Fireworks of My Heart Episode 4 Recap: Love You Cannot Be Denied

This is the recap for Fireworks of My Heart Episode 4. Xu Qin arrives at the hospital. She goes to get changed because she’s soaked. Li Nan sends the patient to the operating room. She hands over the report of the patient to Xu Qin.

Fireworks of My Heart Episode 4

Xu Qin sees the patient. She decides to give the cardiac puncture to the patient. Doctor Yang is against it when she thinks Xu Qin cannot take duty for it. Xu Qin promises to take the duty. She raises her hand. Xu Qin is going to give the treatment to the patient.

Doctor Yang persuades Xu Qin not to take the risk because Director Xu is on the way to the hospital. Xu Qin lets her leave because it’s Team B’s job. Doctor Yang and the patient’s daughter sit in the lobby. They’re waiting for the result.

Li Nan shows up with with the nurse. The nurse shows the little girl the lollipop. Li Nan tells the kid that she bought her the cake. She reveals her father is fine. She gives the cake to Doctor Yang. She joins the nurses. The nurses think the little girl is poor because her father is her only family.

Doctor Yang hugs the kid. The nurse reveals she called the little girl’s aunt. The madam is going to come to pick up the kid. Xu Qin walks out of the operating room. She takes a look at the little girl. She leaves. She goes to her office to write report.

The madam comes to pick up the kid. They’re going to leave. Xu Qin stops them. She gives the madam the contact information for the psychologist. The madam is moved to let the little girl Sha Sha thank Xu Qin.

Xu Qin is in Director Xu’s office. Doctor Xu asks her why she gave cardiac puncture to the patient. She explains it to him that she did it because of the patient’s condition. He learns that she did the surgery when she was in her internship. He scolds her and he thinks she was lucky. He asks her if she knows the heart as a doctor. He’s furious to leave his office.

The nurses talk about Xu Qin at the nurses’ station. They mention Xu Qin was scolded by Director Xu. They think Xu Qin isn’t nice like Doctor Yang. But Li Nan thinks it’s fine as long as Xu Qin can save lives. Xu Qin dries Song Yan’s clothes at home.

Miao Miao’s classmates visit Miao Miao. One of the classmates wonders when Song Yan will come back. Song Yan shows up. He sees the girls. Miao Miao introduces her classmates to Song Yan. He greets the girls and he goes to his room. The girls are excited. They think Song Yan is very handsome.

Miao Miao follows Song Yan to the room. He asks her about her parents. She reveals her parents went to the park to take a walk after they cooked the dinner. She complains it to him that they would starve to death if they waited for him.

Miao Miao tells Song Yan that the girls wished to have a meal with him after they saw his photos. He tells her to go to look for a boyfriend. He claims that he’s not a monkey. She learns that he got angry. She explains it to him that she thought he’s handsome and she wanted to show it off. She begs him. He agrees to it. She’s happy to take him to leave the room.

Aunt Song brings water to Uncle Song in the park. He worries that Zhai Miao’s method won’t work. She thinks they should give it a try. She mentions Song Yan claimed that he’s busy when he was asked to go on a blind date. She thinks it’s a great idea to take the girls home. She reveals she just wishes not to be related to Meng family. He remembers Song Yan came to his house.

It flashes back. Someone knocks at the door. Uncle Song and Aunt Song go to open the door. They see Song Yan. Song Yan cries to tell the two that his father is dead. He reveals he couldn’t carry his father. He asks Uncle Song to help him.

We return to the present. Aunt Song wonders how did Song Yan come to their house in the winter day. She mentions Song Yan’s mother. Uncle Song blames Song Yan’s mother for giving up Song Yan. He doesn’t want to hear the woman’s name.

He worries that Song Yan will be like his father. Aunt Song scolds Uncle Song. She lets him slap himself. He wonders why Xu Qin came back since she went overseas. He wishes to know what the girl wants to do. Aunt Song claims that they shouldn’t let Song Yan get hurt.

Song Yan has a dinner with Zhai Miao and the girls. The girls think the food is delicious. Zhai Miao tells the girls to eat it more. She gives the food to Ye Zi. Song Yan takes a look at Ye Zi when she fixes her hair. He remembers Xu Qin.

The girl learns that Song Yan is a firefighter. She thinks it was dangerous. But he claims that it was ordinary rescue. She wonders why he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He thinks it’s because he was busy. He leaves. It makes the girl think Song Yan wasn’t happy.

Zhai Miao denies it. She’s told that her older brother took a look at Ye Zi. Song Yan looks for his lighter in his room. Zhai Miao persuades him to buy a new one. She asks him about the girl who looked like Xu Qin. She tells him that Ye Zi is her best friend. She thinks it’s good that Ye Zi becomes her sister-in-law. He strangles her and she persuades him to think about it.

