Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 1. Deok-Joong runs to Chi-Yeol. He asks him about the answer of the math question. He’s upset after knowing he gave a wrong answer. He notes that he’s reading the spheres.

Does Young-Hoon Have a Fight with Il-Ha?

Duty After School

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 1.

Deok-Joong takes a look at the spheres in the sky. He wonders when the spheres will leave. Chi-Yeol runs out of his house. He’s surprised that the people are watching the spheres. The monsters appear in the spheres. Deok-Joong walks Chi-Yeol. He thinks something bad will happen.

Chi-Yeol sees Yeong-Hoon. He walks to him and asks him about his exam. Yeong-Hoon ignores Chi-Yeol. He gets on the school bus. Deok-Joong thinks Chi-Yeol didn’t have to ask Yeong-Hoon about his exam. Because Yeong-Hoon is the top student.

Deok-Joong waves at Yeong-Hoon. Because he thinks he will be a judge in the future. Yeong-Hoon watches the sphere show. He arrives at the art academy. He takes a look at the art academy. He sighs. He looks at the spheres in the sky.

Deok-Joong breaks into the Internet Cafe. He bumps Yeong-Hoon when he fights with Chi-Yeol for the seat. Deok-Joong finds out that Yeong-Hoon played the game. He thinks he’s not good at playing games. He tries to teach him how to play the game when he puts his hand on his hand. Yeong-Hoon stops Deok-Joong. He’s furious to leave the Internet Cafe.

Chi-Yeol mentions Yeong-Hoon was a nice guy. Deok-Joong complains to Chi-Yeol that Yeong-Hoon is the top student since they went to same Internet Cafe. He worries that they cannot get into the college. Chi-Yeol laughs to tell Deok-Joong that he wants to eat chicken.

The soldiers surround the sphere. Choon-Ho stares at the sphere. Yong-Sik arrives. He lets the soldier shoot the sphere. Bo-Ra is waiting for Ae-Seol on the rooftop. Ae-Seol is late. She hands over the portable charger to Bo-Ra. Bo-Ra is furious to tell Ae-Seol not to call her name. Because they’re not friends.

The teacher Eun-Young walks into the classroom. She tells the students that she prepared a gift for them. It makes the students happy. But they’re lost when she takes out the mock exam results. Yeong-Hoon gets the fire place. Il-Ha gets the last place. Il-Ha is furious to kick away Yeong-Hoon’s schoolbag. Eun-Young scolds Il-Ha.

The teachers are summoned to the office. Eun-Young leaves the classroom. Yeong-Hoon stares at Il-Ha. He takes back his schoolbag. Il-Ha wonders why the teacher were called to the office. He thinks some bad happened. Chi-Yeol is close to the office. He tries to listen to what the teachers say. But Eun-Young walks out of the office.

Chi-Yeol follows Eun-Young to the classroom. Il-Ha sees the two. He thinks Chi-Yeol is very silly. Eun-Young turns on the TV. She lets the students watch the news. She tells them that they need to do military training. She leaves the classroom.

Il-Ha sits on Young-Hoon’s desk when he talks with someone over the phone. The two have a fight. The students part them. Deok-Joong takes a look at outside. He sees the military trucks. Choon-Ho gets off the truck. He looks at the students.

Chi-Yeol joins Young-Hoon. He hands over the stuff to him. He thinks he will be the classmate’s friend if he gets alone with them. Young-Hoon tells Chi-Yeol that he’s not interested in making friends. Chi-Yeol asks Young-Hoon if he’s going to sign the contract. Young-Hoon thinks his parents will sign it for him.

Young-Soo’s mother tells Young-Soo to study at home. But Young-Soo worries that other students will get the credit. She has to sign the contract. Bo-Ra’s mother reads the contract. She thinks Bo-Ra doesn’t have to go to college because Bo-Ra’s dream is to be a cartoonist.

But Bo-Ra tells her mother that she wants to stay with her friends. Bo-Ra’s mother agrees to it since it’s Bo-Ra’s wish. Bo-Ra tells her mother not to go to the nightclub. But her mother claims that it’s her life. She drinks with Bo-Ra.

Il-Ha tells his mother not to sign the contract. But his mother doesn’t wish him to stay at home. He comforts her that he will take the online classes. But she doesn’t believe that he will study at home. She tells him to leave with the contract.

Young-Hoon’s mother brings the soup to Young-Hoon. She tells him to listen to the teacher’s orders. She tells him that she won’t stand it if he fails to get into Seoul University. He’s hurt when he eats. She blames him for fighting with the student.

Duty After School K-Drama: Episode 1 Ending

Episode 1 of Duty After School K-Drama ends with Young-Hoon telling Il-Ha that he’s a bad guy. Il-Ha is furious to push Young-Hoon to the sphere. Young-Hoon mentions Il-Ha always uses fist to resolve problems. He’s caught by the alien.

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