Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 15-16 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 15-16. Zhai Miao asks Song Yan if Xu Qin didn’t make up with him. He thinks the woman was crazy after she drank. Uncle Song hands over the bun to Zhai Xiao. He asks her to eat it. But she drops the bun.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episode 15?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 15-16.

Zhai Miao mentions what she told Song Yan not to go to see Xu Qin. She thinks he got dumped. He tells Song Yan not to go to see Xu Qin. She thinks Xu Qin isn’t a good girl. Song Yan tells Zhai Miao not to be like that to Xu Qin. He thinks Xu Qin isn’t the girl she thinks.

Song Yan tells his families that Xu Qin is useless because she’s very weak. But Zhai Xiao talks back that Xu Qin is useful to bewitch Song Yan. Aunt Song tells Song Yan that Xu Qin isn’t suitable for him. She thinks Li Meng is a good girl.

Zhai Miao agrees to what her mother said. But Song Yan leaves. Aunt Song chases Song Yan. She hands over the soy milk to him. She tells him not to put Zhai Miao’s words into his mind. She reminds him that there’re a lot of grudges between Song family and Meng family.

Song Yan thinks it’s not related to Xu Qin. But Aunt Song points out that it’s related to him. She thinks Song Yan shouldn’t pretend nothing happened. Song Yan comforts his aunt that he will resolve it. It makes her believe that he wants to make up with Xu Qin.

Song Yan thinks it’s not easy to him and Xu Qin. Li Meng tells him to get in her car when he’s waiting for the cab. He thinks she passed by because she doesn’t live there. She explains to him that she came to by cakes. She tells him to take a box of cake to the fire station.

Song Yan rejects it because he doesn’t like sweets. But Li Meng tells Song Yan that the cake isn’t just for him. Xu Qin parks her car. She sees Song Yan. She wakes at him. But she sees Li Meng. She drives away. Li Meng asks Song Yan if he still has feelings for Xu Qin.

Li Meng tells Song Yan not to think of Xu Qin since Xu Qin looked him down. She thinks he should let Xu Qin know that there’re many good girls liking him. But Song Yan tells Li Meng not to cross the line. He thanks her for her caring. But he thinks she shouldn’t talk about him and Xu Qin’s relationship.

Song Yan mentions what he told Li Meng that they’re impossible. But she tells him that she’s glad to do so. She thinks she should find someone who’s nice to him. He tells her that he wants to convince himself as well. Orange asks Doctor Yang why she cannot keep living in the hospital.

Doctor Yang explains to Orange that the hospital is for sick people. Orange wishes to be sick all the time. Doctor Yang tells Orange that the aunt will take her to welfare agency. But Orange worries that she will get kicked out because she’s broken.

Doctor Yang tells Orange that the welfare agency is free. Xu Qin promises to come to see Orange. Orange leaves with the aunt. The girl takes her mother to the hospital because her mother breathe. Xu Qin refuses to prescribe medication for the patient because she thinks he’s healthy.

Director Xu passes by. He uses the plastic bag to cover the patient’s head. The patient feels better. Director Xu tells Xu Qin to learn to know people as a doctor. Some people are trapped in the mountain. Song Yan and Jiang Yu go to the mountain.

The guy tells the firefighters that he will pay them 100,000 yuan if they save his children. Jiang Yu tells the guy that it’s not about money. He thinks the firefighters are parents’ children as well. The man who knows the topography thinking the children are trapped in front mountain.

Episode 15 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Song Yan asking Jiang Yu about the families. But the firefighter tells Song Yan that the the families have left. Jiang Yu thinks those people worried that they will be punished. Song Yan is on the way to the fire station with Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu asks Song Yan if he often encountered the cases.

Why Xu Qin Joins the Rescue Team?

The firefighter tells Jiang Yu that it will be better if there’s doctors help them when they save people. Jiang Yu wants to give it a try even if he knows it will be hard. He meets with the chief and asks her to set up a medical care and fire fighting team.

The chief thinks it’s a good idea. But she worries the safety of the doctors. Jiang Yu tells the chief that he’s going to train the doctors. He hands over his proposal to her. She’s surprised that he’s well prepared. She asks him if he got along well with Song Yan.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 13-14 Recap & Ending

Jiang Yu tells the chief that Song Yan helped him a lot. But she tells him that he knows Song Yan’s temper. She thinks it’s hard to let Jiang Yu team up with Song Yan. She tells Jiang Yu that she will help him. Dean Liu sees Song Yan and Jiang Yu off. He tells them to think about the cover of the media.

Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that he’s against his plan. Jiang Yu tells Song Yan that the training needs him. Xu Qin bumps Song Yan. She’s surprised to see Jiang Yu. He explains to her that he and Song Yan came because of the rescue team.

