Fireworks of My Heart Episode 37 Recap: Family

This is the recap for Fireworks of My Heart Episode 37. Xu Qin returns home. She asks Madam Meng if she was the one who made Song Yan fail the test. She asks her if she was the one who sent someone to tangle Song Yan when the guy was going to get promoted.

Fireworks of My Heart Episode 37

Xu Qin cries to tell Madam Meng that Song Yan wrote ten letters to her. But she didn’t get any letter. She thinks it was her. Madam Meng is clam to look at her phone. She asks Xu Qin who told it to her. She thinks it was Song Yan.

Xu Qin turns around. She looks at her father. She asks him if he took part in the plan. He stands up from the couch and he doesn’t know how to explain it to her. Madam Meng reveals it’s not related to Master Meng. She admits that she did it.

Xu Qin blames her mother for not explaining it. She yells at her that it’s related to someone’s future. She tells her that the guy is the one she loves. She adds that he is the one who she almost missed. She blames her for not caring for it after she ruined her lover.

Xu Qin tells Madam Meng that she has treated her as her real mother. She reveals she thought about making up with her. She adds that she thought she did so because of her personality. She thinks she’s a fool and she thinks she’s a tool which Madam Meng and Master Meng used.

She thinks the tool had human nature and the feelings herself. Madam Meng worried that the tool will be out of her control so that she ruined her lover. It made her not have any hope so that she could only be Madam Meng’s puppet doll.

Master Meng scolds Xu Qin. He thinks she shouldn’t say so to her mother. She cries. Madam Meng asks Xu Qin if she wants to deny anything they did for the man. She admits that she’s not a perfect mother. But she asks her if she’s a perfect daughter.

She tells her that she let her down. But Xu Qin thinks her mother is hypocritical. She complains it to her that she’s listened to her. She wonders how did she let her down. She thinks she just fell for Song Yan. She thinks she shouldn’t noble after she did such things. She tells her that she’s not a good person.

Master Meng stops Xu Qin. Madam Meng tells Xu Qin to send her mother to the prison. She cries. Xu Qin claims that she’s going to cut ties with her parents. She tells her mother not to hurt Song Yan. She admits that she owns nothing in Madam Meng’s eyes. But she can die for the guy.

She tries to leave. But she sees the family photo on the wall. She throws the family photo to the floor. She leaves the house. Madam Meng is startled. Meng Yanchen watches it from the stairs. His mother wipes off her tears when he shows up.

She calls him. But he calls her Director Fu. We call her Madam Fu from now on. Madam Fu asks her son about his education. He praises her for teaching him to be a gentleman. He thought she’s a gentlewoman. He mentions his education made him be filial to her since childhood.

He tells his parents that he didn’t want to hurt them no matter how much he suffered. Because he didn’t wish to let them down. He tries to leave. Madam Fu stops him. She claims that she doesn’t allow him to leave. But he begs her to look at him.

He reminds her that the one who stands in front of her is her son. He reveals he has lived like a shell. He thinks she can only see herself. He leaves the house. Madam Fu calls her son. But her husband stops her. He asks her not to force the kids. He thinks she’s satisfied with it after she forces the kids to be crazy.

She wipes off her tears. She claims that rules are rules. She adds that she did two disgraceful things. But she did it for Meng family and her children. She doesn’t regret. Master Meng admits that he was against the love relationship of Xu Qin and Song Yan. He thinks his wife shouldn’t hurt the boy since they made the two break up.

But she thinks Song Yan’s father is a trash. She mentions Song Yan’s mother ran away from home for some money. She thinks the parents couldn’t raise a good son. She claims that she can only allow her daughter to get together with the boy when she’s dead. Master Meng looks at the broken family photo on the floor. He’s sad.

Aunt Song and Uncle Song watch TV at home. Aunt Song worries that the two kids broke up. But Uncle Song tells her not to care for it. She blames him for watching the TV. Song Yan run home. Xu Qin is waiting for him. She calls him. They run to each other. They have a hug.

Xu Qin asks Song Yan to make up with her. But he points out that they didn’t part. She cries when she wonders how did he hang in there. She apologizes to him for not trusting him. She thinks she shouldn’t have a fight with him and leave home.

