Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 17-18 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 17-18. Jiang Yu tells Xu Qin to team up with Song Yan. But Song Yan arranges Jiang Yi to team up with Xu Qin. Da Peng calls Li Nan Little Li. But she tells him to call him Older Sister Nan because she’s older than him.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episode 17?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 17-18.

Xu Qin runs on the treadmill. Song Yan joins her. She increases her running speed because she wishes to defeat him. He reminds her that she shouldn’t run fast after eating. She asks him why he avoided her at the training ground. She thinks she did something bad to make him feel uncomfortable.

Song Yan explains to Xu Qin that he didn’t team up with her because he didn’t want the firefighters to care for them. She thinks she should keep her distance from him. He turns off her treadmill. She blames him for doing it to her.

Xu Qin gets off the treadmill. She has a leg cramp. Song Yan helps Xu Qin sit on the treadmill. He treats her leg. Da Peng asks Song Yan if he needs his help. The firefighter lets Da Peng train with him. They watch Song Yan treat Xu Qin when they’re training.

Song Yan asks the firefighters to escort Xu Qin to her dormitory. But Xu Qin rejects it when the firefighters volunteer to escort her. Meng Yanchen watches the painting in the exhibition. Ye Zi greets Meng Yanchen. She tells him that she likes the part-time work.

Ye Zi recommends the painting “Marionette” to him. But he doesn’t like the painting. She tells him that she thinks the painting is bizarre. The manager shows up. He’s surprised that Meng Yanchen came. He asks him about his father. Meng Yanchen tells the manager that his father isn’t like him who’s free.

The manager volunteers to accompany Meng Yanchen. But Meng Yanchen tells the manager that he wishes Ye Zi to accompany him. Ye Zi tries to take Meng Yanchen to see other paintings. But he tells her to go to do her business. Ye Zi is off duty. She tells President Wu that she’s going to leave.

President Wu keeps Ye Zi. He asks her if she knows Meng Yanchen well. She denies. But he mentions Meng Yanchen’s assistant recommended her to work at the place. She thinks Meng Yanchen helped her because she worked at his friend’s bar.

Song Yan calls the dog Xiao Meng. Xu Qin strokes Xiao Meng. She thinks the dog likes her. Song Yan agrees to what Xu Qin said because Xu Qin and Xiao Meng are families. She runs away with Xiao Meng. Xu Qin blames Song Yan for calling her dog when she chases him.

The bus is in a traffic accident. Chen Yu saves his friend and the passengers from the bus. But he falls from the cliff with the bus. The firefighters and the doctors arrive at the scene. The survivors asks Song Yan to save Chen Yu because Chen Yu saved everyone.

Song Yan tells Xu Qin to take the wounded people to the safety place. The firefighters begin to rescue Chen Yu. They climb down from the cliff and find the bus. Yang Chi catches the woman before she falls from the cliff. The firefighters rescue her.

The last wounded person is sent to the safety place. The girl cries to tell the firefighter that her friend is on the bus. Song Yan tells Yang Chi to go to look for Chen Yu. Da Peng finds Chen Yu. The girl is happy to tell Song Yan to save Chen Yu after she recognized Chen Yu.

The girl cries when she sees Chen Yu bleeding. Yang Chi tells Song Yan that he needs a doctor. Xu Qin volunteers to go to save Chen Yu. Song Yan joins Xu Qin. The two climb down the cliff. Xu Qin gives Chen Yu a treatment. She wakes him up.

Xu Qin tells Chen Yu not to fall asleep because there’re many people waiting for him. She tells him that he’s a hero. She asks him why he did. He tells her that he doesn’t know why he saved those people. He’s sent to the hospital.

Episode 17 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with the girl telling the reporters that Chen Yu cheated on many girls. Song Yan sees Xu Qin. He asks Li Meng if she knows why he likes Xu Qin. Xu Qin thinks it’s because Xu Qin is cold. Song Yan tells Li Meng that Xu Qin never concealed her flaws.

Is Chen Yu A Good Guy?

Xu Qin congratulates Song Yan. But he knows she sneers at him. She tells him that she’s such a girl. She thinks he knows her well. He respects her decision. But he reminds her that he will give up her in the end. He walks away. She gets angry.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 15-16 Recap & Ending

Da Peng looks at Li Nan when she dries her clothes. She picks up his glove. She finds out that he didn’t wash his glove well. Li Nan washes the gloves for Da Peng. She thinks he’s too lazy. She shows the glove to him. She asks him if the glove is clean.

But Da Peng thinks Li Nan has a clean freak. She talks back that it’s basic sanitation. She hands over the gloves she just washed to him. Chen Yu is arrested by the cops. The kid hands over the candy to Chen Yu. He thanks him for saving them.

Chen Yu strokes the kid’s hair. He thanks him as well. Doctor Yang thinks humans are complex animals. Xu Qin wishes everyone to be simple like Doctor Yang. Doctor Yang thinks Xu Qin is sneering at her. But Xu Qin tells Doctor Yang that she’s praising her. But Doctor Yang doesn’t believe what Xu Qin said.

