A Journey to Love: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for A Journey to Love: Episode 4. Ning Yuanzhou wonders why Ren Ruyi said that Lou Qingqiang is the first one when she killed Lou Qingqiang. She reveals Lou Qingqiang was the first one who killed Ling Long.

Why Ren Ruyi Wishes to Join Ning Yuanzhou?

A Journey to Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for A Journey to Love: Episode 4.

Ning Yuanzhou realizes that Ling Long is Ren Ruyi’s sister. But he thinks Ren Ruyi shouldn’t kill Lou Qingqiang at that time. She claims that she knows when is the best time. She thinks she’s the best killer. He wonders why she exposed herself since she’s the best killer.

She reveals Yuan Lu reminded her that Ning Yuanzhou killed Zhao Ji. She didn’t want to owe Ning Yuanzhou’s grace. She wonders why he released her since he has been the chief of Six Realms Hall. He reveals he did it because she begged him.

He thinks she’s lucky because she’s not like their enemies. She’s surprised that he’s softhearted. She realizes the reason why he got betrayed by Zhao Ji. But he thinks she’s a fool as well because she killed the chief of Six Realms Hall for a white sparrow.

He thinks she’s a traitor of Red Clothes Guards. But she reveals she’s just a dead person. He helps her walk out of the city. He wishes not to see her again. But she wants to join him. He realizes that she wishes to avoid the killing of Mr. Yue.

Ren Ruyi wants to know who’s Mr. Yue. Ning Yuanzhou tells Ren Ruyi that he has looked into Mr. Yue. He reveals Mr. Yue is a purple clothes envoy. She asks him a favor. She reveals she wants to take revenge for her old friend. But he rejects it because he doesn’t need a killer.

Ning Yuanzhou mentions Ren Ruyi has many secrets. He thinks it’s the best that they choose different paths. She gets on the horse. She rides the horse away. Ning Yuanzhou walks out of his room. He drinks with his brothers. He coughs when he rides the house on the street.

Qian Zhao thinks Ning Yuanzhou doesn’t want to leave the good looking cousin. Yu Shisan chases Qian Zhao. He asks him about the cousin. Yuan Lu wonders if Ren Ruyi leaked her real identity. Ning Yuanzhou thinks Ren Ruyi had complicated feelings because she was a pawn.

Who Is Li Tongguang’s Father?

Emperor An returns to the camp. The two princes welcome him. Emperor An is happy to get into the camp. He throws a banquet to the generals. He intends to arrange a marriage for Li Tongguang. The consort tells Emperor An to give the position of duke to Li Tongguang.

But Prince Hedong mentions Li Tongguang’s father is a Wu person. Li Tongguang tells Prince Hedong not to believe the rumor. Emperor Wu stops Li Tongguang. He tells him to drink. Consort Chu serves Li Tongguang to take a bath. She mentions he hurt himself when he was unhappy.

She wonders why his teacher taught him. She reveals she came because Emperor An fell asleep. She tells him to get up because she thinks the water is very cold. But he thinks the water is warmer than those people who mocked him. He wears his clothes. She tells him that she missed him.

SEE ALSO: A Journey to Love: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

Episode 4 of A Journey to Love ends with Li Tongguang trying to kill the girl Liu Li because she knows his secret. She asks him to forgive her. She reveals she served him before. He remembers Ren Xin stepped on his head when she trained him. She told him to remember the humiliating.

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