She tells him that she missed him. He confesses that he missed her as well. He takes her to get into the house. Aunt Song sees the two kids. She’s very happy. She walks out of her house with Master Song. She tries to go to ask the two kids if they had dinner.

But her husband stops her. He thinks she shouldn’t go to see the couples since they made up. He thinks it’s not important if the two had dinner. He hugs her. She blames him and she thinks he’s a bad guy. They return to their house.

Meng Yanchen goes to Xiao Yixiao’s club. The waitress is happy to welcome him. She offers to call Xiao Yixiao. He rejects it. He asks her for his wine and he leaves. She gets his wine. The waitress leaves Meng Yanchen’s room. She calls Ye Zi.

Ye Zi is with Zhai Miao in the dormitory. She picks up the phone and she’s excited after knowing Meng Yanchen came to the club. She tells the waitress that she wants to thank Meng Yanchen for helping her. Ye Zi puts on makeup. She goes to the club to see Meng Yanchen.

She walks into the room when he falls asleep on the chair. She wakes him up and she thinks he’s not happy since he drank a lot. She asks him if he’s not happy because of the work. He laughs and he thinks moth and butterfly are different.

He tells her that he can see moth even if she looks at butterfly. He mentions butterfly likes to dance under the sunshine but moth likes to appear in the evening. She doesn’t understand what he said. But he thinks it’s not important because he just wants to stay alone.

She admits that she likes him but she thinks he shouldn’t treat her in such a way. He asks her why she likes him. She reveals she thinks he’s a good person. But he asks her about her living cost. He claims that he’s a businessman and he knew all kinds of people. He tells her not to think she’s very smart. He adds that he won’t be tricked by her easily.

She cries and she stands up. She realizes that he has played with her. But he tells her that she doesn’t deserve it. He drinks up the wine and he asks her to leave. She’s sad to run out of his room. She hides herself in the corner. She tears up.

She stands up and she returns to the room. She sees him falling asleep on the chair. She walks into the room. She takes off her clothes and she puts him on the couch. Madam Fu and Master Meng sleep in the bed. We learn that Madam Fu’s name is Fu Wenying. She gets up. Her husband persuades her to sleep because he thinks she’s tired.

But she reveals she feels uneasy. She mentions Meng Yanchen never did it to her before. He persuades her to let the kid calm down. He thinks the kid cannot defeat her. But she reveals her son didn’t pick up her phone. He comforts her and he asks her to give Meng Yanchen some time. But she takes the phone and she calls Meng Yanchen.

Ye Zi picks up the phone. She cries. Fu Wenying hears a girl’s crying. She asks the girl who she is. Ye Zi hangs up. She calls the class president. She cries to ask him to help her. She reveals she was bullied by someone. Lawyer Guo visits Fu Wenying.

He learns that she failed to contact Meng Yanchen. She thinks they should call police. But he points out that they don’t have a reason to do that. He mentions the girl claimed that she’s a victim. He asks Fu Wenying if she wishes to give the girl a lesson.

Ye Zi texts Fu Wenying. She asks for five million yuan. Fu Wenying agrees to it. She asks Ye Zi for her card number. Ye Zi tries to send her card number to Fu Wenying. But Meng Yanchen reminds her that she will be sent to the prison if she texts it to his mother.

She’s startled and she finds out that he’s not drunk. He gets up from the couch and he tells her that she cannot defeat his mother. She claims that she has the evidence. She mentions she has a footage in her phone. But he points out that he’s not dead. He takes his suit and he tries to leave the room.

She threatens him that she will call police. She reminds him that he will be over if she does so. But he lets her do it. She calls police after he left. Fu Wenying is waiting for Ye Zi’s message. She wonders why the girl doesn’t reply to her.

Master Meng thinks the girl found out something. But Lawyer Guo doesn’t believe the girl would act so fast. Master Meng gets a call from his follower. He learns that his son was arrested by the cops. Meng Yanchen is taken to the police station. The cop asks him to say something about he forcing the girl to sleep with him.

