Are You the One Episode 2 Recap: Good Husband

This is the recap for Are You the One Episode 2. Cui Xingzhou wonders if Liu Miantang is pretty. Madam Li thinks Liu Miantang is just an ordinary beauty. The guy reveals the beggar followed Liu Miantang to the house. He thinks the beggar is a spy of Mountain Yang.

Are You the One Episode 2

Cui Xingzhou returns home. The follower wonders if Madam Liu is acting with Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou decides to interrogate the lady. But the follower thinks Liu Miantang is just a weak girl. Cui Xingzhou walks into Liu Miantang’s room when the lady is taking a bath.

She smiles to walk to him. She apologizes to him for not letting Madam Li prepare the dinner since she didn’t know he would come back. She’s happy to tell him that she bought two stores for him. She learns that he knows she gave the bad guys a lesson.

She thinks she brought trouble to him. She asks him for his mercy. He believes that she would conceal it from him if he didn’t mention it. She gives the pleading to him. She asks him to take a look at the pleading. He finds out that her handwriting is bad.

He learns that Lu Wen chose her for her looks. He finds out that the pleading is for Huaiyang Prince. She explains it to him that the guy is the nephew of the Town General. She has to let Huaiyang Prince give her the justice. He mentions Chen Tu was hurt by her. He thinks she should pay the herb soup fee is the case is investigated.

She’s against it and she doesn’t want to compensate Chen Tu. He mentions she remembered the skills of Escort Agency. But he thinks Escort Agency didn’t each Silver Needle Acupuncture Point. He asks her who taught it to her. She brings a medical book to him.

She reveals the book was given by Doctor Zhao. She mentions the book labeled with acupuncture points. She thinks she would lose her reputation if she didn’t hit the point. Cui Xingzhou takes a look at the medical book. He thinks it’s a Handbook of Murder.

He tells Liu Miantang not to learn it. She pours him a tea. He drinks the tea. We go to the yard. Madam Li joins the servant Fan Hu. He reveals the prince is interrogating Lady Liu. She mentions each inmate cried to confess after the prince interrogated him.

Fan Hu believes that the prince will dig out the secret from Lady Liu. But Madam Li points out that Liu Miantang is a weak girl. Liu Miantang takes out the two papers. She reveals she plans to turn the two stores into a big one. She asks Cui Xingzhou for his opinion.

But he claims that he was in charge of making porcelain. So she asks him to check the white porcelain. But he doesn’t see the problem. She points out the problem. He explains it to her that he didn’t do so because the porcelain comes from Spiritual Spring Town.

But she points out that the porcelain comes from capital. It makes him think she’s interrogating him. She explains it to him that she just thought he’s not a porcelain merchant. He admits that he’s a hedonistic guy. He summons Madam Li.

Madam Li brings the papers to Liu Miantang. She hints at her that the seals on the papers are her personal seals. Cui Xingzhou tells Liu Miantang that he wasn’t better than her. She wonders why they didn’t tell it to her. He explains it to her that he wanted to take the duty as the master of the family. But he didn’t have talent.

Madam Li leaves. Liu Miantang is surprised that she’s good at running business. But she doesn’t remember it. Cui Xingzhou lets her not feel guilty. He hugs her and he asks her not to suspect him. He tells her to go to prepare the bed.

Liu Miantang looks herself in the mirror when she sits on the bed. She lies in the bed when Cui Xingzhou walks to the bed. He lies in the bed and he wonders why she doesn’t sleep. He sleeps. She takes a look at him and she wonders if she slept with him in such a way.

He asks her if she cannot sleep. She denies it and she reveals she’s thinking about their past. She mentions he has gotten married with her for three years. She asks him why he didn’t marry a concubine. He learns that she suspected him. He wonders what she’s thinking. She wants to go to bathroom because she drank a lot of water. But he hugs her. She sees the injury on his hand. She asks him about it. But he asks her to sleep. Cui Xingzhou remembers his hand was hurt when Lu Wen shot him. He swears to catch Lu Wen.

Liu Miantang wakes up in the morning. She sees the pleading on the table. She stops Cui Xingzhou in the yard. She asks him to go to give the pleading to Huaiyang Prince. She tells him not to fear it. She thinks the prince should give the justice to them.

He agrees to what she said. But he thinks the prince is very busy. He thinks it won’t work even if he gives the pleading to the prince. It makes her think that the prince is a bad guy. He’s furious to deny it. Liu Miantang believes that Cui Xingzhou isn’t the one who fears the power. She gives him the pleading.

Liu Miantang manages the store. Madam Zhao and Madam Yin walk into the store. They think Liu Miantang is a concubine. Liu Miantang shows up. She greets the two madams. One of the madams thinks Liu Miantang worked hard. Liu Miantang claims that her husband is very busy. She blames the two madams for badmouthing her husband. She threatens to report them.

Little Emperor loses in the palace. He lets Little Eunuch hit his forehead. But Empress Dowager glares at Little Eunuch. He gets on knees to her. Little Emperor asks Little Eunuch to hit him. But she reminds him that he shouldn’t hurt his dragon body. She lets him come to eat.

