Beauty of Resilience: Episodes 3-4 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Beauty of Resilience: Episodes 3-4. Yan Yue reminds Wei Zhi that she can shake a tree even if she’s nobody. She returns to her room. She sees the brush. She promises to work hard. Wei Lingyue remembers Yan Yue hugged her after he took her to the rooftop.

Beauty of Resilience: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

Beauty of Resilience

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Beauty of Resilience: Episodes 3-4.

Da Tao asks Rain God to take her to Ying State because she heard the stare is a beautiful place. But he tells her that they’re in Ying State. He pours the eternal soil to the land. The plants begin to grow. Da Tao asks Rain God to let her take a look at the eternal soil.

Rain God gives the eternal soil to Da Tao. He tells her to keep the eternal soil when he’s not in Ying State. He believes that she will take care of the land. Yan Hui goes to see the the mother and the son. He thinks he cannot change their situation as a heavenly prince.

Yan Yue leaves his salary to the mother and the son. He walks away. The boy tells the ducks to fly. He’s bullied by other boys because he’s the younger brother of Wei Zhi. Rain God sneaks into Wei Zhi’s room. He finds out that Wei Zhi’s fate is weird.

Madam Gu visits Master Chun. She explains to him that Wei Zhi couldn’t come because she’s very busy. He tells her that he has heard that Wei Zhi is studying in Egret Academy. He lets the maid bring the silver to her. But she rejects it because the emperor has given some money to Wei Zhi.

Master Chun tells Madam Gu that the silver is the sincerity of Chun family. He tells her not to look down on them. She mentions there were many matchmakers visiting her since Wei Zhi got into the academy. But she thinks Wei Zhi’s fiance Chun Wu is a good guy even if he’s weak.

Master Chun tells Madam Gu that he will give the workshop to her if she lets Wei Zhi marry his son. He mentions Chu Wu’s uncle planned to train Wei Zhi’s younger brother if Wei Zhi marries Chun Wu. She promises to write the marriage contract.

Wei Lingyue visits Yan Yue. She tries to get into his room. But she’s blocked by the enchantment. Wei Zhi shows up behind Wei Lingyue. She asks her why she wishes to see Yan Yue. Wei Lingyue tells Wei Zhi that she came to give the clothes she just washed to Yan Yue.

Episode 3 of Beauty of Resilience ends with the wolf prince Ou Ya smelling the flower. He forgives the flower because she’s too young. He tries to leave. But the fox princess Lan Su grabs Ou Ya’s face. He calls her wife. But she tells him to call her beauty instead of wife.

Beauty of Resilience: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

Wei Jingyue asks Ming Lang to make the flower he just made for Wei Lingyue. He makes it and tries to give the flower to Wei Jingyue. But the flower is taken away by Bao Liang. Bao Liang tells Wei Jingyue to come to take the flower. He runs away. She is furious to chase him.

Wei Jingyue bumps Ou Ya when she chases Bao Liang. She asks Ou Ya who he is. He tells her that he’s a flower giver. He asks her to accept the flower because she’s very beautiful. She accepts the flower and thanks him. But she finds out that he gave the flower to many girls. She’s furious to throw away the flower.

The student lets Ming Lang join them. Because he wishes Ming Lang to teach something to him. But Ming Lang thinks he’s not qualified. He thinks only Wei Lingyue is qualified. Bao Liang disagrees to what Ming Lang said. He thinks Ming Lang can be the phoenix.

Ou Ya brings the wine to the students. The students pass out after they smelled the wine. Ou Ya finds out that the students are mortal. He asks Wei Zhi to smell the flower. But she tells him that she has known that he’s a big tailed wolf.

Ou Ya is surprised that Wei Zhi could see his tail. She tells him not to stay in the academy even if he’s a powerful beast. He smells her and wonders why she’s a mortal since she’s gifted. He thinks she’s a beast as well. She disagrees to what he said because her parents are mortal.

Wei Zhi tells Ou Ya to leave. She reveals her master is an immortal. He’s moved because he thinks she’s caring for him. He tells her to get married with him after he completes his task. He smells the smell of bird. He finds Wei Lingyue.

Episode 4 of Beauty of Resilience ends with Wei Zhi bringing the soup to Wei Lingyue. She tells her that she came to apologize. She asks her to open the door. She promises to leave after she drops the soup. She asks her if she’s still in anger.

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