Fireworks of My Heart Episode 36 Recap: The Truth is Hard to Accept

This is the recap for Fireworks of My Heart Episode 36. Xu Qin visits Doctor Yang. Doctor Yang brings the water to Xu Qin. She reveals she was surprised when she called her and told her that she wants to sleep over at her house. Because she thought they’re not close.

Fireworks of My Heart Episode 36

Doctor Yang mentions Xu Qin is the one who cares for social distance. Xu Qin feels sorry for bringing trouble to Doctor Yang. She thanks her. She finds out that her house is a mess when Doctor Yang clans the house. Doctor Yang blames Xu Qin for disliking it. She claims that it’s firework of human world.

She thinks her mysophobia is too serious. She asks her to go to see a doctor. Song Yan calls Xu Qin. She doesn’t pick up his phone. She looks unhappy. Doctor Yang notes it. She teases Xu Qin and she calls her running princess. She goes to cook dumplings for her.

Song Yan calls Xu Qin. She picks up his phone this time. He learns that she’s at her colleague’s house. He wants to come to pick her up. But she asks him if he thought about how to speak with her. He hangs up. Song Yan is on the rooftop. He looks at the night sky. Xu Qin leans on the couch to look at her phone.

Xiao Yixiao joins Meng Yanchen outside. He mentions he didn’t see Xu Qin. He wonders what the girl is doing. He mentions Xu Qin has hung in there under Madam Meng’s pressure. Meng Yanchen asks Xiao Yixiao if Xu Qin will continue to hang in there.

Xiao Yixiao thinks the girl will continue to do that. He mentions Meng Yanchen went out with a girl. He agrees to let him date. But he’s against the girl at his club. Meng Yanchen explains it to Xiao Yixiao that he just didn’t wish Ye Zi to choose a wrong path. He thinks the girl isn’t related to him.

Ye Zi is in her dormitory. She’s waiting for Meng Yanchen’s message. Zhai Xiao sends some money to Ye Zi. She asks her to accept it. Ye Zi receives the money and she finds out that the money is less than last month. Zhai Miao reveals she doesn’t have other ways because the sales aren’t going up.

She feels pain in her back and she reveals she worked out too hard in the physical class. She decides to go to hospital for a checkup. Meng Yanchen arrives at the hospital with a present. Zhai Miao is in Xu Qin’s office. Xu Qin tells Zhai Miao that she has a muscle strain. She prescribes a medicine for her. She tells her to stop using the medicine if she doesn’t feel painful.

Zhai Miao worries that she has a fracture. Xu Qin denies it. She invites Zhai Miao to have lunch with her. But Zhai Miao rejects it because she feels uncomfortable. She leaves Xu Qin’s office with Ye Zi. Ye Zi and Zhai Miao are in the hallway.

Ye Zi goes to take medicine for Zhai Miao. She sees Meng Yanchen in the lobby. She tries to walk to him. But she sees him meeting with Xu Qin. Meng Yanchen gives the present to Xu Qin. She mentions what she said that she doesn’t need it.

He learns that Madam Meng didn’t say something to her. He wonders if the case will affect her and Song Yan. She asks him if he wishes her and Song Yan to get affected. He reveals he just wishes her not to wrong herself. She denies it and she leaves.

Meng Yanchen tries to leave the lobby. Ye Zi stops him. She asks him if he’s sick because she noted that he didn’t look good. He denies it. She asks him if he has been busy recently. She wants to buy him a meal because she just got a salary. He rejects it and he walks away when she gets a call from Zhai Miao.

Song Yan walks into the gym when the fire fighters are working out. He lets the fire fighter Xiao Ge come down. He asks him if he’s fine. It makes Xiao Ge worry that he made a mistake. Song Yan asks Xiao Ge if he and his girl are fine.

Xiao Ge wonders if his girlfriend reported him. He confesses it to Song Yan that he and his girlfriend had a fight. But he made her not be in anger. Song Yan asks Xiao Ge for the tips. Xiao Ge reveals he bought his girlfriend a present and he kissed her.

Song Yan wonders how did the girls get angry. Xiao Ge complains it to Song Yan that girls always changes their faces. He realizes that Song Yan made Xu Qin get angry. He asks him what he did to the doctor. But Song Yan claims that he did nothing.

Xiao Ge persuades Song Yan not to say that he did nothing since the girl is in anger. She asks him if Xu Qin likes to get angry. Song Yan denies it and he reveals Xu Qin is a good girl. Xiao Ge thinks it was their mistakes. He tells Song Yan to go to apologize. The fire fighters cheer up Song Yan. They ask him to go to apologize. Song Yan scolds the fire fighters. He runs away.

Xu Qin is having lunch in her office. She receives a message from Song Yan. She gets angry and she thinks he doesn’t have anything to say to her. Song Yan is eating in the cafeteria. He gets a new task. Doctor Yang sees the patient in the office. The patient asks her for the Demerol. She refuses to prescribe the medicine to him because there’s a rule in the hospital.

