Are You the One Episode 9 Recap: The Last Piece

This is the recap for Are You the One Episode 9. Liu Miantang and Cui Xingzhou lie in the bed. She asks him not to conceal it. He agrees to it. She sees the scar in his hand. She asks him about it. He reveals it was hurt by his enemy.

Are You the One Episode 9

Liu Miantang mistakes that the guy was a Go rival of Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou admits that the guy was a strong rival. Liu Miantang persuades him not to think it too much since they left the capital. She tells him to think about the future.

She offers to go to travel. She leans on his shoulder and she falls asleep. Cui Xingzhou leaves Liu Miantang’s room. He goes to a yard. Fan Hu is waiting for him. Fan Hu reports to Cui Xingzhou that all of the shadow guards got into the city. He gives him a map and he tells him that all of the bandits are in the house. Cui Xingzhou asks Fan Hu to arrest Lu Wen.

Cui Xingzhou takes the shadow guards to the house. He tells them to take action. The shadow guards climb over the wall and they shoot the bandits in the house. They open the gate from the house. The shadow guards break into the house.

Sun Yunniang opens the door of the room. She finds out that some people broke into the yard. She’s scared. Zi Yu is calm to reject it when his follower wants to do something. Cui Xingzhou walks into the yard when his shadow guards fight with the bandits.

He greets Lu Wen. Zi Yu blames Cui Xingzhou for breaking into his house. Cui Xingzhou tells Zi Yu that he cannot flee. He persuades him to turn himself in. Zi Yu is surprised that he lost. But he refuses to walk out of the house.

Fan Hu tries to take his men to break into Zi Yu’s room. But Shi Yikuan stops him when he shows up with the bodyguards. He asks Cui Xingzhou why he didn’t inform him that he came. He apologizes to him for not entertaining him.

Cui Xingzhou asks Shi Yikuan if he wants to stop him catching the culprit. Shi Yikuan denies it. He claims that he needs to follow the court’s order. He reads the imperial edict and he tells Cui Xingzhou that the emperor recruited Zi Yu and the bandits.

He reminds him that Lu Wen isn’t the chief bandit. He thinks he breaks the law if he continues to stay in Lu Wen’s yard. Cui Xingzhou realizes that Shi Yikuan worked with Lu Wen and he wants to protect the guy. Shi Yikuan tells Cui Xingzhou to go to dig his watercourse. Cui Xingzhou yells at Shi Yikuan. But Shi Yikuan tells him to send a letter to the emperor.

Cui Xingzhou asks Lu Wen why he took his men to attack him at Shangsi Night since they agreed to end the fight. Zi Yu takes a look at Sun Yunniang. Cui Xingzhou asks Zi Yu why he surrendered to Shi Yikuan. Zi Yu asks Cui Xingzhou to end the resentment of him and Mountain Yang. He mentions the girl he loves. He asks him not to hurt the girl.

Liu Miantang and Madam Li walk into the restaurant. Liu Miantang smiles. She thinks the rain came in the right time. Madam Li gives the money to the shopkeeper. She tells him that she wants to hang her painting there. He agrees to it.

Madam Li hangs the painting. The people surround her and they want to buy the painting. They’re told that the master won’t sell the painting. Liu Miantang shows up. She reveals she can sell them the porcelain. She shows them the porcelain.

Liu Miantang and Madam Li return to the hotel after they earned some money. Liu Miantang only sees Mo Ru. She asks him about his master. He reveals the master is in the back yard. She learns that Cui Xingzhou lost Go. She joins him in the back yard. She tells him that she came to accompany him. She mentions he didn’t smile.

She reveals she knows he lost Go. But he tells her that it wasn’t simple to lose Go. He reveals he played Go with his rival. He leaks that he fought with the guy three years ago. He was defeated. Cui Xingzhou tells Liu Miantang that the rival left when he wasn’t going to win him.

She thinks the guy is bad. She tells Cui Xingzhou not to get angry because of the guy. She thinks he doesn’t care for the chess game. She puts her hand on his chest. She tells him that she knows why he’s unhappy. She doesn’t know how to comfort him. But she’s told that she comforted him well.

He reveals the last chess piece is in his hand. He doesn’t know how to deal with it. She laughs and she thinks he shouldn’t keep the chess piece because the rival fled. Zi Yu is in his room to watch the rain. Shi Yikuan shows up. He tells Zi Yu that he will report it to the Empress Dowager that Huaiyang King ignored the order of the court.

Zi Yu tells Shi Yikuan that he won’t change his mind. Shi Yikuan reminds Zi Yu that they’re on same boat. Zi Yu promises to let the bandits be good guys. Shi Yikuan gives him a task. Madam Li reports to Cui Xingzhou that Liu Miantang decided to continue to sell porcelains.

She asks him about Lady Liu since Lu Wen joined the court. He reveals he plans to let Lady Liu leave after he tells her the truth. It makes Madam Li realize that Cui Xingzhou plans to return Liu Miantang to Lu Wen. She persuades Cui Xingzhong not to let the girl go back. She thinks the girl will be sad if she knows the truth.

