A Journey to Love: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for A Journey to Love: Episode 1. A girl cries when she’s chased by the bodyguard in the palace. He kills her and he breaks into Emperor’s room when Emperor is falling asleep. He kills him. Emperor Wu and Emperor An have a battle in the battlefield.

What Is Ren Ruyi’s Plan?

A Journey to Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for A Journey to Love: Episode 1.

The beauty Ren Ruyi dances at the house of Sun Shiyi in Wu Capital. Sun Shiyi applauds. He wishes Emperor Wu to defeat Emperor An. Ren Ruyi intends to go to see Prince Han. But she’s kidnapped by the officer. He tells her to serve her first when he kisses her.

Ling Long stuns the officer. Ling Long wonders why Ren Ruyi was chosen. Ren Ruyi thinks she’s not a good spy. She tells Ling Long that she fears it. Ling Long reminds Ren Ruyi that they will be killed if she cannot complete the task.

She mentions Prince Han only had feelings for Ren Ruyi. She tells Ren Ruyi to go to see Prince Han. She tells her to let Prince Han take her home to steal the food map. Ren Ruyi asks Ling Long about the officer. Ling Long takes out the medicine.

She tells Ren Ruyi that the officer will only remember that he was drunk after he wakes up. Ren Ruyi goes to see Prince Han. He holds her chin and he tries to kiss her. But she stops him. She asks him to take her home after the party.

He laughs to agree to it. She returns to the party. She smiles with Ling Long. They begin to dance. The officer returns to the party. He doesn’t remember what happened. Zhao Ji shows up. Sun Shiyi welcomes Zhao Ji. Zhao Ji thinks he should come because he received the birthday invitation.

Why Ren Ruji Wishes to Kill the Dancers?

Zhao Ji watches the show. He’s furious to slap the table to stop the dancing. He mentions the song that the general will be killed. He thinks the people wish Emperor Wu to be killed. Sun Shiyi calms Zhao Ji down. He tells him that they didn’t dare to have the intentions.

The follower reminds Sun Shiyi that Zhao Ji is interested in his birthday presents. Sun Shiyi asks Zhao Ji to take away all of the presents. Zhao Ji smiles. He lets the guests sit down. The officer thinks Zhao Ji is robbing money. Prince Han reminds the officer the death of Mr. Zhou.

Sun Shiyi thinks he’s innocent after he gave the presents to Zhao Ji. But Zhao Ji points out that there’s no spy. Sun Shiyi reveals the dancers are spies. Zhao Ji tells the bodyguards to kill all of the dancers. Ren Ruji asks Prince Han to save her. But he ignores her.

The dancers are taken outside. The dancer tells the bodyguard Xu Jun that she was wronged. But he kills her. He tells her that he knows she was wrong. But he points out that Zhao Ji has no money to spend recently. He kicks her into the pond.

Xu Jun tells the dancers to get on knees to the pond. The bodyguard tries to kill Ling Long. But she tells him that she has a pearl. She fights with him. But she’s not the rival of him. Xu Jun stops the bodyguard before he kills Ling Long. Because he knows she’s the bodyguard of An Kingdom.

Ren Ruji kills Zhu Jun from his back. She kills all of the bodyguards. She unties Ling Long. She holds the blade to walk to the dancers. Ling Long stops Ren Ruyi. Ren Ruyi reminds Ling Long that only dead can keep secret. She wonders if her teacher didn’t tell it to her. But Ling Long has treated the dancers as her friends.

Ling Long walks Ren Ruyi. She asks her who she is. Ren Ruyi mentions Ling Long wishes to get freedom. She reminds her that the branch people don’t know they’re not dead. But Ling Long mentions they need to take antidote to be alive.

Is Ling Long Dead?

Ren Ruyi tells Ling Long that the poison is nothing to her. She tells the method to her. Ling Long wonders why Ren Ruji became a white sparrow like her. She feels regret for treating her as a fool. Ren Ruyi tells Ling Long that she’s a nobody. She asks her to follow her.

But Ling Long wishes to return to branch because Yu Lang is at the place. Ren Ruyi wonders why Ling Long became a white sparrow. Ling Long reveals she did it for repay the debts. She adds that her mother sold her out because her brother was sick. Ren Ruyi thinks it’s not worth it that Ling Long sacrifices herself for another man.

But Ling Long tells Ren Ruyi that it’s worth it. She tells her that she’s going to be an aunt. Ren Ruyi asks Ling Long to tell the chief that she has been dead. So her family will be free. Ling Long hands over the gold bracelet to Ren Ruyi. She tries to leave. But Ren Ruyi stops Ling Long. She promises to give the food map to her so that she can complete her task.

Ling Long remembers Ren Ruyi didn’t kill the dancers. She smiles. The follower reports to Zhao Ji that their army was defeated by An Army at Sky Gate Pass. It flashes back. The general wakes up from the battlefield. He looks for the lives.

Ning Yuanzhou stops the general when he grabs his leg. General Xiao is happy to see Ning Yuanzhou. He mentions he was the kitchen soldier. He blames him for pretending to be dead. But Ning Yuanzhou tells General Xiao to lower his voice. He takes him to hide when the soldiers show up. The general asks the soldiers to check the dead. The soldiers stab the dead.

The soldier tries to stab Ning Yuanzhou. But Ning Yuanzhou avoids the attack. He kills the soldiers and the general. General Xiao joins Ning Yuanzhou. He wonders why he became a kitchen soldier since he has great martial arts.

Ning Yuanzhou reveals he was lazy. He tries to leave the battlefield. But General Xiao stops him. He asks him not to be a deserter. He persuades him to work with him. But Ning Yuanzhou rejects it because Emperor was arrested. General Xiao is furious to yell at Ning Yuanzhou.

Ning Yuanzhou shows the arrow on his shoulder. He reminds General Xiao that the arrow was shot from his back. He thinks An People wanted to kill him. But he thinks Emperor wanted to kill him as well because Emperor listened to the bad chancellors. He thinks it’s General Xiao’s choice to be allegiance to Emperor.

SEE ALSO: A Journey to Love: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Episode 1 of A Journey to Love ends with Ren Ruyi returns to the branch. She walks into the room. She finds out that Ling Long is dead. She runs away when the bodyguards look for her. Lou Qingqiang sees the cats. He comforts Zhao Ji it was just a cat fight.

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