Xu Qin passes by. She thinks the patient wants to bring trouble. She lets the nurse go to look for guard. The patient takes out a knife and he asks her to prescribe the medicine for him. She asks him not to be nervous. He looks for the medicine in her office. But he doesn’t get the medicine.

Xu Qin tells the patient that she knows where the medicine is. She tries to flee. But he hurts her hand with his knife. He’s taken down by the guards then. Xu Qin’s hand is bleeding. Li Nan disinfects Xu Qin’s wound. Doctor Yang shows up with Director Guo.

Director Guo sees Xu Qin’s wound. She finds out that her nerve in her hand wasn’t hurt. She decides to stitch up the wound for her. She tells her to take the medicine and she asks her not to touch water. Xu Qin runs into Director Xu after she got her wound treated.

She follows him to the stairs and he reminds her that the hand is very important to a surgeon. He thinks she didn’t take duty for herself. She claims that it was an accident. She mentions Director Guo said that she’s fine. He tells her to go home for recovering her hand. He asks her to come back for the election of scientific research group. He thinks she deserves it.

Xu Qin realizes that Director Xu helped her. She bowed to him and she thanks him. He thinks she’s a talent and he wants to train her. He reminds her that the one which helps her is her ability. She smiles to nod. Xiao Yixiao comes to the hospital to pick up Xu Qin.

She gets in his car and he notes that her hand was hurt. She reveals she was hurt by a shard. She tells him that she’s fine. She complains it to him that she has no place to go. He learns that she had a fight with Song Yan. He asks her to tell him her story. But she tells him to drive the car first.

Xiao Yixiao follows Xu Qin to the park. He stops her and he asks her what happened. She asks him if he would accept it if the one he loves concealed something from him. But he thinks she should ask his fiancee the question. He confesses that he would conceal many things from his fiancee if he got married.

He thinks he couldn’t get married if her fiancee knew it. She blames him for his bad words. But he claims that the words came from his heart. He asks her if Song Yan cheated on her. She denies it and scolds him. He agrees to what she said that the guy isn’t such a person.

Xu Qin reveals Song Yan didn’t mention his history. Xiao Yixiao thinks Song Yan didn’t mention the history because it brought him too much pain. He persuades Xu Qin that everyone has a secret. He wonders why she has to know it. She explains it to him that she just thought Song Yan’s attitude wasn’t right.

She wonders why Song Yan concealed it from her. She wonders if she doesn’t deserve his honesty. Xiao Yixiao points out that Xu Qin is uneasy. She denies it. He mentions she was against her parents and she gave up a lot of things for Song Yan. But she feared Song Yan’s attitude.

Xu Qin returns to Doctor Yang’s house with Xiao Yixiao. She introduces Yang Sijia to Xiao Yixiao. Xiao Yixiao mentions he saw Yang Sijia before. She recognizes him and she wonders if he worries that Xu Qin lives at her place. He denies it. Xu Qin returns to her room because she’s tired. Xiao Yixiao adds Yang Sijia’s Wechat. He claims that he does it for Xu Qin. He leaves her house.

Song Yan returns to the fire station after he completed the task. Yang Chi persuades Song Yan to go to see Xu Qin. He reveals Xu Qin’s hand was hurt. Song Yan calls Xu Qin. But she doesn’t pick up his phone. He asks Yang Chi for the nurse Xu Xi’s number.

Xu Qin calls Song Yan back. He asks her about her hand. She reveals her hand will be fine after she rests for some days. She thinks they’re fighting but they don’t break up. He thinks they didn’t have a fight. She’s furious to hang up. He has to ask Yang Chi for Xu Xi’s number again.

Xu Qin is going to eat cup noodles in Yang Sijia’s house. Someone knocks at the door. Xu Qin mistakes the person for Yang Sijia. She goes to open the door. She sees Song Yan. He asks her about her hand. He tries to grab her hand.

But she asks him not to touch her. He asks her if it’s hurt. She denies it and she asks him why he came to her. He smiles and he claims that he came to see his girlfriend. He shows her the cake, milk tea and the fried chicken he bought.

She learns that he came to deliver the takeaways to her. He begs her to return their home. He apologizes to her. She asks him why he did it. He mentions what she said that he’s too confident. He thinks he made the decisions before he talked about it with her.

He thinks he has many problems because he had been single for many years. He thinks he shouldn’t do so because he got together with her. He promises to change himself and he tells her that he will talk to her about everything. She points at his heart. She asks him about it.

He grabs her clothes and he persuades her not to be upset because of the problem. She shakes off his hand and she’s furious to tell him that she thinks he didn’t trust her like she trusted him. She mentions she didn’t conceal anything from him.

She complains to him that she gave up everything for him. She tells him to think about it. She pushes him out of the house and she closes the door. He knocks at the door and he asks her if they broke up. She’s furious to tell him to get lost. Song Yan is on the rooftop at the fire station. He remembers the past.

It flashes back. Xu Qin meets with Song Yan at the house. She persuades him to study hard since he chose to restudy the lesson. He points out that he cannot get into her school even if he works hard. She persuades him to go to another school. She asks him which school he wants to join.

