Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 3. The cop is told that a dead person is doing a livestream. He thanks the person for his report. He hangs up and complains to Hyun-Soo that many people reported the dead celebrity A-Ri.

What Happens In Celebrity Episode 3?

Celebrity K-Drama

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 3.

A-Ri is summoned to the police station. She asks Hyun-Soo why he summoned her. He blames her and Jun-Kyung for wasting his time. Jun-Kyung turns around. He looks at A-Ri. He shows his number to her. He tells her that he let the police summon her because she ignored his message.

A-Ri is furious to tell Hyun-Soo that she wants to report the pervert Jun-Kyung. She walks out of the police station. She gets a call from Jeong-Sun. She tells her that she doesn’t want to talk. Jeong-Sun tells something to A-Ri. Jun-Kyung walks out of the police station when A-Ri is checking the news.

A-Ri and Jeong-Sun return to the store. Jeong-Sun tells A-Ri that she got many sales because of Min-Hye. She thinks celebrity is powerful. The boss is happy to tell A-Ri that they hit the jackpot. She wonders why A-Ri didn’t tell her that she has a celebrity friend.

A-Ri explains to the boss that she wasn’t close to the celebrity friend. The boss gets a call. She walks away. Jeong-Sun is excited to tell A-Ri that she got a like. A-Ri notes that Jeong-Sun is holding her phone. Jeong-Sun tells A-Ri that she has 80 likes on her photos.

But A-Ri doesn’t remember she posted any photo. Jeong-Sun tells A-Ri that her best friend posted the photos for her. A-Ri takes over her phone from Jeong-Sun. She sees the group photos of her and Jeong-Sun. She’s surprised that she went to Hotel Shilla with Jeong-Sun. She tells Jeong-Sun not to post any of her photo.

The secretary reports to Si-Hyeon that they’re lack of money. Si-Hyeon decides to go to look for some funds. The secretary thinks Si-Hyeon doesn’t have to go go meet them because they can do the thing for her. Si-Hyeon goes to see Mrs. Ji. She asks her to help her.

Mrs. Ji thinks she needs to help Si-Hyeon since she came to her in person. But she regrets that Si-Hyeon didn’t get together with her son Jun-Kyung. The madam tells Si-Hyeon that she’s going to give the money to her. Shi-Hyeon is very happy.

A-Ri goes to see Seung-Hyeok. He reads her message and finds out that she got an agency. He asks her if she’s excited. She admits it. He wonders why she didn’t to reply to the agency on her own. She looks around his office. She mentions he helped Min-Hye be a celebrity.

A-Ri wonders how much money she can earn being an influencer. Seung-Hyeok takes her to the hair salon. He asks the hair stylist to take care of A-Ri’s hair. A-Ri sees Seung-Hyeok talking with the celebrity. He tells A-Ri that the service she gets is free.

Seung-Hyeok takes A-Ri to the clothing store. He tells her that those people will beg her to use their products. He thinks she has known why influencers wish to get more fans. He tells her to try on all of the clothes. He thinks she can make five billion won each other if she becomes a celebrity like Min-Hye.

Does Min-Hye Agree to Work with A-Ri?

A-Ri wears the dress and looks at herself in the mirror. Seung-Hyeok takes a look at her. He thinks the dress is suitable for her. He takes photos of her. She wonders why he does it. He reminds her that she needs to pay the brand back. Because she cannot get the dress for free at her level.

Tae-Jeon and Jun-Kyung are in the VIP Room of the nightclub. Tae-Jeon mentions there was a person suing Jun-Kyung. Jun-Kyung thinks it’s very funny even if it began from a misunderstanding. Tae-Jeon reminds Jun-Kyung that there were many reporters at the police station.

Myeong-Ho and Yong-Tae walk into the VIP Room. They tells Tae-Jeon and Jun-Kyung that they prepared some girls for them. Jun-Kyung leaves the VIP Room because he doesn’t like it. He walks out of the nightclub and gets in his car. He drives the car away.

A-Ri is on the subway. She takes out her phone. She sees the photo of the celebrity. The celebrity tells her fans that there’re only three pairs of the shoes in Korea. A-Ri remembers Seung-Hyeok asked her if she wants to be top since there’s money in it.

A-Ri looks at outside where Jun-Kyung drives. She texts Seung-Hyeok and tells him that she agrees to his plan. Min-Hye goes to see Seung-Hyeok. But she sees A-Ri in the meeting room. She wonders why A-Ri is there. She realizes that Seung-Hyeok called her because he wished her to meet with A-Ri.

Min-Hye is furious to leave the meeting room. She tells Seung-Hyeok that she wouldn’t come if she knew it was A-Ri. She thinks Biniimom did a enough to her public image. Seung-Hyeok tells Min-Hye that he’s fixing her problem. He thinks she needs A-Ri to clean up her image.

SEE ALSO: Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

But Min-Hye doesn’t want to work with A-Ri. Seung-Hyeok reminds Min-Hye that they need to find a new bestie to replace Biniimom. He thinks it will work because A-Ri is her high school classmate. But she doesn’t like it because she and A-Ri aren’t on the same level.