Jiang Yu introduces Song Yan to Xu Qin. But he finds out that Xu Qin and Song Yan knows each other. But Song Yan denies it. Xu Qin is furious to walk away. Jiang Yu asks Song Yan what happened. But Song Yan thinks it’s not Jiang Yu’s business.

Jiang Yu smiles to ask Song Yan if he wishes to know how he knew Xu Qin. Song Yan thinks it’s not his business. Xu Qin is waiting for Meng Yanchen. He asks her what she wants to eat. She tells him that she just wants to eat in the cafeteria.

Meng Yanchen tells Xu Qin that he wants to take her to eat out. It makes her believe that he looks down on their cafeteria. He mentions he took her to eat out when she was hungry. But she forgets it. They encounter Song Yan and Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu introduces Song Yan to Meng Yanchen. But he finds out that Song Yan and Meng Yanchen know each other. The two deny it. Jiang Yu tells the two to know each other. Xu Qin takes Meng Yanchen away. Dean Liu calls Madam Meng. He reports to her that Song Yan is the chief of the fire station.

But Madam Meng tells Dean Liu that he doesn’t know Song Yan. Dean Liu lets Director Xu to read the proposal of the rescue team. He reminds him that it’s related to the reputation of his emergency department. He thinks he should create the good chances for the young people.

But Director Xu is against the plan. Because he worries about the safety of the doctors. Xu Qin reads the plan of the rescue team. She tells Director Xu that she wants to join the rescue team. She thinks she can save lives as well when she’s at the rescue scene.

Li Nan visits Xu Qin. She tells her that she thought she didn’t want to join the rescue team. Xu Qin apologizes to Li Nan for making the decision on her own without talking about it with her. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin that she’s going to go on a trip.

Xu Qin tells Zhan Xiaorao that she’s envy of her. Zhan Xiaorao asks Xu Qin about her and Song Yan. Xu Qin mentions Song Yan didn’t leave when she needed him. Zhan Xiaorao thinks Xu Qin deserved it. Xu Qin admits that she tested the underline of Song Yan.

Xu Qin thinks she stepped in the memories because she lost the ability to love people. She thinks she will give up even if she reaches the step. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin not to give up. Xu Qin thinks she and Song Yan should know each other again.

How Does Song Yan Find Out that Xu Qin Became Braver Than Before?

Xu Qin and the doctors arrive at the fire station. Song Yan takes the firefighters to applaud. Xu Qin shakes hands with Song Yan. Xu Qin passes by Song Yan’s dormitory. Jiang Yu invites Xu Qin to look around the dormitory because the dormitory belongs to him as well.

Xu Qin guesses Song Yan’s bed because there’re photos on the bed. Song Yan smiles at Jiang Yu when he points at his head. He leaves the dormitory. Jiang Yu realizes that Song Yan is the guy Xu Qin likes. Xu Qin nods. Jiang Yu thinks Song Yan’s mouth is firm to pretend not to know Xu Qin. He thinks his parents just know Xu Qin’s parents.

Song Yan brings the water to Xu Qin. He thinks the projects are hard to her. It makes her believe that he looks down on her. He mentions she caught a cold when she’s blown by wind. He thinks she should stay in the hospital. She claims that she’s not the Xu Qin who was weak.

Xu Qin thinks Song Yan is caring for her. He reminds her that he cannot take care of her when he rescues. She thinks they can only reach the goal when they resolve the problems. But he tells her to avoid the risks before it happens.

Xu Qin points out that there’s risks when firefighters go to the scene. She thinks she and Song Yan have their duties on their own. She thinks they will be the battle companion if they work well together. He laughs and thinks she became more braver than before.

Song Yan eats with Xu Qin in the cafeteria. He thinks she hasn’t learn the eating tips he taught her. She tries to go to throw away the food. But he tells her not to waste the food. She explains to him that she cannot eat it. He thinks she needs to be full so that she will get the stamina. She eats up the food in front of him. She leaves the cafeteria.

Episode 16 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Song Yan thinking the doctors should train the firefighters. Jiang Yu agrees to what Song Yan said. He thinks it’s a win-win situation that the doctors and the firefighters learn from each other. He adds that Song Yan is the looks of the fire station.

But Song Yan thinks Jiang Yu scolded him. Jiang Yu volunteers to be the looks of the fire station. Song Yan likes Jiang Yu’s words. Zhai Miao complains to Ye Zi that she won’t be hired. She regrets for choosing the specialty. She takes a photo of Ye Zi. She finds out that she’s very beautiful. She tells her to be the celebrity. Ye Zi tells Zhai Miao not to delay her part-time job. Zhai Miao promises it.

Jiang Yu asks Xu Qin to teach some medical skills to the firefighters. She decides to teach the dressing skill to the firefighters. But she needs a model. Song Yan tells Jiang Yi to be the model. But the firefighters tell Song Yan to be the model. Xu Qin lets Song Yan take off his clothes. He walks away when she gets the firefighter to touch his chest.

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