Xu Qing walks out of the changing room. She gets a call from Xiao Yixiao. He reports it to her that Song Yan is on vacation. He complains it to her that his mother and his older brother will scold him if they know it. She promises to buy him a meal.

Xu Qin visits Song Yan with a present. He thinks she passed out. But he’s told that she intended to come. She returns the clothes to him. She tells him that she came to thank him for saving her. He asks her to marry him. It makes her be close to him.

He tells her that he was just kidding. He thinks she was confident enough to think that he still loves her. She asks him not to talk with her with the manner. He asks her if he needs to call her Lady Meng. He tells her not to pretend to be poor. She asks him to make up with her. But she’s told that he forgot her. He leaves. She tears up.

We go to the fire station. Song Yan takes the trophy in the Honor Hall. Suo Jun finds him. Song Yan complains it to Song Jun that he doesn’t know how to train the rookies. He thinks he can keep the trophy if he gets the first place again.

Suo Jun thinks Song Yan’s physical test standard is too strict. But Song Yan thinks the guys were too lazy. Suo Jun mentions the old firefighters thought they’re not good. He persuades Song Yan to take a look at the shining points of the guys.

Song Yan is furious to yell at Suo Jun that the guys cannot get the championship with their levels. He thinks they lose if they get second place. He reveals he wants to take the trophy to witness the hardship of the fire station in the last eight years. He mentions he doesn’t fight alone because he has Suo Jun. He reminds Suo Jun the oath they made. Suo Jun holds the trophy with Song Yan. He smiles at him.

We go to the hospital. Xu Qin walks into the office. Li Nan reveals the hospital asked them to send someone to the lecture. Xu Qin asks the people who wants to go to the lecture. But Li Nan lets them take the drinks. Xu Qin decides to draw lots. Li Nan hands over the drink to her. She persuades her not to miss the studying chance. But Xu Qin insists on drawing lots. She hears the nurse Dong Dong saying that it’s a fire fighting lecture.

Xu Qin walks into the lecture room. She sits with Doctor Yang. Li Meng shows up. She introduces herself as the supervisor. She begins her lecture. The fire fighters are trained to climb down the building in the fire station. The firefighter and Song Yan are in the building.

He tells Song Yan that the fire fighters thought the female doctor is pretty. They decided to visit the doctor if they have a small disease. The fire fighter climbs down the building with Song Yan. He asks him if he knew the doctor. Song Yan kicks the guy.

Li Meng ends her lecture. The nurse sees the photo of Li Meng and Song Yan. She asks Li Meng if the guy is her boyfriend. Li Meng is embarrassed. Xu Qin joins Li Meng. Li Meng remembers she saw Xu Qin at the bar. She asks her if she wants to know their work. Xu Qin learns that Li Meng and Song Yan are colleagues. She thinks the two are match for each other. She leaves the lecture room.

Song Yan and the fire fighter get a new task. They leave the fire station. Xu Qin returns to the office when the nurse is massaging Li Nan. Xu Qin wishes not to get a new task because they’re going to be off duty. But Li Nan stops her because she has a bad feelings. Xu Qin gets a call from someone. She’s asked to come to the car accident scene. She leaves with her team members.

Xu Qin and Song Yan arrive at the car accident scene. The two drivers are trapped in the cars. One is on the road, another one is in the water. Xu Qin finds the injured person. She sees her and she tells Li Nan that the woman is dead.

She finds another injured person. She sees the reporters. She goes to the ambulance to take a white cloth. She puts the white cloth on the dead. Song Yan takes the fire fighters to save the driver who’s in the water. The driver is trapped in the car. He asks Song Yan to save him.

Song Yan gives the clothes to the driver. He tells him that they will save him. The crane tries to draw the car out of the water. But it’s stuck. Song Yan orders the fire fighters to cut the car. Suo Jun leads his team to save the driver on the road.

The car is cut. But the driver is stuck in the car. Song Yan summons a doctor. Xu Qin shows up. She gives a treatment to the driver. Song Yan asks the fire fighters to carry the driver. But the car moves. Song Yan’s back is hurt for protecting Xu Qin.

The driver is saved. He’s carried to the ambulance. Xu Qin tangles Song Yan. She persuades him to go to hospital because he was hurt. Suo Jun blocks Son Yan’s way. He lets him get in the ambulance. The driver is sent to the hospital. Doctor Yang picks him up.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episodes 5-6 Recap & Ending

Song Yan is in Xu Qin’s office. Xu Qin asks him to take off his clothes. But he asks her for changing a doctor. She reveals the doctors are busy. He learns that he doesn’t have other options. She mentions she didn’t have other options when he saved her.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

She gives him a treatment and she thanks him for saving her by the lake. He claims that it was his duty. She dresses his wound and she asks him to come to see her for changing the medicine. He thinks she plans to dump him after she makes up with him. But she asks him why he saved her since he forgot her. He confesses it to her that he liked her ever.

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