Everyone Loves Me: Episode 4 Recap

This is the recap for Everyone Loves Me: Episode 4. Xiao Cao tells Yue Qianling to use her weakness to let her man protect her. She chooses to trust him. She throws her grenade to the bomb bag. She thinks she’s going to win. But the bomb bag doesn’t blast.

Everyone Loves Me Episode 4 Recap: Hero Path Passes the Launch

Everyone Loves Me

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Everyone Loves Me: Episode 4.

Yue Qianling is shoot by the enemy. She passes away in the game. She complains to Xiao Cao that there’s no linkage. She gets a call from Yin Xue who asks her to do training on her own. Gu Xun gets a call from Jiang Junnan. Jiang Junnan cannot do training as well.

Previous Episode

Gu Xun hangs up. He sees Yue Qianling coming with a yellow dress and a pot. He thinks she came to be funny. She’s happy to run to him when she knows it’s embarrassed to carry the pot. She decides to give up her face for her man even if she’s very smart.

She offers to train since they came. She remembers Xiao Cao told her to use her weakness to make her man protect her. She asks Gu Xun to carry the pot for her. But he tells her to carry the pot on her own. She carries the pot. They begin to train.

Yue Qianling trips when she steps on the stairs. She complains to Gu Xun that the stairs are very high. She adds that her knee is hurt. He tells her to go to the hospital to see a doctor. She thinks she delayed him. He admits it.

She gets angry. But she thinks he’s honest when she smiles at him. He asks her if she’s going to train. She decides to train when the people are together. She asks Gu Xun to support her when she reaches out her hand to him. But he walks away.

She falls into the pot and she rushes to the wall. Gu Xun protects her. She finds out that his hand is hurt. She tells him to go to see a doctor. But he tells her to go to see a doctor to check on her brain. Yue Qianling goes to the company.

Yin Jun blames her for her late. He grabs the snack from Huang Jie. Huang Jie tells Yue Qianling that Yin Jun wasn’t happy because Wei Han praised her. Wei Han shows up. He tells Yue Qianling that the people liked her cat very much.

Huang Jie wonders if Jiang Yishi is going to give the money to them since they did a great job. Jiang Yishi scolds Marple for not giving the presentation to him. Huang Jie wonders why Jiang Yishi cared for the launch meeting. Yin Jun worries that they need to redo the the presentation.

Marple thinks they’re going to win if the 9th Business Department cannot pass the launch. Gu Xun eats with Jiang Junnan at the restaurant. Jiang Junnan complains to Gu Xun that he gets a bad neck. Gu Xun realizes that Jiang Junnan wishes to hire an assistant.

Jiang Junnan claims that he only has one brain. He asks Gu Xun to hire an assistant. Gu Xun agrees to it. Jiang Junnan believes that the interviewees has come to the company. He leaves the restaurant. Jiang Junnan interviews the interviewees. He’s not satisfied.

He walks out of his office. The girl Chen Xinyi mistakes that he didn’t have a good interview. She wonders if the boss was hard to get along with. He tells her not to come when he reveals President Jiang is a bad boss. But she thinks he shouldn’t require the boss to favor him like his parents.

He takes a look at her resume. She thinks he’s a good person. She tells him not to give up. She reveals she has some interview chances. She plans to send it to him. He agrees to it. She cheers him up. The employee shows up. He asks Jiang Junnan to take a look at the resumes of the interviewees when he calls President Jiang.

The employee hands over the papers to Jiang Junan. He leaves. Jiang Junnan tells Chen Xinyi that she’s hired. He drinks at the bar. He leaves a voice message to Gu Xun. He asks him to come. He mentions the remote interaction of their project.

Marple hears what Jiang Junnan says when he shows up. Jiang Junnan sees Marple. He invites him to drink with him. Marple rejects it. He claims that he needs to go to work overtime. He leaves the bar. Gu Xun shows up. He sees Marple off.

He wonders why he was there. Jiang Junnan thinks Marple came to relax. He mentions the guy left when he wished to have a talk with him. Gu Xun asks Jiang Junnan what he was doing before Marple talked with him. Jiang Junnan reveals Marple appeared when he talked with Gu Xun about remote interaction. Gu Xun asks Jiang Junnan to go to work overtime with him.

The team member of Jiang Yishi’s team gives a presentation in the launch meeting. He introduces their new model remote interaction to the shareholders. Stella praises Jiang Yishi. She reminds Gu Xun that it’s his turn. Gu Xun gives a presentation about their game Hero Path.

He reveals there’re two worlds in Hero Path. He adds that he came up with the remote interaction model as well. But he found the flaw of the model soon. He tells the shareholders that the roles can help each other from different worlds in Hero Path.

It flashes back. Jiang Junnan works overtime with Gu Xun. He doesn’t believe that Jiang Yishi can redo the project. But Gu Xun thinks Jiang Yishi would like to do that because he can take the credit when he hits him. Jiang Junnan doesn’t know what to do. Gu Xun reveals he has a new idea.

Gu Xun introduces the double linkage of Hero Path to the shareholders. He’s confident to look at Jiang Yishi. Jiang Yishi is embarrassed. The shareholders walk out of the meeting room. Gu Xun and Jiang Yishi return to the meeting room.

Stella announces that the one who passed the launch was Hero Path. Jiang Yishi is unhappy to leave the meeting room. He finds out that Wei Han and Gu Xun are close. Gu Xun texts Yue Qianling. He thanks her. Wei Han walks into Jiang Yishi’s office.

He tries to hand over his resignation letter to Jiang Yishi. Jiang Yishi realizes that Wei Han trusts Gu Xun. Wei Han plays his resignation letter on the desk. He tells Jiang Yishi that single-player game has been his dream. Jiang Yishi takes a look at the resignation letter.

He blames Wei Han for talking about his dream with him since he has nurtured him for many years. He mentions there was nobody successfully after they claimed that they’re going to create the best single-player game. Wei Han knows it. But he wishes to give it a try.

Jiang Yishi runs into Gu Xun in the office. Jiang Junnan is happy to tell Jiang Yishi that they moved back. Jiang Yishi is furious to walk away. The people of the 9th Business Department move into a new office. Gu Xun cheers them up.

The colleagues gather at the restaurant for celebrating Yue Qianling’s return. The girl Xiao Shu shows up with Gu Xun. Huang Jie greets Xiao Shu when she sees her. She invites her and Gu Xun to join them because she ordered many dishes.

Gu Xun sits with Yue Qianling. She tells the game group that she’s gathering with the new colleagues. Gu Xun looks at the people in the gathering. He thinks Yue Qianling is Xiao Mahua. He texts Xiao Mahua. He asks her if she can drink.

Next Episode

Episode 4 of Everyone Loves Me ends with Yue Qianling and Gu Xun watching the fireworks by the river when they’re celebrating the New Year. Xiao Cao invites Yue Qianling to play game with him. But she rejects it because she’s watching the fireworks.

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