Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 4. Hee-Rak doesn’t see other trucks. He worries that they’re the only students who left the school. Tae-Man comforts his friend that the trucks are behind them. Chi-Yeol thinks his parents is in the shelter.

Is So-Yeon Injured?

Duty After School

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 4.

Soon-Yi cries when she misses her mother. Joon-Hee tells Soon-Yi not to cry. The students try to sleep. But the truck turns over. There’s a sphere getting into the truck. The girls scream. The boys shoot the sphere. So-Yeon is hurt.

Jang-Soo takes a look at the soldiers. He finds out that they were killed. He tells it to Chi-Yeol. So-Yoon decides to go back to Seoul. Joon-Hee is against it because they’re out of bullets. Tae-Man mentions Mountain Soak. Young-Shin takes out the map. He finds out that they need to walk 20 km to reach the place.

SEE ALSO: Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

Hee-Rak is against to the walking plan. He prefers to wait for the rescue. Joon-Hee agrees to Hee-Rak’s plan. So-Yoon worries that the sphere will attack them if they stay there. Hee-Rak reminds So-Yoon that there’re many spheres in the sky.

Yeon-Joo reminds everyone that they should look for a place to let So-Yeon rest. So-Yeon claims that she can walk. But she feels painful when she moves. Yeon-Joo tells the students that So-Yeon’s wound will get worse if she cannot get the treatment.

Hee-Rak throws a fit to the people. He thinks they shouldn’t take action without knowing something. Young-Shin agrees to what Hee-Rak said. He reveals there’s no village in the map. But Yeon-Joo doesn’t want to lose any classmate after she saw the death of In-Hye. Young-Shin tells the people to search the area. Some of the students begin to take action. Hee-Rak is startled. He’s stunned by the people’s teamwork. Tae-Man puts the helmet on Hee-Rak. He tells him to stay with Young-Shin.

Choon-Ho takes the students to the gathering place. Won-Bin reminds Choon-Ho that the first truck didn’t come. Ha-Na thinks the classmates in the first truck were killed. She mentions the death of In-Hye. Bo-Ra stops Ha-Na. Choon-Ho walks into the tent. He tells the students to wait in the tent.

Yoo-Jung asks Choon-Ho about other students. He tells her that there’s no message from the students. Il-Ha tells Choon-Ho to let them leave. He scolds him. Yoo-Jung stops Il-Ha. He reminds him that they would be killed if Choon-Ho didn’t help them. She asks Choon-Ho to go to save her classmates. But he tells her to take a break.

Chi-Yeol gets back to the place after he searched the area. He tells his classmates that he found something. So-Yeon gets up. Young-Shin tells Yeon-Joo to carry So-Yeon. So-Yeon rejects it. She claims that she can walk. Soon-Yi tells So-Yoon that she cannot move because of her knee injury.

It makes So-Yoon believe that Soon-Yi is a baby. Chi-Yeol volunteers to carry Soon-Yi. Tae-Man stops Chi-Yeol because he thinks he’s too weak. He dresses Soon-Yi’s wound. He tells her to get on his back. Hee-Rak asks Joon-Hee if she will stay at the place with him. But she chases the group. He leaves to leave. Young-Shin leaves a mark on the truck.

Choon-Ho goes to see the commander. He tries to borrow a truck from him. But the commander rejects it because he thinks the students are dead. Choon-Ho leaves the commander’s tent. He runs into Won-Bin. He asks Won-Bin a favor. Hee-Rak asks Chi-Yeol if he actually saw something. He tells the people not to trust the fool. Tae-Man sees a house.

Chi-Yeol takes the people to arrive at the house. He thinks So-Yeon can take a break in the house. So-Yoon helps So-Yeon lie in the bed. She gives her gun to Chi-Yeol. Soon-Yi thanks Tae-Man for carrying her. Chi-Yeol searches the room. He doesn’t find any useful stuff. He wonders if other students arrived safely.

Chi-Yeol notes that Soo-Cheol is silent. He asks him if something happened. Soo-Cheol turns around. Chi-Yeol sees Soo-Cheol’s tear. Soo-Cheol cries to confess to Chi-Yeol that he gave up Woo-Taek when Chi-Yeol thinks Woo-Taek is in another truck.

So-Yoon finds the medicine kit. She gives the medicine kit to Yeon-Joo. Yeon-Joo pours the medicine on So-Yeon’s wound. But So-Yeon feels cold. Yeon-Joo puts her hand on So-Yeon’s forehead. She finds out that she still have fever. She tells So-Yoon that they need a fever reducer.

Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 4 Ending

Episode 4 of Duty After School K-Drama ends with Tae-Man and Soo-Cheol fleeing to the house when they’re chased by the sphere. The classmates lock the door from inside. Joon-Hee finds the car key. She gives the key to Hee-Rak. But he cannot drive the car. Soon-Yi sees the sphere from the roof. Young-Shin tells the people to give up So-Yeon.

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