The Judge from Hell Episode 3 Recap: Demon

This is the recap for The Judge from Hell: Episode 3. Little Da-On folds the paper cranes for his parents at the playground when other kids are having fun. He’s happy to return home. But he finds out that his parents were killed by the killer who wears a mask.

The Judge from Hell: Episode 3

Little Da-On’s paper cranes fall to the floor. The killer is close to the boy after he stepped on the paper cranes. Little Da-On’s mother tells her son to flee. We return to the present. Da-On remembers Bit-Na stabbed him. He closes his eyes.

Bit-Na is very happy after she killed a sinner. She tries to brand the cop. But some spiders appear from the ground. Bit-Na’s boss Bael follows a smoke to show up. He tells the ambitious demon that the one she killed isn’t a sinner. She needs to send twenty sinners to hell within one year as a punishment. He threatens to kill her if she refuses to accept the punishment. He leaves.

Da-On’s wound begins to heal. He resurrects. He’s shocked after he witnessed the miracle. Bit-Na asks him to arrest her when she looks smug. They go to the police station. So-Young lets Da-On blow the alcohol tester. She finds out that he’s drunk.

He reports to her that Bit-Na stabbed him and she killed him. But he cannot prove what he said because there’s no wound on his body. He tries to show So-Young the smart watch because he thinks the watch recorded it when he didn’t have heartbeat. But she tells him to go to fix his watch.

The cop Eun-Seop wonders why Bit-Na didn’t resist when she was cuffed. She explains it to him that she mistook that Da-On liked it when she shows her handcuffs. She reveals her love liked leashes. Da-On is furious to deny it. But nobody believes him. Another cop Dong-Hoon treats Da-On as a pervert.

So-Young explains it to Bit-Na that Da-On did so because he was drunk. The lady forgives the cop. She leaves the police station. Bit-Na goes to a restaurant to eat steak with Man-Do. He thinks she should confirm it fire before she took action.

But she blames him before he was the one who told her to choose the cop. The waitress A-Rong uses a knife against Bit-Na’s belly when Bit-Na is talking with Man-Do. She asks her why she’s alive because she knows she was sent to hell. She complains it to her that she served pork cutlets because of her.

We learn that A-Rong was Gremory who attacked Bit-Na in episode 1. She was punished to work in a restaurant after Justitia was sent to the human world to complete the task. A-Rong asks Bit-Na to follow her out. What she wants to do her? Will she kill her?

Man-Do knows he has to stop the rude demon. He uses his hands to imitate the demon horns. He tries to tell A-Rong that the lady sits in front of him is Justitia. But the demon is very silly. He has to write down Justitia’s name on the table.

A-Rong is very happy after knowing her hero is in front of her. She gives her a deep bow. She goes to the rooftop with the two demons. She reveals Bael threatened her as well. She cries and she thinks it was her mistake to make her hero suffer. She promises to try her best to aid Bit-Na.

She takes a look at Man-Do. She thinks he’s not a good assistant. It makes him want to go home. She takes out a knife and she threatens to stab him. He’s startled. He leaves after he received an order from Bit-Na. Man-Do returns home. He runs into the landlady. She shows him the holy bible. She tells him that the god will accept him. She takes him to the church.

We go to Taeok Group. Tae-Kyu is in his office. He gets the petition. He sees Bit-Na’s name on the list. Jae-Gul visits his son with a present. He finds out that Hwangcheon Villa still not sorted. Tae-Kyu reveals the villa owner wasn’t interested in his offer. Jae-Gul tells Tae-Kyu to persuade the tenants. Tae-Kyu reveals Bit-Na is one of the tenants. He doesn’t want to go to see the lady because he knows he will be embarrassed.

We go to the police station. So-Young has a meeting with Dong-Hoon and Eun-Seop. The two cops has looked into the dead’s wound. They found out that the dead was branded by an iron. So-Young reveals she thought Bit-Na isn’t an ordinary woman. But she let the woman go because she worried that the woman will hurt Da-On. She reveals Da-On is looking into something.

Da-On goes to see a doctor. The doctor finds out that he’s healthy after she gave him a test. But he insists that he was killed. The doctor gets his point and she gives him a diagnosis paper that he has delusional disorder. He complains it after he left the doctor’s office. Bit-Na shows up proudly.

Da-On goes to the river with Bit-Na. He asks her who she is. She reveals she’s a demon. But he doesn’t believe what she said. She mentions she killed him in the morning. She takes out her demon knife. She takes a look at the camera. She ruins it.

He turns around and he sees her car. But she shows him the memory card. She reveals she has removed her memory card from her dashcam. He asks her if she planned to kill him. She denies it and she threatens to kill him if he leaks her identity. She drives away.

Da-On goes to the place where he stayed with Bit-Na last night. He searched the demon and he gets some demon photos. He remembers Bit-Na told him that nobody will believe him. He remembers the cop didn’t believe him after he reported something to him when he was a kid. Because the cop thought kid likes to change story. Da-On throws his diagnosis report into the fire.

A woman Ja-Young drives on the road in the evening. Her husband Hyeon-Su and her son Ji-Ho are in the car. Her husband falls asleep in the car. Her son thinks it stinks. She thinks it’s because of Hyeon-Su’s alcohol. She opens the sunroof. The car crashes into the sea.

The sea water gets into the car. Hyeon-Su tells his wife and his son to leave the car first. The kid cries because he worries about his father. Ja-Young climbs out of the car with her son from the sunroof. She takes him to swim ashore.

She swims back to the car. She tries to open the car door for saving her husband. But she fails. She goes to the road and she asks the drivers to help her husband. But they ignore her. Hyeon-Su is dead. Ja-Young holds a funeral for him.

