Castaway Diva K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for Castaway Diva K-Drama: Episode 3. Mok-Ha walks to the cliff. She takes off her shoes. She looks at the sea. Ran-Joo is on the rooftop. She takes off the her scarf. We see the wound on her neck. It seems that she just got a surgery.

Castaway Diva K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap

Castaway Diva

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Castaway Diva K-Drama: Episode 3.

Mok-Ha jumps into the sea. She sees a box. She swims to the box. Ran-Joo doesn’t have the guts to jump off the rooftop. She cries. Mok-Ha carries the box out of the sea. She opens the box. Seo-Joon gives a presentation in the hall.

He tells the people that attention is very important. But he points out that attention will disappear one day. Ran-Joo writes a letter to her fans. She tells them that she’s going to end her life. She calls Seo-Joon. But he doesn’t pick up her phone.

She takes a photo of the letter she just wrote. She sends the photo to him. He leaves the hall and calls her. She wonders if he read her letter. She complains to him that she doesn’t have any gig as a singer. He promises to arrange local events for her.

She’s furious to throw a fit to him. He reminds her that she’s living in a basement. She’s furious to blame the fans for leaking it to Seo-Joon. But they tell her that they has given up her. She’s happy to call Seo-Joon after he arranged a gig for her. She tries to apologize to him. But he hangs up.

Ran-Joo thanks the manager Yong-Kwan for giving her a ride. But he stops her when she smokes. Because the artist doesn’t like the smell. He sees her suitcase. He thinks she’s going to go on a trip. Castaway Diva episode 3 returns to the scene where Ran-Joo is going to sing.

Yong-Kwan reminds her that there’s a singer who’s going to help her. She turns around and sees Mok-Ha. She tears up when the people cheer. She decides not to give up. Yeon-Kyeong is interested in Ran-Joo after she watched her show. She tells Bo-Geol to go to contact with Ran-Joo.

But Yong-Kwan rejects the TV shows for Ran-Joo. Bo-Gyeol intends to meet with Ran-Joo in person. But Yong-Kwan blocks him because Ran-Joo is meeting with someone. Mok-Ha meets with Ran-Joo. She asks her about her singing. Ran-Joo thinks Mok-Ha did a great job. She reveals she went to the station to see her.

She believes that Mok-Ha would be the top singer instead of Mo-Rae. She chose Mo-Rae because Mok-Ha didn’t show up. Mok-Ha tells Ran-Joo that she will be always her fan. She cheers her up. Ran-Joo leaves. Woo-Hak blames Mok-Ha for not showing up at the station.

But Mok-Ha claims that she won’t steal Ran-Joo’s position. She wants to do something bad to Mo-Rae. But she remembers Seo-Joon bullied Ran-Joo. Woo-Hak blames Ki-Ho for not taking Mok-Ha to see Ran-Joo. But Mok-Ha pushes Woo-Hak. She thinks he shouldn’t badmouth Ki-Ho.

He asks her to let Ran-Joo help her be the top singer. But she doesn’t want to bring trouble to Ran-Joo. But Ran-Joo returns. She asks them to take her to Seoul. She reveals the car belongs to Mo-Rae. Bo-Geol returns home. He promises Yeon-Kyeong that he will look for Ran-Joo.

Woo-Hak is watching Mo-Rae’s show. He thinks Mok-Ha doesn’t have to live on the rooftop if Mo-Rae didn’t take her position. Bo-Geol shows up when Ran-Joo is dancing with Mok-Ha on the rooftop. He greets the two women. He leaves the rooftop.

Castaway Diva K-Drama: Episode 3 Ending Explained

Episode 3 of Castaway Diva ends with Ran-Joo revealing that she met with Ki-Ho. It flashes back. Ki-Ho visits Ran-Joo. He hands over Mok-Ha’s photo to her. He asks her to hug Mok-Ha if she sees her. Ran-Joo tells Mok-Ha that she wrote a song to wait for her. But she doesn’t appear. Mok-Ha tears up.

SEE ALSO: Castaway Diva K-Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending Explained

She sings a song when she plays guitar on the rooftop. She remembers Ki-Ho accompanied her to film the music video. Woo-Hak hears the song. He goes to see Mok-Ha. But he finds out that Bo-Geol is listening to the song. Mok-Ha tells Ki-Ho that she’s waiting for him through her song. She waits for him at the station.

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