Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 2. A-Ri tells her fans about the truth of those celebrities. Chae-Hee is furious to close the tablet. She doesn’t believe that A-Ri could do the live stream because A-Ri is dead.

What Happens In Celebrity Episode 2?

Celebrity K-Drama

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 2.

Angela thinks A-Ri is a ghost. Ji-Na scolds Angela. Yu-Rang asks Ji-Na to explain it. Min-Hye thinks A-Ri recorded all of her footage before she died. Si-Hyeon denies it when she walks into the meeting room. Because she thinks A-Ri replied to the comments live.

Si-Hyeon places her phone and plays A-Ri’s footage. Chae-Hee gets angry when she watches A-Ri’s footage. She wishes A-Ri to be killed. A-Ri promises to leak the secret of those celebrities. But she tells her fans to continue to listen to her story.

A-Ri helps Min-Hye when Biniimom grabs Min-Hye’s hair. She tells Biniimom that fight cannot to resolve the problem. She thinks what she does will only make her downfall. Biniimom slaps A-Ri and makes her dress be stained by the wine.

Biniimom yells at A-Ri because she thinks she’s Min-Hye’s lapdog. A-Ri slaps Biniimom and pours the wine to her. She admits to her that the dress doesn’t belong to her. She thinks she’s the one who thinks herself is powerful. She reminds her that she let everyone know the real her. She places the wine glass on the table. She leaves the party.

A-Ri cries when she tries to clean her dress. Seung-Hyeok shows up behind her. He thinks the dress suits her. Si-Hyeon returns home. She asks the maid about the store that fixes her dress. Hyeon-Ok is shocked when she holds the dress which is covered by wine. She hits A-Ri and thinks she doesn’t know the cost of the dress.

A-Ri thinks her mother can fix the dress because she knows she’s good at fixing. But Hyeon-Ok points out that the dress needs laundry skills. She thinks she cannot make the stains disappear. A-Ri asks Hyeon-Ok about the price of the dress. But Hyeon-Ok tells A-Ri that they cannot compensate it.

A-Ri checks the price of the dress. She finds out that it costs twelve million won. Tae-Jeon finds Jun-Kyung when Jun-Kyung is climbing the rocks. Jun-Kyung invites Tae-Jeon to join him. But Tae-Jeon rejects it. Min-Hye complains to Myeong-Ho that the people are talking about Biniimom giving her a lesson.

Min-Hye worries that people will know her real name. Myeong-Ho comforts Min-Hye that he will sue those people. He sees Jun-Kyung and Tae-Jeon walking into his car store. He goes to flatter them. He recommends a car to them. He goes to take car key.

Jun-Kyung tells Tae-Jeon that he knows Myeong-Ho married a celebrity. He reveals those celebrities worked hard at the party. Tae-Jeong asks Jun-Kyung to tell him about what happened at the party. But Jun-Kyung tells Tae-Jeong to ask his wife about it instead.

But Tae-Jeon thinks Si-Hyeon won’t tell it to him. He realizes that Jun-Kyung didn’t see Si-Hyeon at the party. Jun-Kyung admits it because he needed to leave early. Ji-Na meets with Chae-Hee. She complains to her that Min-Hye is dragging down their reputations. Angela shows the real past of Min-Hye to Chae-Hee.

Min-Hye learns that Chae-Hee and Angela are spreading her real past. She intends to have a fight before she goes down. Jeong-Sun is shocked after knowing the dress costs 12 million won. She worries that A-Ri will be asked to pay back.

It makes A-Ri upset. Jeong-Sun tells A-Ri to post a photo with the dress because she has many followers. A-Ri is surprised that there were many fans following her. Jeong-Sun tells A-Ri that she got those fans because of Min-Hye. Jun-Kyung asks Secretary Kim for the list of the guests at the party. He reveals he plans to look into someone.

Jun-Kyung remembers A-Ri left the party after she had treated him as a stalker. A-Ri goes to see Seung-Hyeok at the cafe. She’s surprised that he’s interested in her because he’s a president. She decides to leave because she worries that he has feelings for her.

Why Doesn’t Si-Hyeon Ask A-Ri to Compensate for Her Dress?

Seung-Hyeok tells A-Ri that she has a charm to catch everyone’s attention. He tells her that he has looked into her. It makes her get angry. He calms her down and mentions she got many fans after the celebrity party. He thinks she can be a celebrity like Min-Hye.

