Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 11-12 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 11-12. Meng Yanchen tells Xu Qin to return home with him. Song Yan asks Xu Qin about Meng Yanchen. Xu Qin introduces Meng Yanchen as her older brother to Song Yan. But Song Yan doesn’t believe it.

What Happens In Fireworks of My Heart Episode 11?

Fireworks of My Heart

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 11-12.

Xu Qin tries to walk to Meng Yanchen. But Song Yan stops her when he holds her hand. He tells her not to leave with Meng Yanchen. Meng Yanchen asks Song Yan to release Xu Qin. But Song Yan yells at Meng Yanchen that it’s not his business. Meng Yanchen punches Song Yan. Xu Qin stops the two’s fight. They ask her to make a choice. Xu Qin walks to Song Yan. But she tells him that she’s going to return home. She leaves with Meng Yanchen.

Song Yan sits on the rooftop. He remembers Xu Qin asked him why he told her that he likes her. Meng Yanchen takes Xu Qin home. He tries to leave her room after she fell asleep. It flashes back. Xu Qin walks into Meng Yanchen’s room. She tells him that she’s scared. Meng Yanchen tells Xu Qin not to fear it. He lets her sleep in his bed. He strokes her hair. But he sees the words Song Yan left. He learns that Song Yan asks Xu Qin for a meeting up. He erases the words.

Zhai Miao is waiting for Song Yan. She thinks he’s going to go to see Xu Qin. She reminds him that their problem hasn’t been resolved. She thinks his life will ruined if he’s hurt again because he’s not young anymore. He thinks Xu Qin won’t see him all her life if he doesn’t go to see her.

Zhai Miao wonders if Song Yan actually likes Xu Qin. She mentions what he said that it’s good that he doesn’t see Xu Qin. But he points out that he needs to go to pick Xu Qin up since Xu Qin came. But Zhai Miao doesn’t see Xu Qin.

Song Yan tells Zhai Miao not to care for his business. She chases him and tells her parents to stop Song Yan. She reveals Song Yan is going to go to see Xu Qin. Uncle Song tells Zhai Miao to go to have breakfast. He asks Song Yan if he’s going to go to see Xu Qin.

Song Yan admits it. Uncle Song tells Song Yan to go to see Xu Qin because he knows he loves Xu Qin very much. But he tells him to just do it one time. Xu Qin wakes up. She gets a call from Song Yan. He wants to go to see her. But she tells him that she’s at her parent’s home. She tells him to wait for her.

Xu Qin leaves her parent’s house. She returns home. Song Yan is waiting for her. He tries to order porridge after knowing she wishes to drink porridge. She stops him and tells him that there’re rice and water at her house. He cooks porridge for her and asks her if she remembers what she said to him that she won’t come to him.

Xu Qin admits it. Song Yan asks Xu Qin if she’s going to wait for him if he comes to her. He tells her that he feels wronged for her. She tells him that she doesn’t know how to face him and her family. He tells her that he knows she fears it. He adds that he will shoulder it if she’s firm enough.

Episode 11 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Jiang Yu seeing the dog before he goes to the cafeteria. The firefighter tells Jiang Yu that the dog Xiao Meng was trained by Song Yan. Jiang Yu tries to be close to Xiao Meng. But Xiao Meng bites Jiang Yu.

How Does Zhan Xiaorao Know Song Yan Is Xu Qin’s Ex-Boyfriend?

Meng Yanchen tells Xu Qin to go abroad with him. But she rejects it and gets off his car. Ye Zi knocks at the car window. She asks him if he called a chauffeur. He hands over his key to her. He asks her if she resigned from the bar when she drives. She tells him that she wishes to pay back the loan.

Song San returns to his dormitory. He gets angry after knowing Jiang Yu touched his checkerboard because Jiang Yu didn’t ask him about it. Song Yan see the firefighter eating the food. The firefighter tells Song Yan to eat the food as well. He reveals the food was given by the girl he saved.

But Song Yan mentions the rule that firefighters shouldn’t accept citizens’ presents. But Jiang Yu points out that the firefighters shouldn’t waste food. The firefighters thank Jiang Yu. But Jiang Yu tells them to thank Song Yan. Song Yan calls Zhan Xiaorao. He tells her not to send presents to him.

