Fireworks of My Heart episode 33 reveals Xu Qin realizes that her mother knew Song Yan is outside. She tells her that she has to leave. But Madam Meng tells Xu Qin to leave after she eats. Xu Qin grabs the table tightly. Meng Yanchen tells her to leave if she has a business.

Meng Yanchen lets Xu Qin’s hand be off the table. She takes her bag and runs out of Meng family. Song Yan feels cold when he stands in the snow. He turns around and sees Xu Qin running to him. She runs into his arm and hugs him.

Song Yan strokes Xu Qin’s hair. She tells him that she couldn’t eat in Fireworks of My Heart. She adds that she kept thinking of him. He smiles to pinch her face. He thinks she wasn’t happy when she thought of him. She finds out that his hands are very cold.

Xu Qin asks Dong Yan if there was no heater in the museum. He tells her that the heaters were enough. He explains to her that he washed his hands. She takes him away. Xu Qin and Song Yan are in the cab. She holds his hand and uses her coat to cover his hand.

Fireworks of My Heart reveals Xu Qin tells Song Yan not to move. She threatens him that she will get angry if he moves. She smiles at him and she leans her head on his shoulder. Meng Yanchen tries to leave. But Madam Meng stops him. She asks him why he helped Xu Qin.

Madam Meng thinks Meng Yanchen wanted to study Xu Qin to be against his parents. He tells her that he blamed himself for not being against their will. He wishes his family not to raise Xu Qin. He turns around and tells her mother that he wishes himself not to be her child.

Madam Meng is shocked when she looks at Meng Yanchen. He leaves the house. She tears up. Song Yan goes to see Chief Gao. He tells him that he wishes to transfer. Chief Gao tells Song Yan to go back to wait for the message. He finds out that there are stars between his eyes.

Chief Gao realizes that Song Yan is going to get married. He feels happy for him. He tells him to bring the wedding candies to him. He returns the present to him. The director tells Xu Qin that he needs to deliberate with the dean about her joining the scientific research group.

Xu Qin wonders why the director needs to deliberate it with the dean. He tells the truth to her that she said something wrong to the patient’s families on the rooftop. He adds that the dean thought her damaging the reputation of the hospital.

The director comforts Xu Qin that she still has a chance. But she points out that the case has been resolved. She wonders why the dean cared for a little doctor like her. She thinks what she did help the hospital resolve the problem.

The director tells Xu Qin that she has no way because the dean doesn’t agree to it. He tells her to ask the dean about it. But she thinks it’s the director Director Tian’s business. She tells him to give him a reason if he doesn’t choose her.

Jiang Yu brings the water to the firefighters when they’re training. Yang Chi asks Jiang Yu about Song Yan. Jiang Yu reveals Chief Gao summoned Song Yan. Da Peng mentions Song Yan is going to be transferred. He doesn’t know what to do if Song Yan leaves. Jiang Yu tells Da Peng not to be nervous.

Jiang Yu tells Song Yan that he feels happy for him when he dries the clothes. He tells him that he thought he won’t leave Ten Miles Station forever because he loves the place very much. But he thinks he deserves a better position.

Jiang Yu thinks Song Yan doesn’t leave fire fighting. Song Yan smiles. He thanks Jiang Yu for understanding him. Director Xu takes a look at the paper. He returns the paper to Director Tian. He tells him that he cannot sign it. Director Tian thinks what Director Xu does gives him a hard time.

Is Da Peng Dead?

Director Xu thinks Xu Qin is the most qualified in the list. Director Tian doesn’t understand Director Xu because he has disliked Xu Qin. Director Xu thinks it’s his business. He wonders why Director Tian took down Xu Qin. Director Tian tells Director Xu that it’s not his intention. He leaks that Dean Liu didn’t wish Xu Qin to join the team.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 31-32 Recap & Ending

Director Xu is furious to blame Dean Liu. He swears to protect Xu Qin in Fireworks of My Heart. Xu Qin hears the two directors’ talk. She texts Madam Meng and asks her if she’s stepping in her work. She thinks she got into the hospital because of her talent.

