A Journey to Love: Episode 10 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for A Journey to Love: Episode 10. Ren Ruyi begins to trust Ning Yuanzhou after knowing he’s a good man. But Qian Zhao finds Ren Ruyi’s identity. He and Sun Lang attack her. Emperor An arranges a marriage for Chu Yue. But Chu Yue finds out that her future husband is Li Tongguang.

Why Qian Zhao Thinks Ren Ruyi Is A Spy of Red Clothes Guards?

A Journey to Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for A Journey to Love: Episode 10.

Ren Ruyi disguises herself and meets with the deputy chief of Red Clothes Guards Jiang Xiu. She reports to her that she has joined the group of Wu Kingdom. Qian Zhao tails Ren Ruyi. He hears the talk. Ren Ruyi intends to take revenge for Mr. Yue.

But Jiang Xiu stops Ren Ruyi. She reveals Ren Ruyi is the cop of Chu Kingdom. Ren Ruyi is surprised. She believes that Ning Yuanzhou made Jiang Xiu believe that she’s the cop of Chu Kingdom. So she goes to the rooftop to eavesdrop the conversation of Ning Yuanzhou and Yu Shisan. She knows that Ning Yuanzhou has feelings for her. She decides to trust him again.

Qian Zhao tails Ren Ruyi again. He sees what she does. The lord of Xu City Shentu Chi asks Yang Ying to hand over the national book to Yang Ying. But Yang Ying rejects it. So Shentu Chi arranges a dilapidated house for her. Yang Ying is furious to blame Empress Zhaojie. Ren Ruyi slaps Yang Ying. Qian Zhao sees it.

Why Deng Hui Lets Jia Ling Patrol?

Jiang Xiu sends a letter to Jia Ling. Jia Ling gets the message of the group of Wu Kingdom. She reports the message to Deng Hui. But he thinks the message isn’t detailed. He punishes her to patrol. The bodyguard Wang Jiu mocks Jia Ling. Chu Yue sees it. She cannot stand it.

Who Is Chu Yue?

Chu Yue is the princess of Shaxi Tribe. Her father is the Duke Chu of An Kingdom. She owns 30 percent of cavalrymen of Shaxi Tribe. She wishes to get 50 percent of cavalrymen of Shaxi Tribe. But her father doesn’t intend to give it to her. Because she’s not the heir of Shaxi Tribe.

Chu Yue scolds Wang Jiu. She asks him to apologize to Jia Ling. She punishes him to stand. Because her mother Princess leaded troops before. But she had to be retired after she married Duke Chu. Chu Yue meets with Emperor An. He tells her that he’s going to arrange a marriage for her. She agrees to it without asking him who will be her future husband. She asks him to let her father give his cavalrymen to her. Emperor An gives his cavalrymen to her instead.

Who Is Chu Yue Going to Marry?

Chu Yue goes to see her aunt Consort Chu. Consort Chu reveals Chu Yue is going to marry Li Tongguang. Chu Yue gets angry because she knows Li Tongguang is a son of Wu Person. Consort Chu comforts Chu Yue that Li Tongguang is a good person.

Consort Chu tears up when she stays in her room. Chu Yue greets Consort Chu. She notes that she’s not happy. She asks her what happened. Consort Chu explains to Chu Yue that she didn’t sleep well last night. She asks her if she knows Emperor An is going to give a marriage to her.

Chu Yue mistakes that Consort Chu worries about her marriage. She thinks Prince Luoxi isn’t bad. But Consort Chu reveals Chu Yue’s future husband is Li Tongguang. Chu Yue blames Emperor An for bullying her tribe. She tries to go to ask Emperor Wu about it.

But Consort Chu stops Chu Yue. She thinks other princes aren’t better than Li Tongguang. She reveals other girls wished to get Li Tongguang. Chu Yue promises not to go to see Emperor An. She mentions Consort Chu cried to marry to the palace.

She thinks the women of Chu family cannot decide their marriages. Consort Chu hugs Chu Yue. Chu Yue tells Consort Chu not to feel sad for her. Because she got something from Emperor Wu through the marriage. Consort Chu tells Chu Yue that Li Tongguang is a good husband. She tears up.

Why Li Tongguang Whips Wang Jiu?

Li Tongguang leads Yulin Guards. Wang Jiu is one of Yulin Guards. Li Tongguang asks Wang Jiu to patrol. But he stands there because Chu Yue punished him after he bullied Jia Ling. Li Tongguang thinks Wang Jiu listened to Chu Yue instead of him. So he whips Wang Jiu.

The maid Xiao Xing tells Chu Yue to meet with Li Tongguang. But Chu Yue rejects it because she doesn’t believe Li Tongguang is a good man. She reveals she agreed to it for comforting Consort Chu. She mentions Li Tongguang got the title of hero for catching Emperor Wu because he took his follower’s credit.

She thinks she should let the people know that she’s not happy about the marriage. She believes that she will get something from Emperor An. She wishes to get the white horse from Emperor An. Wang Jiu explains to Li Tongguang that his younger master asked him to stand.

He reveals he belonged to Shaxi Tribe. Li Tongguang learns that Wang Jiu doesn’t listen to him. He tells the bodyguards to whip Wang Jiu. Chu Yue stops Li Tongguang. She finds out that he was the one who took away her ball. He claims that he whipped Wang Jiu because he’s the chief of Yulin Guards. He wonders if she’s going to whip him like she did it to him.

How Does A Journey to Love Episode 10 End?

Episode 10 of A Journey to Love ends with Ren Ruyi trying to get into the house. But Qian Zhao attacks her. Sun Lang joins the fight. Ren Ruyi asks the two guards why they hurt her. Qian Zhao reveals he has known Ren Ruyi is a spy of Red Clothes Guards.

SEE ALSO: A Journey to Love: Episode 9 Recap & Ending

Ren Ruyi denies it. But Sun Lang tells her that he and Qian Zhao saw her watching Ning Yuanzhou. He mentions she slapped Yang Ying. He thinks Ning Yuanzhou was bewitched by her. Yang Ying returns with Yu Shisan. They see the three having a fight. Qian Zhao tells Yu Shisan that Ren Ruyi is a Red Clothes Guard.

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