Are You the One Episode 6 Recap: One Lie After Another

This is the recap for Are You the One Episode 6. Madam Li prepares the meal for Liu Miantang and Cui Xingzhou. Liu Miantang tastes the food. She wishes to eat bibimbap. She asks Cui Xingzhou if he ate her crab roe bibimbap. He denies it.

Are You the One Episode 6

Liu Miantang returns to her room. She lies in the bed. Cui Xingzhou walks into her room. He explains it to her that he did it for her. He tries to leave. She stops him and she asks him if she had feelings for him. She remembers she didn’t want to marry him.

But she forgot the past after she woke up. She thought she married the right one after knowing he spent a lot for her illness. She wanted to be nice to him but she forgets how to get along with him. She had to do it like other ordinary couples.

But they had a distance when she tried to be close to him. She got the result that he’s not the guy she likes. She thinks she married him because she wanted to repay his grace. She promises to take the duty as a wife. She tells him to divorce her if he minds it. She promises to return the medical fee to him. She tries to go to the study to sleep. But he packs his stuff and he leaves the room.

Cui Xingzhou drinks with Zhao Quan in the yard. Zhao Quan asks for an explanation because Cui Xingzhou called him out in the evening. Cui Xingzhou reveals Liu Miantang has known that she doesn’t have feelings for him. He tells Zhao Quan that Liu Miantang claimed that she will treat him as her benefactor. Zhao Quan learns that Cui Xingzhou got angry after Liu Miantang refused to sleep with him. But Cui Xingzhou is arrogant that he’s very happy. He mentions she needed to accompany Liu Miantang to play games. He reveals he was tired to deal with it. He believes that the lady will listen to him once Fan Hu got the message. Zhao Quan asks Cui Xingzhou about his next plan. Cui Xingzhou decides to give up the chess piece after he catches Lu Wen. But Zhao Quan thinks Cui Xingzhou treats Liu Miantang as his rival.

Liu Miantang wipes the porcelain in the store. Cui Xingzhou shows up. He volunteers to help Liu Miantang. But she lets him take a break. She brings some books to him. She serves him the snacks and the tea. It makes him think she treats him as a Buddha. She thinks she should do so because he’s her husband. She tries to carry the big porcelain. But her hands was hurt. He tries to help her. But she has done her job. She sees him and she asks him why he stands there.

The worker shows up with the goods. Cui Xingzhou remembers Liu Miantang told him that he’s not the man she likes. He stops the worker when the worker tries to help Liu Miantang carry the porcelain. Liu Miantang knows why Cui Xingzhou came to the store. She comforts him that she didn’t contact the guild. She promises not to go to see the people of the guild. He reveals he’s going to go to the Go Club to sleep.

Lian Binglan accompanies Princess Dowager to see the koi. The koi is in the jar. The jar comes from Cui Xingzhou and Liu Miantang’s porcelain store. Lian Binglan thinks Princess Dowager will have a long life if the koi accompanies her.

Princess Dowager thinks Lian Binglan’s mouth is sweet. She asks Cui Xingzhou to come to get the blessing from the koi. He tells her to take the porcelain away since she likes it. She finds out that the porcelain is good. She offers to go to the store to order a set of porcelains.

But he thinks every store can make the porcelain. Lian Binglan agrees to what Cui Xingzhou said. She thinks the porcelain wouldn’t be match for the koi if it wasn’t lucky. She reveals she has an antique porcelain. She wants to replace the porcelain jar. But Cui Xingzhou lets her use it on her own. He agrees to what his mother said that he should get the blessing. He bullies the koi in the evening.

The merchants gather in the yard of the king’s palace. They look anxious. One of the merchants asks He Zhen to go to see her father. He Zhen walks into the palace when her father is waiting for Huaiyang King. Mo Ru reveals the king accompanied the princess dowager to the temple. He leaves.

He Zhen comforts her father that the king won’t give them a hard time. Master He complains it to He Zhen that the king has locked him in the palace so long. She points out that the king wouldn’t let her see him if the king wants to give them a hard time.

Cui Xingzhou shows up. He asks Master He if he made the decision. Master He tells Cui Xingzhou that he cannot shoulder the loss. He Zhen remembers Cui Xingzhou saved her if she was kidnapped by the bandit. Cui Xingzhou reminds Master He that the people will suffer if he doesn’t lend the boats. He Zhen asks Cui Xingzhou to think about the living of the merchants. Cui Xingzhou promises to cut the taxes. Master He thanks Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou tells Master He that he has a good daughter. He leaves.

Master He returns home. He coughs when He Zhen feeds him the soup. Young Master He scolds He Zhen for not taking care of the father well. But Master He thinks he would die in the King’s Palace if it wasn’t He Zhen. He gives the porcelain store of He family to his son.

Liu Miantang takes Madam Li to the land. Madam Li worries that the land isn’t worth the price. Liu Miantang takes over the paper from Madam Li. She reveals she liked the land very much. She tells Madam Li that Huaiyang King borrowed boats from the merchants. She thinks the porcelain merchants cannot find the boats to carry their porcelains. She smiles.

Young Master He has a meeting with the merchants. The merchant thinks the land of Double Mountain Ranges Village is good for land transportation. Young Master He decides to buy the land. But the follower reports to Young Master He that the land was bought by Liu Miantang.

