Everyone Loves Me Episode 17 Recap: Blind Date

This is the recap for Everyone Loves Me Episode 17. Gu Xun tells Yue Qianling that she could talk about it with him. It makes her believe that he’s jealous of Su Zheng. She leaves. Jiang Junnan shows up. He wonders why Gu Xun is so happy.

Everyone Loves Me Episode 17

Gu Xun grabs the drink from Jiang Junnan. He says that he’s drink tea. But he’s told that Jiang Junnan didn’t buy him the drink. Yue Qianling talks with Wei Han in the office. She wants to draw a knife. She gets a call from Madam Yue.

She walks out of the office to pick up the phone. She rejects it after she didn’t hear what Madam Yue said. Gu Xun talks with her mother Madam Gu over the phone in the office. She persuades him to go to see the girl. Yue Qianling blames Madam Yue for giving her to a stranger.

She mentions it’s a couples event. She believes that she and the guy are couples if she goes to the place. Gu Xun claims that he’s very busy and he doesn’t have time to go on a blind date. But his mother persuades him to get along with the girl.

Madam Yue tells Yue Qianling that she knows the guy. Yue Qianling mistakes that the guy is Tang Xin. But she’s told that she will be satisfied if she goes there. Madam Gu reveals it’s couple tickets of the talk show. Madam Yue mentions Yue Qianling and Gu Xun had feelings for each other.

She tells Yue Qianling that she’s helping her. Yue Qianling remembers Gu Xun asked her to go to a place with him. She thinks he was shy to ask her out. She agrees to go on the blind date. Huang Jie gives her makeup kit to Yue Qianling.

Yue Qianling begins to wear the makeup. Huang Jie mentions Yue Qianling rejected it when she was introduced boyfriend. She asks Yue Qianling to confess. Yue Qianling reveals she agreed to go out with the guy after she failed the bet.

Huang Jie wonders if the two have a date. Yue Qianling claims that she did it for keeping the promise. It makes Huang Jie believe that the guy is very handsome. She asks Yue Qianling for the photo. Yue Qianling reveals the guy is the son of her mother’s friend.

Huang Jie thinks the guy isn’t an ordinary son. She volunteers to give a skirt to Yue Qianling. But Yue Qianling doesn’t want to be formal. But Huang Jie points out that Yue Qianling is formal. She takes out a new weapon to help her.

SEE ALSO: Everyone Loves Me Episode 18 Recap: Balloon

Gu Xun and Jiang Junan watch Hou Liang’s interview in the meeting room. Jiang Junan thinks Hou Liang made it. Gu Xun questions himself. Yue Qianling wears a white dress to wait for Gu Xun at the talk show. He doesn’t come. It makes her think that he was delayed by the work.

SEE ALSO: Everyone Loves Me: Episode 16 Recap

She decides to send a message to him. But she thinks it shows her feelings. Gu Xun decides to add the interaction into the promotional video. Jiang Junan is against it. He thinks it’s too late. Yue Qianling calls her mother. She asks her if Gu Xun will come. Madam Yue thinks the guy is busy in the work. She tells her daughter to wait for a while.

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