Yin Lu asks Xu Qin if Chen Yu told her why he saved those people. She wonders why the bad person like Chen Yu kept giving the chance of living to other people. She confesses to Xu Qin that she planned to beat Chen Yu with other victims.

Yin Lu tells Xu Qin that she hates Chen Yu very much. But she saw Chen Yu saving her and other people. She thinks there’re good person and evil person inside Chen Yu’s body. Xu Qin tells Yin Lu that good and evil exist at the same time.

Yin Lu goes to the police station with the cops. Xu Qin sees the flowers that the people gave to Chen Yu. The nurse reports to Li Nan that the girls forgave Chen Yu because of his kindness. Li Meng looks into the fire scene with Jiang Yu.

How Does Jiang Yu Trick Song Yan to Confess that He Likes Xu Qin?

The president summons the thugs because he doesn’t wish Li Meng to continue to look into his repository. He thinks his repository wouldn’t get burned if the firefighters weren’t late. Jiang Yu tells the president to take a look at the recordings of the fire station.

The president tells Li Meng to leave the evidence. But she rejects it. The thug takes off Li Meng’s mask. She lets the firefighter to protect the evidence when she holds the camera. Jiang Yu tells the thugs that they will be punished.

Song Yan shows up with the firefighters. They fight with the thugs. The police arrive. They arrest the thugs. Li Meng reports to Song Yan that she found the gas from the fire scene. Song Yan thinks the fire was set by someone. The president shows up. He tells Song Yan to forgive him.

But Li Meng tells the president that they only use the evidence to speak. Song Yan tells the president to explain it to the cops. He thinks he wanted to get the insurance. The president claims that he knows some officials. Song Yan tells the president to go to report him if he has any question.

The thug stops Song Yan. Xu Qin pours the alcohol on the thug’s wound. It makes him feel painful. He thinks Xu Qin intended to do it to him. He reports to the cop that Xu Qin bullied him. Xu Qin tells her name to the thug. Yang Chi thinks Xu Qin is like Song Yan.

The nurse treats Yang Chi’s wound because his hand was hurt. Da Peng tells Jiang Yi to go to see other firefighters when Li Nan treats him. Jiang Yu apologizes to Da Peng for letting him get beaten. He asks him if he blames him for not letting them fight it back.

Xu Xi cries when she treats Yang Chi’s wound. Song Yan tells Xu Qin not to leak her name next time. Jiang Yu joins Xu Qin. He asks her about the feelings of work. She thinks she wasted her talent. He thinks she’s very confident. She thinks the doctors are suitable for staying in the hospital.

But Jiang Yu thinks the problem can be resolved. Xu Qin persuades Jiang Yu to hire doctors. Jiang Yi tries to tell Yang Chi the eyes when Da Peng looked at Li Nan. But Yang Chi brings up the tears when the nurse treated him. Jiang Yi is surprised that Yang Chi had a business. He tries to go to take a look at the nurse.

But Yang Chi stops Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi realizes that the nurse is Xu Xi. He praises Yang Chi. Song Yan takes a look at Jiang Yu and Xu Qin. He gets in the fire truck. Jiang Yu mentions Madam Meng arranged a blind date for Xu Qin. Yang Chi thinks Jiang Yu knows Xu Qin well.

Jiang Yu asks Xu Qin if she will be his girlfriend if he has a huge career. She agrees to it. Yang Chi calls Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu parts with Xu Qin. Li Meng, Song Yan and Jiang Yu are called to the chief’s office. Song Yan tells the chief that it was not related to Jiang Yu.

But Jiang Yu wants to take the duty because he didn’t protect everyone. But the chief tells Jiang Yu and Song Yan that there’s only one prize. Li Meng tells the chief that she couldn’t find the reason without Song Yan and Jiang Yu.

The chief tells Li Meng that he’s not silly. He praises Song Yan and Jiang Yu. Chief Gao tells Jiang Yu to share the tea with Song Yan. Song Yan takes over the tea from Chief Gao. Chief Gao tells Song Yan that he didn’t do well to beat the people. He lets him write the report on his own.

Episode 18 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Li Meng laughing after she saw Song Yan and Jiang Yu off. Chief Gao mistakes that Li Meng thinks he said something wrong. He blames her for stepping in when he educated Song Yan and Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu thanks Song Yan. He thinks he would be in hospital if it wasn’t because of Song Yan.

Jiang Yu promises to write the report for Song Yan. He asks him if Xu Qin has feelings for him. He mentions he had a meal with Xu Qin’s families. He thinks he should pursue Xu Qin if she likes him. But Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that Xu Qin doesn’t like him. He tells him that Xu Qin is very cute. It makes Jiang Yu believe that Song Yan has feelings for Xu Qin. He follows him and asks him to confess it to him. Song Yan admits that he has feelings for Xu Qin. Jiang Yu laughs after he forced Song Yan to tell him the truth. Song Yan kicks Jiang Yu.

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