The chancellor gives the reducing solders plans of the two princes to Empress Dowager. He reports it to her that Huaiyang Prince didn’t take action. She’s furious to hit the table when she thinks the prince wanted to rebel. Little Emperor claims that he will kill the guy. She hugs him and she lets the maid go to cook a fish.

Cui Xingzhou drinks with Doctor Zhao at the Go House. Cui Xingzhou burns the letter after he read the letter from his teacher. He reveals the Soldier Department wanted to cut down his soldiers. Doctor Zhao thinks Empress Dowager Wu would do it to Cui Xingzhou because the guy owns many soldiers. But Cui Xingzhou doesn’t care for it.

He takes Doctor Zhao downstairs. Doctor Zhao finds out that Cui Xingzhou arrested his servant Lao Wang. Cui Xingzhou points at the culprits. He tells Doctor Zhao that those guys are the spies of Shi Yikuan. He leaks that Lao Wang spied on the Marquis Mansion. He thinks Shi Yikuan knows Doctor Zhao’s mother more than Doctor Zhao.

Cui Xingzhou threatens those spies that he will cut off their tongues. Lao Wang asks Cui Xingzhou for his mercy. Doctor Zhao is startled. Cui Xingzhou lets Lao Wang send a message to Shi Yikuan. Lao Wang and other spies are taken away.

Doctor Zhao blames Shi Yikuan for setting up a spy on his side. Cui Xingzhou asks Doctor Zhao not to let Blue State know what he’s doing. He shows him the drawing and he thinks the fish took the bait. Doctor Zhao wonders if Cui Xingzhou thinks Mountain Yang found Liu Miantang according to the drawing.

Cui Xingzhou reveals the clothing store of Qi family was robbed by Mountain Yang. He thinks Doctor Zhao will find the mark from the clothing store. He claims that he knows the enemies well. He thinks Lu Wen won’t show up when he has to do it.

He thinks Liu Miantang pretended to lose her memories. He decides to let anyone see Liu Miantang. Liu Miantang cooks the dishes. She takes the dishes to leave home. We see a mark on the tree in front of Liu Miantang’s house. Liu Miantang goes to the Go House to look for Cui Xingzhou. But she doesn’t find him.

Cui Xingzhou returns home when the neighbors are having a fight. Mr. Zhang’s wife blames him for acting with him. He claims that he didn’t trick her. Cui Xingzhou decides to make a partition again. Liu Miantang persuades him to understand the poor lady because she loves her husband deeply.

She reveals Mr. Zhang is a liar. She tells Cui Xingzhou that she asked Lady Zhang to take away Mr. Zhang’s store. She believes that Mr. Zhang can do nothing as long as he loses his store. Cui Xingzhou persuades Liu Miantang not to step in the case.

But she reminds him that the lies are going to be found out. She asks him if she’s actually his wife. He wonders why she suspects him. She thinks he was nice to her but he kept a distance from her. She thinks they’re not like ordinary couples.

She mentions he didn’t care for her after she was bullied by the bad guy. But he interrogated her. She believes that he didn’t give the pleading to Huaiyang Prince. He reveals he did it. So she asks him about the looks of the Prince’s Palace.

He tells the looks of the Prince’s Palace to her. He asks her if it’s same to what she looked into. He blames her for interrogating him. She asks him why he made an excuse to playing Go for not coming back. She reveals she asked the Go Club about him. But the boss told her that there’s no a guy named Cui Jiu. He confesses it to her that he left the Go Club after he kept losing.

Mr. Zhang blames Liu Miantang for letting his wife take away his store. He thinks she’s a concubine. She lets the maid go to pour the hot water to the guy. Cui Xingzhou stops the maid. He learns that Liu Miantang was called concubine because he didn’t came back and she ran the business alone.

Madam Liu persuades Cui Xingzhou to invite the people to the house. She asks Liu Miantang to hold the banquet. She thinks the people will know Liu Miantang is the hostess of the house. Liu Miantang persuades Cui Xingzhou not to spend money for the unimportant case. But he thinks her reputation is more important.

Madam Li is cooking in the kitchen. Liu Miantang walks into the kitchen. She wonders why Madam Li provoked Cui Xingzhou to hold the banquet since she knows he’s poor. Madam Li claims that it was the master’s idea. Liu Miantang scolds Madam Li. She asks her if she managed the family in such a way before.

Madam Li reminds Liu Miantang that the master cared for the money. She wonders why he resisted on doing it since it’s not a good business. Liu Miantang mentions Cui Xingzhou spent money for her. She thinks he’s a good guy. Madam Li persuades Liu Miantang that the master did it for comforting her. She asks her if she still suspects the master. Liu Miantang asks Madam Li to prepare the dishes Cui Xingzhou likes. She leaves the kitchen.

SEE ALSO: Are You the One Episode 3 Recap: Feast

Liu Miantang walks into Cui Xingzhou’s room. She wants to invite some important guests. But he reminds her that she’s the most important person. She decides to write the invitations in person. But he laughs because he knows her handwriting is ugly. He teaches her how to write.

SEE ALSO: Are You the One Episode 1 Recap: Beautiful Wife

The young master plays zither in the room. The girl shows up. She senses the sorrow from his son. She believes that he’s missing Older Sister Liu.

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