Are You the One Episode 7 Recap: Dragonfly

This is the recap for Are You the One Episode 7. Liu Miantang takes a look at the dragonfly porcelain. She’s very happy because she made it in the end. She goes to the guild to see Young Master He. But she’s blocked by the servant.

Are You the One Episode 7

The servant tells Liu Miantang that Young Master He doesn’t wish to be disturbed by girls. She leaves. The chancellor reports to Huaiyang King that the guild sued Lady Liu for taking the land. He wants to punish the lady. But Huaiyang King thinks Lady Liu didn’t have crime because she bought the land according to the laws. He mentions he cut the merchants’ taxes. He doesn’t want to step in the case.

Cui Xingzhou finds Liu Miantang in the yard. She mentions He family sued her. He thinks Huaiyang King will support her because she didn’t do anything wrong. But she worries that the king will trust the merchants. He denies it and he thinks the king won’t be favoritism.

She realizes it. It makes him think she trusts the king in the end. But she tells him that she only trusts him. She decides to go to see Huaiyang King. She asks Cui Xingzhou to help her because he’s the Go friend of the king. She lets Madam Li go to prepare the clothes.

Liu Miantang and Cui Xingzhou are in the carry. She tells him not to be nervous. Mo Ru arrives at the King’s Palace. He tells the guy to entertain Liu Miantang and Cui Xingzhou. He asks him not to leak the identity of the king. He lets him tell Lady Liu that the king is in the camp if the lady insists on seeing the king.

The guy decides to see Lady Liu. But Young Master He takes the merchants to see the king. Young Master He gets on knees outside the palace. He asks the king to give the justice to them. Liu Miantang overhears it from the carriage. She lets Cui Xingzhou take a look at the merchants.

The general Huang Guan walks out of the palace. He scolds the merchants and he tells them to get up. Young Master He complains it to Huang Guan that Lady Liu took his land. He thinks his living is a problem. Liu Miantang leaves with Cui Xingzhou because she knows the merchants target the king.

Huang Guan learns that the king left. He receives the petition letter from the merchants. They ask him to give the letter to the king. Lady Liu believes that Huaiyang King will be upset. She notes that Cui Xingzhou has a headache. He tells Liu Miantang that the king will use a hard method on the merchants. She reveals she will use a different method if she’s the king. She smiles.

Master Jia is in the painting store. He wants to buy the painting. But he’s told that the painting was ordered by the buyer. He offers a higher price to the seller. But the seller doesn’t want to make the buyer think he sells the painting to others for high price. He offers to let Master Jia meet with the buyer at the tea house.

Madam Xue walks into the clothing store. The seller recommends the drizzle brocade to her. She learns that the brocade is better than Liu Miantang’s cloud muslin. But Liu Miantang orders the brocade when she walks into the store.

Madam Xue claims that she saw the brocade first. Liu Miantang decides not to take away Madam Xue’s favor. Madam Xue mentions Liu Miantang failed the guild. She asks her about her business. Liu Miantang reveals someone asked her for a meeting up at the tea house for a business. She thinks Xue family found a way to carry porcelain since Madam Xue is buying the cloth. She leaves the clothing store. Madam Xue wants to know who wishes to talk a business with Liu Miantang. She follows Liu Miantang.

Liu Miantang is drinking tea in the room. The seller takes Master Jia into the room. He introduces Liu Miantang as the buyer of the painting. Liu Miantang is surprised that the one who wanted to get her painting is an old friend. Master Jia thinks Liu Miantang tried her best for seeing him.

The seller learns that the two know each other. He tells them to make a deal. But Master Jia claims that he’s going to give up the painting. Liu Miantang thinks the painting means the situation of Master Jia. She thinks he made a wise decision.

She persuades him to enjoy the painting with her. She takes out the painting. She hints at him that he will be the first one who is given up. He’s surprised that she knows painting so well. She claims that she can do anything that a man does. She asks him to introduce some friends to her.

Madam Xue is drinking tea at the tea house. She sees Master Jia walking out of the room with Liu Miantan’s maid. He’s very happy after he got the painting from Liu Miantang. Fang Xie returns to the room. She asks Liu Miantang if Master Jia can help her join the guild. Liu Miantang is happy to tell Fang Xie to wait for the good news at home.

Madam Xue reports to her husband that Master Jia bought a painting from Liu Miantang. The servant reveals Liu Miantang let Master Jia’s goods pass the land. Master Xue reports it to Young Master He in the guild meeting. He tells him that Master Jia betrayed them.

Master Jia shows up. He finds out that there’s no tea. Young Master He offers to go to the village to see Lady Liu. But Master Jia is against it. Cui Xingzhou learns that Liu Miantang alienated the merchants. He asks her how they can join the guild.

She reveals she bought the land because the merchants didn’t let her join the guild. She thinks the merchants will be moved if they know someone got benefits from her. She believes that Xue family will come to her for the benefits. She thinks she will help Huaiyang King.