A-Ri is on the way home. She sees Si-Hyeon getting into her family store. She remembers Chae-Hee told her that the dress belongs to Si-Hyeon. She runs into her family store. Hyeon-Ok asking A-Ri what they can do when she holds the dress. She tells her that Si-Hyeon wishes to take back her dress.

SEE ALSO: Celebrity K-Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

Si-Hyeon turns around and sees A-Ri. Si-Hyeon realizes that A-Ri wore her dress. She asks Hyeon-Ok to prepare a bag for her. Hyeon-Ok apologizes to Si-Hyeon. She promises to compensate her. But Si-Hyeon knows Hyeon-Ok cannot pay her back.

Si-Hyeon takes over the dress from Hyeon-Ok. She leaves her store and puts the dress into her car. A-Ri walks out of her family store. She mentions she met with Si-Hyeon at the party. Si-Hyeon tells A-Ri that she doesn’t have to compensate for the dress.

A-Ri hands over her card to Si-Hyeon. She promises to pay her back. Si-Hyeon tells A-Ri that she didn’t require her to pay her back because she thought she looked very cool at the celebrity party. She returns the card to her. She drives away.

A-Ri is surprised that Si-Hyeon intended to throw the dress away. Si-Hyeon stops her car. She remembers she wore the dress to see Jun-Kyung. Chae-Hee gets angry after knowing Min-Hye invited her to her party. She tells other celebrities not to follow Min-Hye.

But Si-Hyeon tells Chae-Hee that she’s going to attend Min-Hye’s party because she has promised Min-Hye. She tries to leave. Chae-Hee stops Si-Hyeon. Si-Hyeon asks Chae-Hee if she did it because of what happened at the party. Chae-Hee admits it. She tells Si-Hyeon that she doesn’t want to let Min-Hye drag her down to her level.

Si-Hyeon points out that there’s no any level. She tells Chae-Hee that she doesn’t wish her to do so. She asks her if she wishes to build a bag reputation. She walks away. Chae-Hee complains to the celebrities that Si-Hyeon is always against her.

Jun-Kyung asks Secretary Kim what it means if the person didn’t reply to him after he sent a DM to her. Min-Hye meets with A-Ri. She reminds her that she got a DM. A-Ri promises to check the DM later because she doesn’t know how to process it.

Does Min-Hye Use A-Ri?

Min-Hye asks A-Ri if she’s not an ivy Leaguer. She mentions she went to an American college. A-Ri confesses to Min-Hye that her family went bankrupt. She tells her that she’s doing door-to-door sales. Min-Hye thinks A-Ri had a hard time because she was born to be rich. She tells her to her store because she thinks she can help her.

Min-Hye asks Yu-Ri if anyone is going to come to her store. Yu-Ri tries to tell something to Min-Hye. But Min-Hye sees Si-Hyeon. Si-Hyeon tells Min-Hye that she has bring everyone to her store. Min-Hye thinks it’s a party since everyone is there.

A-Ri tries to flee when Min-Hye is doing the live stream. Min-Hye catches A-Ri. She introduces her to her fans. She tells her fans that A-Ri’s family went bankrupt. She sells the cosmetics for A-Ri. Chae-Hee laughs at A-Ri. She calls her a fake ivy.

Episode 2 of Celebrity K-Drama ends with A-Ri hearing what Chae-Hee and the celebrities said. She tries to leave the party. Min-Hye stops A-Ri when she holds her hand. A-Ri shakes off Min-Hye’s hand. She blames her for using her. Min-Hye points out that she helped A-Ri sell her cosmetics as well. She thinks she cannot judge her because she’s poor.

A-Ri tells Min-Hye that she’s pathetic. But Min-Hye thinks A-Ri is jealous of her. She tells her that she’s a loser. She walks away. Si-Hyeon brings the bag to A-Ri. A-Ri takes away her bag. She’s furious to leave Min-Hye’s store.

A-Ri walks on the street. She remembers what Min-Hye told her that she’s not the rich girl anymore. Min-Hye calls Seung-Hyeok. She tells him that she needs more followers. A-Ri is summoned to the police station. She wonders why the cop Hyun-Soo wishes to see her. He blames her and Jun-Kyung for wasting his time. Jun-Kyung turns around. A-Ri sees him.

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