Zhan Xiaorao tells Song Yan to throw the present away if he doesn’t like it. He thinks wasting food is a huge case. She tells him that she wishes to be his girlfriend. He tells her that Xu Qin is his fire love. She’s shocked. Zhan Xiaorao brings the wine to Xu Qin. She asks her to take the wine.

Xu Qin tells Zhan Xiaorao that she cannot drink because she needs to read book. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin that she doesn’t require her to drink. She wonders why she doesn’t go to see Xiao Yixiao since she wishes to drink. Zhan Xiaorao asks Xu Qin if Song Yan is her ex-boyfriend.

Zhan Xiaorao blames Xu Qin for not telling it to her. Xu Qin explains to Zhan Xiaorao that she didn’t know how to explain it to her. She apologizes to her. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin that she will forgive her after she drinks the wine.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 9-10 Recap & Ending

Xu Qin wonders why Zhan Xiaorao doesn’t pursue Song Yan since she likes Song Yan very much. Zhan Xiaorao claims that she won’t pursue her best friend’s ex-boyfriend. Xu Qin laughs. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin that Song Yan still has feelings for her.

Zhan Xiaorao wonders why Xu Qin doesn’t make up since Xu Qin and Song Yan love each other. She asks Xu Qin if she has an ex-boyfriend. Xu Qin denies it. Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin not to wait for it. But she realizes that Xu Qin’s family is against it.

Zhan Xiaorao tells Xu Qin that she knows her mother’s temper. She asks her what she’s going to do. Xu Qin thinks she will have a chance if she gets promoted. But Zhan Xiaorao thinks it’s not easy to change Madam Meng’s mind. She tells Xu Qin to work hard.

Does Xu Qin Rebel Against her Mother?

Xu Qin returns home. She’s surprised to see Madam Meng. Madam Meng tries to leave after she told Xu Qin that she bought her dinner. Xu Qin stops Madam Meng. She asks her if she thought there’s someone else at home. Madam Meng denies it. She thinks Xu Qin wouldn’t do the things that let her down.

But Xu Qin tells Madam Meng that she wishes to be bold. Madam Meng asks Xu Qin if Meng Yanchen paid the fine for Song Yan. She badmouths Song Yan. Xu Qin tells her mother not to attack Song Yan because she’s not related to Song Yan.

It makes Madam Meng believe that Xu Qin wishes to be related to Song Yan. She tells her to go abroad. Xu Qin tells Madam Meng that she was moved after Song Yan had cooked porridge for her. But she didn’t dare to keep Song Yan. Madam Meng learns that Xu Qin intends to convince her.

Madam Meng tells Xu Qin not to be against her for an outsider. But Xu Qin thinks Song Yan isn’t an outsider. Madam Meng thinks Xu Qin forgot the kindness of her parents for a bowl of porridge. Xu Qin tells Madam Meng that she has been painful because she doesn’t wish her to be sad. Madam Meng hugs Xu Qin. She tells her that she wishes her to be a good kid.

Ye Zi returns to the dormitory. She finds out that Zhai Miao still sees cosmetics. Zhai Miao tells Ye Zi that she wishes to get rich. Ye Zi tells Zhai Miao that she’s going to run business with her once she finds the method to get rich. The roommate is surprised that Ye Zi needs money.

Episode 12 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Ye Zi telling her roommate that she cannot pay the rent if she doesn’t work hard. The roommate tells Ye Zi to make a rich boyfriend. Another roommate mentions Wu Jingjing found a rich boyfriend. Zhai Miao tells the roommates to earn money on their own.

Zhai Miao claims that she will be a boss through her efforts. The aunt tells Ye Zi that there was a guy who returned her student card to her. Ye Zi runs to chase Meng Yanchen’s card. She thanks him for returning the student card to her. But he’s cold to drive away.

Song Yan asks Jiang Yu if being a firefighter is his dream. Jiang Yu admits it. He tells Song Yan that he wishes to make some changes. Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that he’s envy of him. Jiang Yu mentions what his father told him to be a good person. Song Yan tells Jiang Yu that his father is a good person as well.

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