Seung-Hyeok shows A-Ri’s feed to Min-Hye. He thinks A-Ri has potential. She grabs the phone from him. She takes a look at A-Ri’s feed. A-Ri shows up. She tells Min-Hye that she didn’t want to work with her as well. She thinks they should give it a try because both will win if they do so. A-Ri reminds Min-Hye that it’s a business.

A-Ri is going to leave her house. Hyeon-Ok tells her to take the knock-off. But A-Ri refuses to accept the knock-off. Hyeon-Ok complains to Jeong-Sun that her daughter never listened to her. Yu-Rang runs to Min-Hye with the flowers.

How Does A-Ri Know Her Fan Bbbfamous?

Min-Hye smiles to accept the flowers. But she blames Yu-Rang for her late. Yu-Rang explains to Min-Hye that she needed to take care of her cried child. The girl wants to take a photo with Min-Hye. Min-Hye lets Yu-Rang join them.

A-Ri arrives at Min-Hye’s store. Min-Hye lets A-Ri join her. The celebrities are surprised to see A-Ri. Ji-Na thinks Min-Hye plans to let A-Ri join their Gabin Society. Chae-Hee takes a look at Min-Hye who leans her head on A-Ri’s shoulder.

Min-Hye takes A-Ri to see the celebrities. She tells them that A-Ri came to support her. Min-Hye walks out of the restroom. Yu-Rang asks Min-Hye why she invited A-Ri. She thinks she should told it to her. Min-Hye’s smiling is frozen. She thinks her invite list wasn’t decided by Yu-Rang.

Si-Hyeon joins A-Ri. She thinks she and Min-Hye made up. She apologizes to her. A-Ri wonders why Shi-Hyeon apologized to her. Si-Hyeon mentions she eavesdropped A-Ri. A-Ri thinks Shi-Hyeon doesn’t have to apologize to her. She thanks her for returning the bag to her.

Si-Hyeon tells A-Ri that she’s happy to see her. The secretary hands over the phone to Si-Hyeon. Si-Hyeon talks with someone over the phone. The fan recognizes A-Ri. She tells her that she began to follow her after she watched Min-Hye’s livestream.

The fan’s friend that A-Ri is Min-Hye’s friend. She thinks her sense of style is amazing. She asks A-Ri about the brand she’s wearing. A-Ri reveals she bought the dress from Jepyung mall. The fan’s friend asks A-Ri about the location of the mall.

Min-Hye smiles to walk to A-Ri. She takes her arm. She tells the two fans that she likes A-Ri very much. The fan learns that Min-Hye is a royal friend. She thinks most people would be jealous if they have a pretty friend. The celebrities decide to leave after they took photos.

Si-Hyeon reminds the celebrities that there’s a charity bazaar. Min-Hye tells Si-Hyeon that she prepared many items for the charity bazaar. She thanks her for her coming when she shakes hands with her. Si-Hyeon greets A-Ri before she leaves.

Min-Hye blames A-Ri for her late. She tells her to go to the parking garage to help the workers sort out her inventory. A-Ri arrives at the parking garage. She sees the presents. She asks Yu-Rang about the presents. Yu-Rang reveals they’re the presents the fans brought to Min-Hye.

A-Ri is surprised that the fans brought the presents to Min-Hye since they bought her products. Yu-Rang explains to A-Ri that the fans came to Min-Hye’s shop for the Gabin Society. She thinks the fans felt honored when they got invited. She asks A-Ri to help her sort out the presents.

A-Ri returns home. She takes a look at the group photos of her and Min-Hye. Min-Hye treats A-Ri as her best friend in her social media. But she told A-Ri to go to sort out her present. A-Ri returns to her social media. She finds out that the fan wishes to know the brand of her clothes.

A-Ri posts a photo with the clothes she wears. She shares the location of the shop. The fan thanks A-Ri for sharing the shop with her. She asks her to share more about other clothes she wears. A-Ri checks the social media of the fan Bbbfamous.

Jeong-Sun carries the goods out of the company with A-Ri. She’s excited when she thinks about that they’re going to go to the charity bazaar. But A-Ri worries that they cannot sell the products there. Jeong-Sun points out that it’s a bazaar. A-Ri decides to take a cab instead of a bus because the products are heavy.

Mrs. Ji comes to the charity bazaar. Si-Hyeon welcomes Mrs. Ji. Mrs. Ji thinks her son should come to the party. She calls Jun-Kyung and asks him to attend the party. But Jun-Kyung rejects it when he’s in the police station. Hyun-Soo wonders why Jun-Kyung came to the police station on his own since he has many lawyers.

Jun-Kyung tells Hyun-Soo that he came to the police station for A-Ri. But Hyun-Soo tells Jun-Kyung that A-Ri won’t come. Jeong-Sun arrives at the hotel with A-Ri. She smiles to take a photo with her. They walk along the hallway. Jeong-Sun is surprised that the party began. A-Ri mentions Min-Hye told her to come by five.

Episode 3 of Celebrity K-Drama ends with Chae-Hee asking Jun-Kyung how did he meet with A-Ri. He sees Si-Hyeon and lets her join them. She joins him. He thinks she became prettier. Chae-Hee complains to Si-Hyeon that Jun-Kyung came to the party for A-Ri.

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