Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 19-20 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 19-20. Xu Qin asks Jiang Yu if the cats are raised by him when the firefighters are cleaning the ground. He tells her that they’re stray cats. Jiang Yi finds out that the stray cat Lai Fu doesn’t eat.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episodes 19?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 19-20.

Jiang Yi takes over Lai Fu from Jiang Yu. He asks Lai Fu why he didn’t eat the cat food. He lets Xu Qin see Lai Fu because he thinks Lai Fu is sick. Song Yan parts Jiang Yu and Xu Qin when the two study the cat. Xu Qin thinks Lai Fu will be fine after he rests for several days.

Jiang Yu tells Xu Qin to raise the cat because her house is big. But she thinks Lai Fu is good that he can go anywhere. Jiang Yu reminds Xu Qin that she’s lonely. But she doesn’t want to have feelings. She worries that Lai Fu won’t know what to do if she works overtime.

Jiang Yu thinks Song Yan should speak something because he raised Xiao Meng. But Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that he plans to send Xiao Meng away. Xu Qin thinks Song Yan is heartless to Xiao Meng. He agrees to what she said. He’s furious to walk away.

Jiang Yu tells Xu Qin that she misunderstood Song Yan. He reveals Song Yan was nice to Xiao Meng. He mentions Song Yan trained Xiao Meng. He explains to her that Song Yan intends to send Xiao Meng to the search and rescue dog base.

Ye Zi’s leg is tried. She takes a break. President Wu shows up behind her. It startles her. He tells her to have dinner with her because he thinks she’s hungry. But she tells him that she appointed her friends. The assistant reports to Meng Yanchen that President Wu wishes to have meal with him.

Ye Zi mentions the boss doesn’t come. It makes the waitress believe that Ye Zi thinks of the boss. Ye Zi tells the waitress not to talk nonsense. The waitress tells Ye Zi that she was just kidding. She confesses that she wishes the boss to bring trouble.

Meng Yanchen arrives at the hospital. He asks the nurse if Xu Qin isn’t off duty. She leaks that Xu Qin took her team to join fire station. Xu Qin hands over the papers to Jiang Yu. She drinks Song Yan’s water. Song Yan reminds Xu Qin that she’s using his cup.

Song Yan gives Xu Qin’s water to Xu Qin. He drinks the water she just drank. Jiang Yu notes it. He laughs to tell Song Yan that he wishes to let the team members to go home seeing their families. But Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that the team members are very busy.

Jiang Yu decides to invite the families to the fire station. But Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that it’s very expensive. Jiang Yu volunteers to pay the bill. Song Yan is against it. Xu Qin tells Song Yan that she has an idea. The firefighters taste the dishes. They’re surprised that the dishes are like the ones that were cooked by their families.

Jiang Yu tells the firefighters that the dishes were actually cooked by their families. He reveals their families sent the dishes to the fire station after knowing they miss home. He plays the footage. The firefighters cry after they saw their families from the footage.

Song Yan thinks Xu Qin’s idea is sensationalism. She points out that her method can only work when there’re feelings. He thinks it’s not like her. She asks him if she’s a heartless person in his mind. He denies it and tells her that he remembers her warm looks. Jiang Yu tells the firefighters to thank their families for cooking for them. The firefighters tell their families that they ate the dishes they cooked when Jiang Yu films them.

Episode 19 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Meng Yanchen taking Xu Qin to the supermarket. Yang Chi and Song Yan are in the same supermarket. Yang Chi buys the milk Xu Xi likes. Meng Yanchen tells Xu Qin that he wishes her to choose an easy work. But she tells him that she wishes to be busy.

Why Song Yan Looks Down On Madam Meng?

Yang Chi runs into Xu Qin. Song Yan tells Yang Chi to return to the team because the time is up. Meng Yanchen tells Song Yan not to restrict Xu Qin’s freedom because Xu Qin isn’t his employee. Xu Qin puts the snack into the cart. She tells Meng Yanchen to leave with her.

But Meng Yanchen tells Xu Qin not to eat the junk food. Song Yan tells Yang Chi to take the junk food. He tells Xu Qin to return to the team. He leaves the supermarket with her. Song Yan takes Xu Qin to return to the fire station. She gets a call from her mother.

Madam Meng asks Xu Qin why she didn’t talk with them about joining the fire station. Xu Qin claims that it’s her work. Madam Meng tells Xu Qin to come home because the eldest son of Dong family is going to visit them. She doesn’t give her a chance to reject.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 17-18 Recap & Ending

Meng Yanchen returns home. He tells Madam Meng that he’s going to leave after he takes something. But she stops him and asks him if he knows his younger sister works at the fire station. He admits it. She wonders why he didn’t stop Xu Qin since he knew it.