Madam Meng tells Xu Qin to promote herself with her talent. Xu Qin tries to agree to it. She gets a call from Feng Bei. Xu Qin wipes off her tears. She picks up Feng Bei’s phone. The firefighter passes by Da Peng’s office. He finds out that Da Peng is dressing up himself.

The firefighter thinks Da Peng has a date. Da Peng asks the firefighter to keep the secret for him. He goes to the hospital. He runs into Chen Dongdong. She realizes that he came to look for Li Nan. She finds Li Nan and tells her that Da Peng came.

Chen Dongdong tells Li Nan to be off duty because Da Peng is waiting for her. Fireworks of My Heart reveals the firefighter tells Ge Zheng to eat the sweet potato. But Ge Zheng rejects it because his girlfriend came. He runs away. Ge Zheng’s girlfriend is excited to wave at Ge Zheng when she sees him.

Ge Zheng runs to his girlfriend. He hugs her. The firefighter is envy of Ge Zheng when he watches him and his girlfriend. Yang Chi tells Ge Zheng to take his girlfriend away. Li Nan shows up. Da Peng is happy to run to her. But she’s not happy to see him.

Da Peng walks Li Nan. He invites her to go to watch the movie with him. But she tells him that she’s very busy. He mentions she agreed to the date. But she tells him that she’s changed. He decides to invite her to watch the movie when she’s not busy.

Li Nan tries to leave. Da Peng decides to walk her to the bus station. She takes him to the riverside. She tells him not to see her. He thinks he did something wrong. She denies it. He realizes that he came to see her giving her a hard time.

Episode 33 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Song Yan arriving at the hospital. He asks Jiang Yi why he didn’t pick up his phone when he called him. Doctor Yang tells Song Yan that she used all of the treatment methods. She tells him to go to take a look at Da Peng. He sees Da Peng’s dead body. Li Nan arrives. She cries. Xu Qin hugs Li Nan to comfort her.

Is Da Peng’s Death Related to Meng Family?

Jiang Yi tells Song Yan that Da Peng felt painful when he was in the car. He thinks he cannot explain it to Da Peng’s parents. Song Yan runs away. Xu Qin chases him. She asks him if he’s fine. He tells her that he cannot give the promise to her.

Fireworks of My Heart episode 34 reveals Song Yan thinks he told a lie to her because he broke her promise for Da Peng. She tells him not to say so when she grabs his hand. He asks her if he let her down. But she thinks it’s life. He reminds her that it’s life she’s going to take with him if she chooses him. He runs away. She’s sad.

Song Yan returns to the fire scene. He remembers Da Peng asked him to save him. Jiang Yu and Song Yan pay their respect to Da Peng. Jiang Yu tells Song Yan that it wasn’t an accident. He reveals the building belongs to Meng family.

Jiang Yu mentions Meng family set off fireworks. He thinks Meng family will be in trouble because of their report. Song Yan looks at Da Peng’s photo. Madam Meng brings the medicine to Master Meng. She comforts him that the heaven won’t collapse.

But Master Meng points out that people are talking about the death of the firefighter online. Madam Meng wonders why Lao Gu made the mistake. The maid reports to Master Meng that the driver came. Madam Meng tells her husband to let Lao Gu resolve the problem. She thinks money can resolve everything. Master Meng tells Madam Meng not to worry about it.

The nurse pushes the guy out of the emergency room. He explains to her that he wants to take a look at his wounded colleagues. She reminds him that it’s emergency room. He tells her that he wants to have a talk with his wounded colleagues. He claims that Dean Liu agreed to it. He shows the Wechat of Dean Liu to her.

Xu Meng shows up. She tells the guy Mr. Wang to leave. He agrees to it. But he tells her that he’s the secretary of President Gu. He mentions he saw her when he and President Gu came to her family. But she tells him that she doesn’t remember it.

Mr. Wu shows up. He reveals the wounded workers belong to their group. He asks Xu Qin to help them. She realizes that the building belongs to Meng family. Song Yan hands over the box to Madam Zhan. He tells her that the box was left by Da Peng.

Episode 34 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Mr. Wu reporting to Madam Meng that Song Yan thought them using the substandard materials. She asks him if the material is bad. He tells her that he cannot promise it because Mr. Wang didn’t do it on his own.

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