The follower visited Liu Miantang. But he was told that Liu Miantang is sick. He told Fang Xie that Liu Miantang took the land of guild. Fang Xie pointed out that Liu Miantang bought the land before the guild lent the boats. She asked the follower to bring some words to the guild.

The follower reports to Young Master He that Liu Miantang refused to see them because Master He thought girls shouldn’t show up in front of men. Young Master He leaves the job to He Zhen because she’s a girl. He Zhen visits Liu Miantang when the lady sits on the bed.

He Zhen is surprised that Liu Miantang is sick. Liu Miantang reveals she needs to land to plant the herb healing her illness. Madam Li tells He Zhen that the guy murders Liu Miantang if he wants to pass through the land. Liu Miantang learns that He Zhen came for the land.

He Zhen confesses it to Liu Miantang that they will be killed if they cannot carry the porcelains to the court. She thinks the land is related to their lives. Liu Miantang reveals she wants to join the guild. He Zhen learns that the lady is threatening her. Liu Miantang thinks He Zhen knows her hardship. He Zhen promises to talk about it with her father.

Cui Xingzhou is training the soldiers. Mo Ru reports to Cui Xingzhou that Liu Miantang is sick. Cui Xingzhou believes that Liu Miantang caught a cold. He runs home with the medicine. But he hears the laughing from the room. Madam Li laughs to praise Liu Miantang for tricking the guild.

Liu Miantang praises Madam Li for her acting as well. Fang Xie reports to Liu Miantang that the guild sent them the invitation. But Liu Miantang hears the smell of lotus leaf. She runs out of her room and she sees the snack Cui Xingzhou left.

She stops Cui Xingzhou. She blames him for leaving without saying goodbye to her. He explains it to her that he came back to get changed. She points out that she doesn’t see his clothes but she sees the medicine he holds. He claims that the medicine is for himself. He wonders why she came out. She claims that she wants to buy something. He leaves.

Liu Miantang goes to the guild to see the merchants. But she sees the merchants’ wives. The madam tells Liu Miantang that the guild will give her an answer within three days. She invites her to taste her new tea. The madam shows the Yunxiang muslin to Liu Miantang.

She asks her to take the muslin home. But Liu Miantang reveals there’re a lot of muslin in her house. The madam thinks Liu Miantang told her a lie. But she finds out that her handkerchief is the muslin. Liu Miantang reveals the handkerchief was given by her husband.

Fan Hu sends a message to Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou learns that the bandits went to Blue State. Cui Xingzhou burns the message. He thinks Lu Wen hid himself not for recovering. Liu Miantang looks something in the room. Madam Li notes it. She asks her what she’s looking for.

Liu Miantang reveals she’s looking for the hand warmer. But Madam Li sees the warmer on the table. She reports it to Cui Xingzhou. Mo Ru thinks Lady Liu found something. Liu Miantang is writing in the yard. Cui Xingzhou returns home.

She shows him the word “Hide” she wrote. He tells her to hide herself when she writes the word. She lets him write the word and she thinks he’s a noble. He explains it to her that the teacher was strict to him when he was in the capital.

She thinks the capital is good. But she cannot remember it. She wonders how rich they were. She mentions they had money to buy so many good things. He leaves the yard and he goes to his study. She sees the official seal from the porcelain. She remembers the shopkeeper told her that the seal belongs to the official.

She visits the workshop of He family. The worker takes a look at the porcelain. He tells Liu Miantang that the porcelain belongs to official. Cui Xingzhou leaves the Go Club. He gets in the carriage. Liu Miantang is in another carriage. She follows him to the tea house.

She hears Officer Wang giving money to Cui Xingzhou after Cui Xingzhou flattered him. She’s sad to leave the restaurant. Mo Ru sees Liu Miantang off. He reports it to Cui Xingzhou. Officer Wang apologizes to Cui Xingzhou for offending him. But Cui Xingzhou thinks what Officer Wang said is right. He leaves the money on the table. Mo Ru asks Officer Wang not to leak it.

Cui Xingzhou returns home. Mo Ru worries that Lady Liu will scold Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou thinks the lady will like the money. He walks into the yard. Liu Miantang is waiting for him. She asks him how long he’s going to conceal it from her.

She reveals she saw a meeting up from the restaurant. She knows the money he earned didn’t come from the winning at the Go. She also knows he became someone else’s helper. He claims that he did it for earning money for the family. But she tells him that she shoulder the family for letting him do anything he wants to do.

But he dirtied Go art for many benefits. She asks him about his pride as a Go player. She tears up. She mentions he didn’t allow her to join the guild for his pride. But he gave up his pride for the money. She thinks they should shoulder the rain and the wind together.

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But she lived under his shelter. She mentions he never told his wronged to her and she never got his trust. He mentions what she said that they only have grace. But she claims that she wishes to shoulder the wind and the rain with him.

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She tells him that she misunderstood him. She apologizes to him for only thinking about herself. She grabs his hand and she offers to forgive each other. He agrees to it. She smiles. She tells him that she wants to know him again and she wants to be the real Cui Jiu’s wife. He promises not to be someone else’s helper. Liu Miantang carries the cover to the study. But Cui Xingzhou isn’t in the study. He carries the over to her room. She’s not in the room as well. They run into each other. She smiles to offer to sleep in the bed.

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