Madam Meng asks Meng Yanchen if Xu Qin got together with Song Yan. Meng Yanchen denies it. But Madam Meng knows her son told a lie to her. She thinks she gave Xu Qin too much freedom. She decides to change Xu Qin’s job. Meng Yanchen tells his mother to let Xu Qin stay in the hospital because Xu Qin likes the job. Madam Meng calls Dean Liu. She tells him not to let the doctors live in the fire station.

Jiang Yu reports to Song Yan that the doctor’s family wished the doctors to leave their fire station. Song Yan agrees to what the family said. Jiang Yu thinks the one who complained was Madam Meng. He thinks Madam Meng is a heartless person.

Madam Meng meets with Song Yan. He tells her that he knew she would come to see him. She admits to him that she complained to Dean Liu. He thinks nobody would do that except her. He claims that he has grown up. She thinks she could do nothing to him if he could calm down in front of his father’s grave.

Song Yan tells Madam Meng that she cannot hurt him as well. But she tells him that it’s very easy to her if she wants to do something to him. She remembers she let the guards take Uncle Song away when he asked her to forgive Song Yan.

The waitress brings the coffee to Madam Meng and Song Yan. Song Yan tells Madam Meng not to hurt his families. He claims that he’s stronger than his father. She tells him not to tangle Xu Qin. It makes him believe that she fears him.

Madam Meng denies it. She thinks Song Yan isn’t match for Xu Qin. She tells him that she admired his father because his father was a good person. But Master Song didn’t know how to make good friends. She asks Song Yan if he has a pride. She mentions he likes Xu Qin when there’re a lot of disconnect between Song family and Meng family.

Madam Meng thinks Song Yan has other intentions. She believes that he’s like his mother. He thinks he doesn’t need to talk with her because they have values. He tells her that she’s the only one he looks down. He leaves the cafe. Xu Xi wants to give the water gun a try.

But Yang Chi worries that Xu Xi is weak. She shows off her arm to him. She claims that they’re powerful. He lets her give the water gun a try. But she hits Xu Qin and wets her. Song Yan guards Xu Qin when she takes a shower in the bathroom. He hands over the clothes to her. He lets her get changed.

How Does Xu Qin Find Out that Song Yan Still Loves Her?

Song Yan gives the hairdryer to Xu Qin. He tells her to dry her hair with the hairdryer. But he finds out that she’s not good at using the hairdryer. He dries her hair and laughs because she looks at a ghost. She talks back that he was the one who turned her into a ghost. He combs her hair.

It flashes back. Song Yan takes Xu Qin to run home when it’s raining outside. He puts the clothes on her because he worries that she will catch a cold. He tells her to go to take a shower. But she worries that his uncle and his aunt will return home. Song Yan prepares the hot water. He tells Xu Qin to take a shower. He guards her. She asks him about the hairdryer. He dries her hair with the hairdryer. She laughs to turn around. He kisses her.

Song Yan tells Xu Qin that he didn’t become a soldier because he failed the exam. He tells her that it wasn’t related to her leaving. But she remembers his score was improved. But he tells her that she remembered it wrong. She thinks he didn’t tell her the truth.

Xu Qin tells Song Yan that she wishes to know everything about him after they parted. But he refuses to tell it to her because he thinks it was his business. She mentions she came to the fire station for him. He thinks she shouldn’t come.

Xu Qin reminds Song Yan that they had missed for ten years. She wants to fill the vacancy. But he tells her not to waste her time. Because he thinks the vacancy cannot be made up. He tells her not to tangle the past. He thinks he’s not the Song Yan she loved.

But Xu Qin wishes to know what Song Yan has been through. She thinks she did nothing wrong to know his past. But he points out that she’s not his lover anymore. She asks him if she crossed the line. She doesn’t know what they happened so that they got into the confined lane.

Song Yan thinks he and Xu Qin should keep distance from each other. She agrees to what he said. She apologizes to him for tangling him. He tells her that he won’t see her after today. She learns that he meant it to give the present to her.

Episode 20 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Xu Qin finding the lighter with her photo from Song Yan’s fire truck. She cries because she knows Song Yan still loves her. She asks Jiang Yu to apologize to everyone for what she said. He tells her not to put Song Yan’s words into her mind.

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