Everyone Loves Me: Episode 3 Recap

This is the recap for Everyone Loves Me: Episode 3. Yue Qianling returns to her office. She thinks Gu Xun has a bad personality. Wei Han asks Yue Qianling if she knows why he called her back. He admits to her that she painted well. But he asks her to prove that nobody can replace her.

Everyone Loves Me Episode 3 Recap: Wei Han’s Dream

Everyone Loves Me

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Everyone Loves Me: Episode 3.

Wei Han gives Yue Qianling three days to complete the first draft. She comforts him that she can do it. Yin Jun asks Yue Qianling to tell it to him when she thinks she cannot do it. He reminds her that she’s just a student. She thinks he can take the duty even if she messes it.

Previous Episode

She believes that they will be ruined together because it’s the credit of the whole team. She reminds Yin Jun that he won’t know what to do if he loses the job. She works overtime to paint. She shows her works to Wei Han. He takes a look at her drawing.

He thinks she’s in love. She’s shy when she thinks he saw it from playing card she drew. He scolds her that he saw that she didn’t use her brain. He reveals the fans wish to feel the warm from the playing card. He regrets for calling her back.

Huang Jie comforts Yue Qianling that Wei Han took the wrong medicine. Yin Jun is very happy. He thinks he needs to save the scene in the end. Yue Qianling texts Gu Xun. She asks him how the boys welcomed the New Year. He reveals he stayed at home.

She gives an example that he goes out with a girl. He mistakes that she wishes him to ask him out. But she tells him that she wants to look into it. He reveals he wants to go to feed stray cat. Gu Xun works at the cafe. Jiang Junnan joins him.

Gu Xun hands over the coffee to Jiang Junnan. He notes that he has dark circles. Jiang Junan complains to Gu Xun that he needed to look for scissorhands for him. He hands over the papers to him. He reveals the person is in their company.

Gu Xun takes a look at the papers. He finds out that the person is Wei Han. He learns that Wei Han is the best follower of Jiang Yishi. Jiang Junnan believes that Jiang Yishi will have a fight with Gu Xun if Gu Xun hires Wei Han.

But Gu Xun claims that he doesn’t fear Jiang Yishi at all. Jiang Junnan disagrees to what Gu Xun said. Gu Xun asks Jiang Junnan if he knows the game Novoland. He reveals Wei Han was the one who created Novoland. Jiang Junnan learns that Wei Han liked single-player game. He wonders why Wei Han failed.

Gu Xun thinks Wei Han failed because nobody cared for it. Jiang Junnan believes that Wei Han experienced everything. He thinks the guy is pessimistic to the future of China’s single-player game. Gu Xun believes that he cannot convince Wei Han with the profit of Hero Path.

Jiang Junnan offers to draw a big bread to Wei Han. But Gu Xun thinks Wei Han isn’t silly at all. Jiang Junnan realizes that they don’t have any hope. Gu Xun asks Jiang Junnan if he’s silly. Jiang Junnan denies it. Wei Han arrives at the parking lot.

Gu Xun and Jiang Junnan are waiting for him. Jiang Junan invites Wei Han to experience the new car of Gu Xun. Wei Han gets in Gu Xun’s car. He realizes that the girl who played the game with him was Gu Xun. Gu Xun praises Wei Han for his game skills.

He shows the project proposal of Hero Path to Wei Han. Wei Han takes a look at the proposal. He admits that Hero Path is the best originality. He wishes to see the birth of Hero Path. But he thinks he’s not Gu Xun’s partner when he returns the proposal to him.

Gu Xun takes out the conceptual painting of Novoland. He thinks Wei Han worked hard on the painting. He asks him if he actually wishes to give up single-player game. Wei Han admits that he was happy when he saw Hero Path. But he points out that the single-player game is hard to be made in China.

He thinks it doesn’t mean anything even if Gu Xun has the originality. But Gu Xun knows Wei Han doesn’t give up single-player game. He asks Wei Han to join him if his launch is successful. Jiang Yishi throws a fit in the meeting after knowing the launch of the project Love Manager is very slow.

Wei Han explains it to Jiang Yishi that his team is preparing for the playing card for the New Year. But Jiang Yishi asks Wei Han to pass the launch next month. Gu Xun has a meeting with his team. He asks the team members to promote the Chinese traditional culture.

Yue Qianling texts the group. She wants to have a talk with them. But Jiang Junnan reveals he needs to have company lunch with Xiao Cao. Xiao Cao is online. Yue Qianling is surprised because she knows he needs to have company lunch with his colleagues.

He reveals he was stood up by someone. Jiang Junnan is in the elevator with the colleagues. The colleague asks Jiang Junnan about Gu Xun. Jiang Junnan reveals Gu Xun has a business. The colleague wonders who will buy the meal. Jiang Junnan reveals he’s going to buy the meal. The colleague is very happy.

Yue Qianling wonders why Xiao Cao is arrogant after he was stood up by someone. The senior reveals he knows Xiao Cao very much. Yue Qianling wishes to know if Xiao Cao had a crush on a girl before. The senior doesn’t know it because Xiao Cao didn’t share his secret with him. Xiao Mahua learns that Xiao Cao gave his love to his anime wife. But Xiao Mai reveals Xiao Cao has feelings for Xiao Mahua.

Huang Jie is going to be off duty. She notes the cat in Yue Qianling’s drawing. She thinks the cat is like the boy who’s proud. She leaves. Yue Qianling thinks what Huang Jie meant is Gu Xu. She smiles. Yin Xue calls Yue Qianling. She asks her to come back. But Yue Qianling wants to work hard for Gu Xun.