Liu Miantang wakes up in her room. She lets Cui Xingzhou get her the tea. She wonders if he appointed someone to play Go since he woke up so early. He mentions she sold the porcelains well yesterday. He decides to accompany her to sell porcelains. But she volunteers to accompany him because she ran the store well.

Liu Miantang takes Cui Xingzhou to the lake. She throws the chess pieces into the lake since the chess made him unhappy. She tells him that his rival is her. She asks him to defeat her. He throws the chess pieces into the lake. He laughs to hug her. He threw all of the pieces away except the last one.

Cui Xingzhou complains it to Liu Miantang that he didn’t win her. But she tells him not to care for it. He thinks she found a way to comfort him. He thinks he was luck to stay with her. He asks her why she’s nice to him. She reveals she does it because he’s her husband.

He asks her if she fears that he told a lie to her. But she believes each choice she made. She offers to go home. He agrees to it. Zi Yu is in the yard. He remembers Shi Yikuan asked him to kill Huaiyang King. The follower reports to Zi Yu that Cui Xingzhou and his men left the city.

Zi Yu rides horse to chase Cui Xingzhou to the house. He finds the chess game Cui Xingzhou left. He takes the chess piece and he thinks it’s a tie. He returns to Blue State. Zi Yu visits Shi Yikuan. He apologizes to him for letting Huaiyang King flee. He asks for the punishment.

Shi Yikuan thinks it was his mistake that he didn’t remind Zi Yu. Zi Yu gets on knees to Shi Yikuan. He volunteers to take his men to Zhen State to make up his mistake. Shi Yikuan helps Zi Yu up. He thinks they will lose if they go to Zhen State because the state is the territory of Cui family. He lets him go to prepare the big case of his life.

The girl tells Xue Ji not to come to the school after knowing she’s going to get married. Xue Ji’s older sisters let Xue Ji pick the hairpin after they heard she’s going to marry a bandit chief. Xue Ji chooses a ring. But her older sister thinks it’s too small.

Xue Ji wears the ring. She shows it to her older sister. Xue Ji’s father Shi Yikuan shows up. Her older sisters are happy to join their father. The chancellor reports to Empress Dowager that Tribe Rong attacked them and General Pei was killed.

She doesn’t want to hear the bad news. Another chancellor reports to her that Shi Yikuan hired the bandit chief. Shi Yikuan wanted to know how to deal with Huaiyang King. Empress Dowager has a plan. Marquise Zhao has a dinner with Princess Dowager in the garden of Huaiyang King’s Palace.

She tells her that she’s envy of her that she has a good son. She mentions her son Zhao Quan liked painting suddenly. Madam Lian laughs to mention her daughter and Cui Xingzhou are going to get married. She wonders why she didn’t hear good news from Zhao Quan.

Marquise Zhao reveals her son has changed after Linan Princess divorced him. Lian Binglan comforts her aunt that Zhao Quan will be fine after she marries Cui Xingzhou. Madam Lian thinks Cui Xingzhou will be promoted after she heard the bandits of Mountain Yang joined the court.

Cui Xingzhou shows up. Princess Dowager asks him to accompany Lian Binglan to take a walk in the garden. Lian Binglan walks Cui Xingzhou in the garden. She asks him to improve her poem. She mentions he was the first place if Emperor didn’t take away his test paper.

But he reveals he has a girl in Spiritual Spring Town. He tells her that he has a plan. She lets him make the decision. She reveals she just wants to be the princess. She promises not to interfere with him. Zhao Quan meets with Cui Xingzhou. He gets angry after knowing Cui Xingzhou planned to give Liu Miantang to other men.

Cui Xingzhou explains it to Zhao Quan that he wants to arrange a good man for Liu Miantang. Zhao Quan asks Cui Xingzhou to give the girl to him. But Cui Xingzhou rejects it because Zhao Quan is a marquis. He worries that Liu Miantang cannot face the people if she marries Zhao Quan.

Madam Li arranged some guys for Liu Miantang. Cui Xingzhou finds out that the guys Madam Li arranged are married men. He’s against it. But he still wants Liu Miantang to make the decision. He walks into the store. Liu Miantang shows him the good porcelain. He wonders who will get the porcelain.

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The customer walks into the store. He wants to buy the porcelain. But Cui Xingzhou tells him that he doesn’t sell the porcelain. The customer leaves. Liu Miantang asks Cui Xingzhou why he did so. He explains it to her that he thought the guy isn’t match for his porcelain.

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Another customer shows up. Liu Miantang shows him the porcelains. He praises her and he thinks she’s a good girl. Cui Xingzhou asks Liu Miantang not to take the porcelain. He worries that her hand will be hurt. He tells the guy that he’s the lady’s husband. The guy mistakes that Liu Miantang played with him. He’s furious to leave her store.

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