Master He slaps his son after knowing what his son did. He’s surprised that the big case happened to the guild when he was sick. He asks his son who gave him to guts to bring trouble to Huaiyang Prince. He thinks he thought he lives to long.

Young Master He complains it to his father that Lady Liu bullied him. He wonders why the magistrate didn’t help him. Master He is furious to yell at his son. He tells him to give the store to He Zhen. Young Master He asks his father for another chance. But his father tells him to get lost. Young Master He leaves. He Zhen comforts her father.

Liu Miantang dresses up. She goes to the guild to see Master He. She shows the merchants the dragonfly porcelain. She tries to leave the guild. But He Zhen stops her. She praises her for making the dragonfly. Liu Miantang reveals she failed many time. She tells He Zhen that she knew she would make it one day.

Mo Ru reports to Huaiyang King that Lady Liu joined the guild. Huaiyang King asks Mo Ru to call Liu Miantang madam. He receives the porcelain list from the guild. He smiles. Cui Xingzhou eats the pastry with Liu Miantang in the yard.

Fang Xie reports to Liu Miantang that the merchants’ goods passed through the village and the merchants didn’t give the king a hard time. Cui Xingzhou is very happy. He decides to teach Liu Miantang a word. Liu Miantang goes to take the brush and the ink.

Young Master He knocks at the door with anger. He asks Liu Miantang to come out. Madam Li tells Cui Xingzhou that the young master came with a bad intention. He lets her go to open the door. She opens the door. Young Master He breaks into the yard.

He learns that Cui Xingzhou is the husband of Lady Liu. He blames him for not managing his wife. But Cui Xingzhou tells the guy that he trusts his wife. Young Master He asks Cui Xingzhou if he knows what kind of people his wife worked with. He asks him if he knows what did his wife got the land.

Cui Xingzhou thinks Liu Miantang achieved her dream with her view. But Young Master He thinks Liu Miantang is a little woman. Cui Xingzhou talks back that the little woman is stronger than the men. Young Master He tries to break into the house. But Cui Xingzhou takes him down. He tells him that he will break his arm if he doesn’t respect his wife.

Young Master He points at Cui Xingzhou. He thinks he’s not a man. Liu Miantang pours the ink to the guy. She claims that her husband is a good man. Cui Xingzhou holds Liu Miantang’s hand. He lets her hide behind him. Young Master He is furious to leave. Cui Xingzhou lets Madam Li go to wipe the gate.

A carriage parks at the house. Zi Yu gets off the carriage. Sun Yunniang calls him young master. She gets into the house with him. Fan Hu overhears Sun Yunniang’s words. Zi Yu is in the room. He mentions he let Zhou Cuo go to pick up Liu Miantang. But Sun Yunniang went to Zhen State and she didn’t take Liu Miantang back.

Sun Yunniang explains it to Zi Yu that Lady Liu left Mountain Yang because of her. So she wanted to resolve the problem with Liu Miantang. She reveals the lady encountered the man she loves. She adds that the lady married a merchant.

Sun Yunniang tells Zi Yu that Liu Miantang didn’t want to talk with her. She thinks the lady still hates them. She believes that Liu Miantang wants to cut ties with Mountain Yang. Zi Yu decides to go to see the lady. Sun Yunniang is against it because the area is the land of Huaiyang King. She worries that he will be caught. She reminds him that they have something more important to do.

Liu Miantang is busy in the kitchen. Madam Li joins her. She learns that she wants to cook crab roe rice. Liu Miantang reveals her mother taught her the dish. Her mother told her to cook it for the man she loves. Madam Li mentions Liu Miantang didn’t cook it since they bought a lot of crabs.

Cui Xingzhou is reading book in the yard. Liu Miantang feeds him the taro. Madam Li informs Liu Miantang that the dinner is ready. Liu Miantang leaves. Mo Ro watches it. He laughs. Liu Miantang has dinner with Cui Xingzhou. She lets him taste the crab roe rice.

He tastes the food and he finds out that it’s delicious. But he notes that her hand was hurt. Madam Li mentions Liu Miantang insisted on taking out the roe. She tells her to leave the job to her. Cui Xingzhou massages Liu Miantang’s hand.

Zhao Quan visits Liu Miantang with the crabs. She lets Cui Xingzhou entertain the guy. Zhuang Quan walks into the living room. But he doesn’t see Lady Liu. He throws the crabs to the table and he tells Cui Xingzhou that the crabs were given by Lian Binglan.

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He complains it to him that Lady Lian thought the men are bad. He tastes the food and he thinks it’s good. He knows the food wasn’t cooked by Madam Li. But Cui Xingzhou takes away the food. He tells Zhao Quan that the food isn’t for him.

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Zhao Quan thinks Cui Xingzhou is jealous. He mentions Liu Miantang will encounter a man she loves. But Cui Xingzhou thinks the man won’t be Zhao Quan. Zhao Quan is furious to leave. Madam Li reports to Cui Xingzhou that Liu Miantang ran her business well after she joined the guild. Cui Xingzhou thinks the family is over after he catches Lu Wen.

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