Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episodes 9-10

These are recaps of Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Episodes 9-10, Liu Qi writes down Xue Tong’s name on the wall of girl’s dormitory, and Cheng Ting scolds Xue Tong. She feels wronged and has to wipe off her name. She doesn’t know how to tell Cheng He her worrying, and prepares a love poem for the examination.

Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episode 9

Somewhere Only We Know

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Episodes 9-10.

Qi Qi and Xiao Zheng have a night in the hotel. He doesn’t know how to deal with it, and avoids her. But she is full of love to him. Bai Lin and Xue Tong ask Qi Qi where she went last night. Qi Qi is shy and cannot tell the truth, so she lies that she slept over alone. Xue Tong eats a lot and prepares for the test of eight hundred meters.

Cheng He picks up Cheng Ting at the airport, and they return to Cheng Ting’s home. Cheng Ting’s girlfriend prepares a sumptuous meal. Xue Tong and Qi Qi run at the playground, and they’re tired. But they still cannot reach the goal. Cheng Ting decides to let Cheng He substitute because he has many things to deal with. Xue Tong is happy and wants to see Cheng He each day.

Qi Qi is informed that she gets the qualification of postgraduate recommendation, and she has no problem if she can pass the physical fitness test. Xue Tong feels happy for Qi Qi, and they celebrate it by eating pizza. Zhong Qiang offers to be the girls’ fitness trainer, and makes them tired. Cheng Ting tells Xue Tong that she is the candidate of postgraduate recommendation. This is a good news, but Xue Tong becomes Qi Qi’s competitor.

Xue Tong is upset, but there is no one she can share with. So she tells it to Xiao Tang. Xiao Tang encourages Xue Tong to try her best and not to be a hypocritical person. The physical fitness test begins, and Qi Qi rushes to the destination. She defeats Xue Tong, but she is sent to the infirmary because of over-training. Qi Qi tells Xue Tong that she feared Xue Tong to rob the place with her father’s aura.

Xue Tong doesn’t expect that she is such person in Qi Qi’s eyes, and is furious to leave. Xiao Zheng visits Qi Qi and takes her to have meal. Qi Qi shares that she is fighting with Xue Tong for the place, and he tells her not to worry about it. Xue Tong doesn’t wish to get special treatment because of her father, and wants to quit the competition. Cheng Ting tells her to think about it as the place is very precious.

Bai Lin takes Qi Qi and Xue Tong to eat pizza. But Xue Tong’s father passed away when they appointed to eat pizza. Xue Tong’s emotion is abnormal, and Qi Qi mistakes that Xue Tong still minds the postgraduate recommendation. Xue Tong cries to run out, and gets a call from Cheng He. His scientific research got award, and he saw Professor woltz. He wants to share the delightful things with her.

But Xue Tong’s voice takes crying. So he returns and knows the details. He finds her at her father’s grave, and comforts her. He makes her more open, and her father visits her dream.

Somewhere Only We Know Chinese Drama 2019 Recap: Episode 10

Xue Tong is upset when thinking about examination, and Qi Qi lends her note to Xue Tong. The school arranges an interview for Cheng He, and wishes him to talk about his research result. Cheng He hopes Xue Tong to sit next to him. She agrees with it but asks him to reveal exam question. He laughs, and he didn’t intend to give the exam question, and just wanted to ask students to recite poem in Russian.

Xue Tong sees Bai Lin studying, and thinks she isn’t easy. Xue Tong is surprised that Liu Qi confesses his feelings to her, and she doesn’t know what to do. Bai Lin worries that she won’t pass the examination, and decides not to see Zhong Qiang before the examination. Liu Qi asks Bai Lin to help him pursue Xue Tong, and she thinks he is funny. Xue Tong loved Liu Qi so much, but he only loved Xiao Tang. He remembers Xue Tong’s kindness, but it’s too late.

Xue Tong enjoys the radio with Cheng He in his office, and they think time is so beautiful. Bai Lin mentions Liu Qi to Xue Tong, and Xue Tong thinks it’s funny and annoying. Liu Qi takes the Russian class with Xue Tong, but she ignores him. Cheng He is in jealousy, and asks Xue Tong about her relationship with Liu Qi. She explains it and worries that he misunderstands it.

Liu Qi asks Bai Lin out for pursuing Xue Tong, but Zhong Qiang runs into them. Zhong Qiang doesn’t misunderstand Bai Lin after the explanation, but he reveals that Xue Tong likes Cheng He. Liu Qi is shocked but decides to continue pursuing Xue Tong. Xiao Tang shares that she and the ex loved each other but they separated. Xue Tong doesn’t know the relationship between she and Cheng He, and she just feels annoyed of Liu Qi. She is drunk, so Xiao Tang takes her to dormitory.

Liu Qi writes down Xue Tong’s name on the wall of girl’s dormitory, and Cheng Ting scolds Xue Tong. She feels wronged and has to wipe off her name. She doesn’t know how to tell Cheng He her worrying, and prepares a love poem for the examination. But Man Xiao who falls for Cheng He recites the love poem before Xue Tong. Xue Tong panics and doesn’t perform well. Cheng He doesn’t sense Xue Tong’s feelings.

Xiao Tang meets with Li Jun in the club, and he knows how to get girl. Xiao Tang isn’t cold to him. Xue Tong is upset in the gathering, and girls ask for her trouble. But she cannot speak out Cheng He’s name, and sighs that the semester is ended. Man Xiao confesses her love to Cheng He, but gets rejected.

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