Are You the One Episode 8 Recap: Bad Girl

This is the recap for Are You the One Episode 8. Liu Miantang lies in the bed. She’s very happy. Cui Xingzhou joins her. She shows him her underwear and she tells him that the underwear was made by Cloud Muslin. She’s close to him. He tries to kiss her.

Are You the One Episode 8

Cui Xingzhou puts the cover on Liu Miantang. He leaves her room. Cui Xingzhou is in his tent in the camp. The follower reports to him that Fan Hu found Lu Wen. He reveals Lu Wen is in a house in Blue State. Huang Guan mentions the place is the territory of Shi Yikuan.

He thinks Lu Wen knew Huaiyang King cannot reach Blue State. Huaiyang King decides to go to Blue State because he has a chip. Cui Xingzhou is eating at home. Liu Miantang watches him. She reveals she’s thinking about her business. She mentions the customer praised the porcelain in her store.

But the customers didn’t know Jade Burning Porcelain Store. Liu Miantang asks Cui Xingzhou to go to get the schedule of Huaiyang King. She plans to block the king’s way and give him the porcelain. Cui Xingzhou worries that his wife will be beaten.

But Liu Miantang doesn’t believe that the king will beat her. Cui Xingzhou points out that the arrogant Chen Shi won’t agree to Liu Miantang’s plan. Liu Miantang agrees to what her husband said. Cui Xingzhou persuades her to go to Blue State and give the dish to Shi Yikuan.

She’s against it because she thinks she cannot get into the painting meeting. She heard Shi Yikuan likes beauties. He reveals there will be a market before the meeting. He tells her that he wants to take her to the market. Liu Miantang asks Madam Li to go to the store to pick up some porcelains.

Liu Miantang arrives in the market in Blue State with Madam Li. She buys something and she complains it to Madam Li that Cui Xingzhou doesn’t come. Madam Li explains it to Liu Miantang that Cui Xingzhou has a test at the Go Club. Liu Miantang arrives at the Go Store. She walks into the store.

She asks the store owner about the price of the chessboard. But she’s told that the chessboard was ordered by someone. She leaves. Zi Yu shows up. He tells the store owner to sell the chessboard to the lady with low price. The store owner persuades Zi Yu to give the chessboard to the lady. But Zi Yu knows the lady won’t accept it if she knows the chess board was given by him.

Fan Hu reports to Cui Xingzhou that Lu Wen and Liu Miantang visited same Go store. Cui Xingzhou lets Fan Hu watch on Lady Liu. Liu Miantang is in the suit in the hotel. She thinks the white jade chessboard is good. She complains that she cannot buy the chessboard. Madam Li thinks the buyer would buy it since he paid for the chessboard. She mentions what Cui Xingzhou told Liu Miantang to have fun. Liu Miantang complains that she cannot buy her husband a chessboard since her husband cared for her.

Liu Miantang is in the Go store. The store owner remembers she visited the store yesterday. He reveals the buyer gave up the chessboard. He sells the chessboard to her with two gold. Cui Xingzhou is drinking tea on the street. The follower reports to him that the fish took the bait.

Liu Miantang gives the money to Fang Xie. She lets her wait for the store owner. She leaves the store with Madam Li. Zi Yu sees Liu Miantang. He tries to follow her. But he finds out that he’s tailed by someone. He gets rid of the guy.

Cui Xingzhou joins Liu Miantang in the market. Zi Yu watches them from the second floor of a tea house. Liu Miantang and Cui Xingzhou are at the cake store. Liu Miantang buys the cake. She asks Cui Xingzhou to taste the cake.

But he tells her to eat the cake because he thinks it’s too sweat. Sun Yunniang joins Zi Yu. She sees Liu Miantang who’s eating the cake. Cui Xingzhou sees Zi Yu and Sun Yunniang. Liu Miantang orders the sugar fruits. She tries to eat it.

Cui Xingzhou stops her. He asks her for one sugar fruit. She mentions he doesn’t like sweet. He points out that he likes sour. He grabs her hand and he eats the sugar fruit. Zi Yu sees it. He coughs. Sun Yunniang mentions what the doctor told Zi Yu not to think too much.

She tells Zi Yu that she knows he misses Lady Liu. But the lady encountered a good husband after she left Mountain Yang. Sun Yunniang claims that she would ask Lady Liu to come back if Lady Liu didn’t get married. Zi Yu points out that Liu Miantang told him that she won’t see him. He wonders how Sun Yunniang will let Liu Miantang come back.

He thinks Liu Miantang doesn’t like him anymore. He tears up. He thinks he wasn’t nice to her. But he thinks her husband isn’t good. Cui Xingzhou takes Liu Miantang to play shadow drama. He teaches her since she didn’t play it before. She’s very happy. They look at each other.

Zi Yu cannot stand it. He leaves. Sun Yunniang follows him. Liu Miantang arrives at the house with Cui Xingzhou. She sees the notice and she learns that she will get a seat from the painting meeting if she wins the chess game. She asks Cui Xingzhou to play the game. But he rejects it because he thinks it’s too hard.