She’s off duty. She sees the dog Pen Pen. She plays with him. She sees Gu Xun. She pretends to fear dog when she’s chased by the dog. She steps back to Gu Xun. He notes that the motorcycle is going to hit her. He hugs her for helping her.

She thanks him. But he reveals he just worried that the dog would be hurt. He wonders why she didn’t fear dog. She doesn’t know how to explain it. She tells him that she wishes to join the 9th Business Department. But he thinks she’s not loyal to her work.

Jiang Junnan has dinner with Gu Xun at the restaurant. He thinks Gu Xun is upset after knowing Xiao Mahua had a crush on someone. He mentions Gu Xun has feelings for Xiao Mahua. Gu Xun denies it. But he texts Xiao Mahua and he asks her how she will celebrate the New Year.

Yue Qianling walks into the restaurant. Jiang Junnan lets her join them. Gu Xun steps on Jiang Junnan’s foot when he reminds him that they need to go to work overtime. Jiang Junnan leaves after he got a call from someone. Yue Qianling tries to talk with Gu Xun. But he’s cold to her. She makes an excuse to flee.

Jiang Junnan returns. He learns that Yue Qianling was scared to run away because of Gu Xun. He blames Gu Xun for doing it. He reveals he intended to hire Yue Qianling. Yue Qianling is waiting for bus at the bus stop. She sees the double stars with moon.

She’s happy to take a photo of the double stars with moon. She sends the photo to Gu Xun. Gu Xun walks out of the restaurant. He sees the double stars with moon. He realizes that he and Xiao Mahua are in same city. He texts her and he asks her if she’s in River City. Yue Qianling receives the message. She looks around and she sees Gu Xun.

She wonders if he’s Xiao Cao. She texts Xiao Cao and she asks him why did he know it. She tries to walk to Gu Xun. But she receives a message from Xiao Cao. He tells her that the double stars with moon is on the hot search. She texts him and she tells him that she was startled. Gu Xun and Yue Qianling part.

Xiao Cao is surprised that Xiao Mahua was startled. She explains it to him that she thought they’re in same city. He thinks it should be a surprise. He learns that she was busy in working. He thought she was busy in dating. She denies it and she mentions what she said that it’s a crush. He sighs and he thinks she’s aged. She senses that he was happy from her pain.

Jiang Yishi checks Yue Qianling’s works in her office. She explains it to him that she added a cute and cold cat to the hero for making the difference. Yin Jun thinks Yue Qianling just drew a cat more than him. But Jiang Yishi lets Wei Han release the painting. They leave the office.

Yin Jun persuades Yue Qianling to go to beg Jiang Yishi if she thinks she will fail. He thinks someone else’s works will be chosen if she does so. She ignores him. Huang Jie remembers Yin Jun’s works aren’t alternative. He’s furious to return to his seat. Huang Jie comforts Yue Qianling that she will make it because Jiang Yishi believed her.

Yue Qianling talks with Yin Xue over the phone in a convenience store. Yin Xue blames Yin Jun for wishing Yue Qianling to fail. Yue Qianling thinks Yin Jun didn’t want to slap himself. Yin Xue wonders how did Yue Qianling drew a cat. She thinks it wasn’t her style.

Yue Qianling thinks the cat is like Gu Xun. She mentions the guy was cute and cold. She worries that she will be fired. Yin Xue comforts Yue Qianling that she will raise her if she lost her job. Yue Qianling points out that Yin Xue doesn’t have a job. She persuades her to go to earn money. Yin Xue agrees to it. She hangs up.

Yin Jun sends a message to Yue Qianling. It makes her believe that she’s going to lose a job. He mentions what he told her not to show off her skills. She sends a message to Xiao Cao. She thinks she’s over. But Huang Jie reveals Yin Jun told a lie to Yue Qianling. She shows Yue Qianling the comments of the fans. Yue Qianling learns that the fans like her painting. She thinks Gu Xun helped her.

Yin Jun is in the office. He sees the comments of the fan. He gets angry. Huang Jie takes a photo of him. Gu Xun is in the meeting room. He shows his new idea the remote interaction to the employees. We return to Yue Qianling’s office. She gets a message from Xiao Cao who asks her what happened.

She tells him that she’s fine. She invites him to play game with her on weekends. Jiang Junnan see Xiao Mahua’s message. He reminds Gu Xun that the girl doesn’t have any boyfriend. Gu Xun is very happy. Jiang Junnan wonders if Xiao Mahua knows Gu Xun has feelings for her.

Jiang Yishi has a meeting with the employees. Wei Han and Su Zheng give out their ideas. But Jiang Yishi thinks it’s not enough. He asks Yue Qianling for her idea. She offers the idea of interaction. She leaves the meeting room and she talks with Yin Xue over the phone.

She reminds her that they have a lion dance training. She believes that she will take down Gu Xun when she arrives at the elevator. She gets angry when she fails to squeeze the hand cream. The door of the elevator opens. She sees Gu Xun.

She wonders why he’s there. He reveals he’s cleaning the elevator. She runs into the elevator before he closes it. She asks him if the training will disturb his plan. He admits it and he gets off the elevator. She thinks he’s indifferent.

Next Episode

Episode 3 of Everyone Loves Me ends with Yue Qianling deciding to play the game because she likes the new map. She’s brave in the game. Xiao Cao wonders if the man Yue Qianling has a crush on knows she’s brave in the game. Yue Qianling reveals the guy didn’t give her any feedback after she pretended to have femininity.

He wonders why she used the word “pretending”. He asks her if she thinks she’s not a female as well. She mentions she’s going to see Gu Xun. She thinks he doesn’t want to see her. Xiao Cao tells Xiao Mahua to use her weakness to make the guy protect her. She chooses to trust him one more time.

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