He tells her that it’s a secret. She’s furious to blame her. He feeds her the chip. Madam Meng meets with the dean at a restaurant. She asks him a favor when her follower brings a suitcase of cash to him. He thinks it’s a little case.

Uncles Song gets on knees to Madam Meng at a hotel. He asks her to forgive the kid. He thinks she shouldn’t ruin the kid’s future. He’s taken away by the guards. Song Yan takes part in a battle. He’s hurt. He wakes up in the ward. His leader promises him that he will promote him. He thinks he can marry Xu Qin. Song Yan holds the lighter when he lies in the bed.

He visits his father Song Zhiyong’s grave with some flowers. He reveals he went to take part in a task. Song Yan tells his father that he took a credit. The guy shows up. He claims that he’s Song Zhiyong’s brother. But Song Yan thinks the guy isn’t his father’s brother. He mentions the guy betrayed his father after his father helped him.

We learn that the guy is Uncle Ming. Uncle Ming asks Song Yan if he still hates him. He tries to pour Song Zhiyong a drink. But Song Yan stops him because he thinks he doesn’t deserve it. Uncle Ming reveals they could get more if it wasn’t because of Song Yan’s father. He thinks Song Zhiyong didn’t have talent but he helped others. He reminds Song Yan that his mother wouldn’t run away with the man if his father got talent. He tells him to hate his mother. Song Yan beats Uncle Ming.

Uncle Ming meets with Manager Wu at a restaurant. He mentions his arm was hurt for letting Song Yan beat him. Manager Wu gives the cash to Uncle Ming. He asks him if Song Yan’s uncle visited him. Uncle Ming promises to let Song Yan leave the army.

Song Yan leaves the army. He goes to the fire station. The chief reads Song Yan’s resume. He asks Song Yan why he wants to be a fire fighter. Song Yan claims that fire fighter is a noble job. The chief welcomes him. Song Yan leaves the chief’s office. He asks Xu Qin to wait for him. He promises to stand in front of her as a hero.

We return to the present. Song Yan eats with Aunt Song at home. She wonders why Xu Qin hasn’t been at home. Song Yan reveals Xu Qin is very busy. She asks him to send the soup to Xu Qin. Zhai Miao thinks Song Yan made Xu Qin angry.

She tells him that the one who will regret is him. Song Yan leaves. Aunt Song worries that Song Yan and Xu Qin had a fight. But Uncle Song thinks it’s normal that the young couples had a fight. He tells his wife not to get involved.

Zhai Miao visits Xu Qin. Xu Qin is surprised to see Zhai Miao. She thinks her injury recovered. She mistakes that her older brother told her to come. Zhai Miao denies it. She asks Xu Qin if she had a fight with Song Yan. She reveals her older brother missed her. She asks her to forgive Song Yan. Xu Qin summons the next patient. Zhai Miao tells Xu Qin that she will wait for her in the garden.

Xu Qin shows up in the garden. Zhai Miao lets her sit on the bench with her. She mentions she hasn’t returned home. She asks her if Song Yan made her angry. She promises to beat Song Yan for her. Xu Qin reveals she thinks Song Yan concealed many things from her.

She mentions Song Yan concealed the gunshot wound. Zhai Miao thinks Song Yan didn’t leak it for Xun Qin. But Xu Qin doesn’t accept the explanation. Zhai Miao reveals Song Yan went to be a special forces soldier. Xu Qin asks Zhai Miao why Song Yan became a fire fighter.

Zhai Miao learns that Xu Qin had a fight with Song Yan because of the case. Xu Qin threatens to break up with Song Yan. Zhai Miao worries about it. She tells Xu Qin that Song Yan did many things for her. But he didn’t want to speak it out.

Zhai Miao persuades Xun Qin that Song Yan likes her with his life. But Xu Qin thinks Zhai Miao said so because she’s Song Yan’s younger sister. She reveals she only saw the guy not cherishing her after he got her. She mentions she almost broke with her family for Song Yan.

Xu Qin tries to leave. Zhai Miao stops her. She mentions Song Yan broke up with Xu Qin when he restudied. She reveals Song Yan wanted to get into military academy. Song Yan thought he can be match for Xu Qin if he becomes an officer. But he didn’t pass the physical examination. Uncle Song found out that Song Yan’s physical report was qualified so he went to beg Madam Meng.

Xu Qin is told that her mother bribed the doctor and she made Song Yan not be an officer. She’s shocked. Zhai Miao reveals Song Yan didn’t let Xu Qin know the truth because he worried that Xu Qin will be sad. Xu Qin asks Zhai Miao about Song Yan’s gunshot wound.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart Episode 37 Recap: Family

Zhai Miao tells Xu Qin that Song Yan got the gunshot wound when he did a task. He tried his best to get the chance to be promoted. But it was ruined because of a report. Zhai Miao thinks Xu Qin knows who reported Song Yan. Xu Qin tears up.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart Episode 35 Recap: Concealment

Zhai Miao tells Xu Qin that she was the one who made Song Yan live when he had a hard time. Xu Qin cries. She goes to changing room to take her bag. She leaves the changing room.

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