Zi Yu walks out of the house after he won the game. He gets the reward but he gives the reward to Liu Miantang. Liu Miantang has a headache after she saw Zi Yu. Cui Xingzhou rejects the reward. Zi Yu reminds Cui Xingzhou that his wife wishes to get the reward.

Cui Xingzhou claims that his wife cannot accept the big present. Zi Yu mentions Cui Xingzhou cannot resolve the game. Cui Xingzhou volunteers to play Go with Zi Yu. The two guys play Go in the house. Liu Miantang watches them play Go.

She finds out that the two guy are match for each other. She’s surprised that she got same idea as Zi Yu. She thinks she played Go in such a way. She wonders why she got headache when she saw him. She thinks she saw him before. Zi Yu loses. He praises Cui Xingzhou. He agrees to play Go with Cui Xingzhou next time. He leaves. Liu Miantang has headache. But she doesn’t remember anything. She passes out in Cui Xingzhou’s arms.

Sun Yunniang visits her foster father in the evening. She reports to him that Liu Miantang is alive. She mentions Zi Yu missed Liu Miantang. She worries that the woman will affect their plan. But he scolds her for having feelings for Zi Yu. But she asks him if he’s going to forgive Liu Miantang. He reminds her that the 300,000 gold is on Liu Miantang’s body.

Liu Miantang walks into the man’s room. She sees the man cheating on her with another woman. She tries to leave. But the man grabs her hand and he begs her not to leave him. She shakes off his hand and she tells him that she doesn’t want to see him anymore.

Liu Miantang wakes up from the nightmare. She tells Cui Xingzhou that she dreamed that she was angry after she saw her husband getting together with another girl. Cui Xingzhou thinks Liu Miantang dreamed him. But she knows she dreamed Zi Yu.

Cui Xingzhou asks Liu Miantang if she remembered Zi Yu. He mentions she had headache after she saw Zi Yu. He tells her that what she did will make him think more. She mentions the guy wanted to give her a reward. She thinks Zi Yu is a bad guy. She reveals she had headache because of anger.

Cui Xingzhou leaves. Madam Li walks into Liu Miantang’s room. She brings the herb soup to Liu Miantang. She asks her to drink it. But Liu Miantang lets Madam Li have a seat. She asks her if she saw Zi Yu before. Madam Li remembers Cui Xingzhou told her to leak some messages to Liu Miantang.

She tells Liu Miantang that she heard the guy before. Liu Miantang thinks it was Cui Xingzhou’s first time to see Zi Yu. She asks Madam Li about the relationship of her and Zi Yu. Madam Li reveals Zi Yu was Liu Miantang’s lover. Fan Hu drinks tea with Cui Xingzhou. He asks him if the guy was Zi Yu.

Cui Xingzhou mentions all of the bandits listened to Zi Yu. But Zi Yu looked like a gentleman. Liu Miantang asks Madam Li what she thought everyday. She thinks she’s not such a bad lady. She believes that she wouldn’t betray her husband.

Madam Li doesn’t know the details. But she thinks Liu Miantang knows what she said is true. She persuades her to think about it. Cui Xingzhou mentions Zi Yu’s chess style is like Lu Wen’s style. Liu Miantang mentions she knew the chess style. She believes that she knew Zi Yu before.

Cui Xingzhou mentions Zi Yu looked at Liu Miantang with love. Liu Miantang remembers Cui Xingzhou was cold to her after she woke up. She wonders if her husband minded Zi Yu. Cui Xingzhong believes that Zi Yu is Lu Wen. Fan Hu asks Cui Xingzhou if they need to catch Zi Yu.

But Cui Xingzhou thinks Zi Yu has a big plan. He lets Fan Hu go to summon the bodyguards. Liu Miantang is in her room alone. She remembers Madam Li told her to confess it to the master. Cui Xingzhou comes back. Liu Miantang shows him the chessboard she bought him.

She plays Go with him. He finds out that her chess style is like Zi Yu’s chess style. He wins and he asks her about her master. She tells him a lie that she learned it from her family. But he tells her that her style is like Zi Yu’s style.

She’s furious to blame him for testing her. She confesses it to him that she learned Go from Zi Yu. But she doesn’t remember other things. She doesn’t know why she ran into Zi Yu in Blue State. She thinks Cui Xingzhou doesn’t trust her.

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She tells him to divorce her if he dislikes her. She promises not to tangle him. Madam Li prays to Buddha in the yard. She tells him that she didn’t intend to tell a lie. Fang Xie shows up. Madam Li asks Fang Xie if Lady Liu did something weird. Fang Xie reveals Lady Liu wanted to give the chessboard to the master.

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Liu Miantang asks Cui Xingzhou not to avoid her. He reveals Zi Yu tried to tangle her but she didn’t agree to it. He thinks Madam Li made Liu Miantang misunderstand it. He thinks he wouldn’t forgive her if it’s the true. She agrees to what he said. But she wonders why he was cold to her. He explains it to her that he couldn’t touch her because she was sick. She’s shy. Fang Xie informs them that the dinner is ready.

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