Master Meng, Fu Wenying and Lawyer Guo arrive at the police station. Master Meng asks the cop for letting them see his son. But the cop only allows the lawyer to see the suspect. Fu Wenying claims that her son isn’t a suspect. She mentions the girl threatened them.

Master Meng wants to see his son with the lawyer. But the cop reveals Meng Yanchen didn’t deny it. Fu Wenying asks her husband to let her see her son. She thinks her son is crazy. Song Yan returns home when Xu Qin is drying clothes. He asks her to leave with him. She gets a call from Xiao Yixiao. She learns that something happened to Meng Yanchen.

Xu Qin and Song Yan leave home. They get in Xiao Yixiao’s car. Xiao Yixiao lets Xu Qin read the comments of the fans. She’s surprised what the fans said is Meng Yanchen. Xiao Yixiao complains that the fans only knew to bring trouble.

Song Yan suspects that someone had a resentment with Meng family. So he chose Meng Yanchen. Xiao Yixiao reveals Meng Yanchen didn’t explain it for himself. He thinks Meng Yanchen is over if the rumor turns the guy into a bad person. Xu Qin realizes that Meng Yanchen overheard it at home. She grabs her first tightly. Song Yan holds her hand to comfort her.

Xu Qin arrives at the police station. She calls her parents. Master Meng lets her tell what she wants to say Lawyer Guo so that the lawyer can tell it to Meng Yanchen. He persuades her to let Meng Yanchen speak. She asks Lawyer Guo to tell Meng Yanchen to resolve the problem at home.

Xiao Yixiao is outside the police station. Song Yan mentions the girl works at Xiao Yixiao’s club. Xiao Yixiao reveals he fired the girl. He reveals the fans thought him and Meng Yanchen are good friends. He thinks he can do nothing no matter what he says.

Song Yan wonders why there’s no camera at the bar. Xiao Yixiao reveals there’s no camera in the room. He tells Song Yan that there was a guest seeing what happened in the room. But he cannot find the person. Song Yan asks Xiao Yixiao about the relationship of the girl and Meng Yanchen.

Xiao Yixiao denies it. He reveals the girl fell for Meng Yanchen and she wanted to get together with Meng Yanchen. But Meng Yanchen rejected her. The girl hated Meng Yanchen because of love. She wanted to ruin Meng Yanchen. Xiao Yixiao shows the photo of the guest to Song Yan. Song Yan leaves.

Lawyer Guo comes back. He reports to Master Meng that his son refused to say anything. Fu Wenying asks the lawyer if he told Meng Yanchen not to make fun of his reputation. He reveals he has said it but the guy didn’t listen to him. Master Meng asks the lawyer to go to look for the guest who saw what happened in the room. The lawyer leaves.

Zhai Miao is on the rooftop at home. She remembers she went to the bar and she saw Ye Zi hurting herself. She took a photo. Song Yan returns home. He goes to the rooftop and he finds Zhai Miao. He asks her if she’s the witness of Meng Yanchen’s case.

She pretends not to understand what he said. But he tells her that he has recognized her. She wonders why he wants to help Meng family. She realizes that he tricked her because she knows the police wouldn’t show him the CCTV. He reveals he thought she won’t do something to hurt others.

She mistakes that he thought the posts online are related to her. He tells her that he believes that she wouldn’t do that. She reveals her classmates posted after they knew Ye Zi was bullied. She didn’t take part in it and she chose to watch the show.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart Episode 38 Recap: Resentment

Song Yan thinks Zhai Miao knows Meng Yanchen didn’t force Ye Zi to sleep with him. She asks her to tell the truth. He believes that she has evidence. He mentions she knows Meng Yanchen will be over. But she yells at him and she thinks he shouldn’t worry about Meng Yanchen.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart Episode 36 Recap: The Truth is Hard to Accept

He thinks she doesn’t have to do that if she just hates Meng family. He claims that he doesn’t care for the past. She gets angry and she reminds him how did her father begged Fu Wenying. She thinks it’s his business that he forgives Meng family for Xu Qin. She claims that she will never forgive Fu Wenying.

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