Her mother-in-law Sun-Hui pulls her hair because she thinks Ja-Young killed her son. Some people stop her. Sun-Hui tells Ji-Ho to leave with her. But Ja-Young is against it. She hugs her son tightly. Sun-Hui is furious to beat Ja-Young because she thinks the woman wants to kill her grandson.

We go to the court. Sun-Hui was sued by Ja-Young after she took her grandson away. Prosecutor thinks it was a kidnap. Sun-Hui yells at Prosecutor when she thinks he doesn’t have a grandson. Lawyer worries that the defendant will leave a bad impression to Bit-Na. So she says that the old lady is worked up.

But the old lady denies it and she scolds Lawyer. Bit-Na threatens Sun-Hui that she will remove her from the courtroom. The old lady thinks everyone is bullying her. She tells Bit-Na that she did nothing wrong to raise her poor grandson. She’s furious to blame her for treating her as a criminal. Bit-Na tells the officers to take away the defendant. She hears what the defendant said that Ja-Young killed her son for the house.

Bit-Na is happy to return to her office. She writes down Ja-Young’s name on the demon mirror. She watches what the woman does. Ja-Young walks out of the court. She wipes off her tears. It seems that she’s very sad after she lost her husband.

Man-Do thinks the poor lady didn’t kill her husband for money. Bit-Na decides to go to meet with the woman. She leaves her office. But she sees Da-On who’s using a loudspeaker, asking her for a talk. She walks to him and she mentions she told him to be silent.

She grabs the loudspeaker from him. She reminds him that she’s a demon. But he’s very brave and he’s not scared by her. He asks her to see each other for a week. She’s not interested in his offer. She throws away the loudspeaker and she leaves.

Ja-Young is a teacher. She takes class in the classroom. She tells the kids not to go out with strangers. But one of the kids informs her that there’s a stranger outside the classroom. Ja-Young turns around. She sees Bit-Na. The two walk on the campus.

Ja-Young reveals she didn’t sue Sun-Hui before she knew the old lady is scary. She plans to take her son back after the trial ends. A football rolls to Bit-Na’s foot. The kid asks her to kick the ball to him. But she kicks it to the goal.

Bit-Na mentions Sun-Hui said that Ja-Young killed her son for the money. Ja-Young cries to tell Bit-Na that she loves her husband deeply. Bit-Na wonders why Ja-Young insists on raising Ji-Ho since she’s not the boy’s real mother.

Ja-Young reveals Sun-Hui gave up her son before. She thinks the old lady took the boy for the insurance money. She asks Bit-Na to help her get her son. Bit-Na leaves the school. Da-On is waiting for her. He asks her about the meeting up of her and Ja-Young. But she thinks he’s a stalker.

He talks back that she’s a murderer. She’s furious to rush to him. She grabs his collar and she pushes him to the wall. She loses her patience and she grabs his neck. She tries to take his life. But he knows she cannot kill him. He grabs her arm.

He mentions she’s weak now. She shakes off his hand. He knows there’s a reason she cannot kill him because she’s nervous. She tries to punch him. But they’re witnessed by the kids. The kids think they’re dating. They leave. Bit-Na tells Da-On that the kids just saved him. She gets in her car. But he joins her without getting invited.

She tells him that she’s tired. But he volunteers to escort her. She has to drive. He reports to her that Ja-Young got the death benefit from her ex-husband. They arrive at Hwangcheon Villa. Bit-Na gets off her car. Da-On follows her. He believes that she’s going to go to see Sun-Hui. Because he knows she’s interested in the evidence which wasn’t be found out. He mentions they want to know the truth. She gets in the villa.

Bit-Na is at home. She eats the snack when she listens to the music. She throws the crumbs to the floor. Man-Do has to clean the floor. His shoulder is hurt. Evil boss. Do you know there’s a trash can? He worries that she won’t get anything even if she meets with the old lady.

But she’s confident because the bible told her that the open will be opened when she knocks. She complains it to her follower that she had to wear the welding goggles to read the bible. He realizes it. She finds out that his eyes are red. Silly demon. He read the bible without any protective measure.

He plans to go to see the old lady with her. But she rejects it and she tells him to take a break at home. Because his eyes were hurt. He worries that the cop will follow her. She laughs and she’s confident to tell him that the cop won’t show up.

Bit-Na goes out early for avoiding the cop Da-On. But he’s waiting for her in front of her house. He shows her the demon book. He asks her to let him give her a ride. She agrees to it. But she takes away his recording pen. She breaks the pen.

Bit-Na enjoys the walnut pastry in the car when Da-On is driving. She finds out that he removed the cross. He reveals he knows she fears the cross. She finds out that he doesn’t fear her. She thinks his parents scolded him a lot when he was a kid.

She reveals she doesn’t have any parent because she’s a demon. But he doesn’t believe what she said. He wants to confirm it. She lets him look at her eyes. She breaks the camera in the car with her eyes. She laughs after she took the blame.

Bit-Na and Da-On arrive at Sun-Hui’s store. Da-On is told that Bit-Na didn’t inform the old lady before she came. She reveals she did it for getting the truth. They show up in the restaurant when Sun-Hui is taking care of the fish.

Da-On bows to Sun-Hui. He introduces himself as a cop. She mistakes that he came to arrest her. Bit-Na explains it to the old lady that the guy is just her driver. She notes that Ji-Ho isn’t at the restaurant. Sun-Hui reveals the kid is at an orphanage. She complains that those people told her that she cannot raise her grandson.

Bit-Na thinks Sun-Hui gave up her grandson. She decides to go to see the kid. She provokes the old lady and she tells her to beat her if the kid isn’t at home. Bit-Na, Sun-Hui and Da-On are on the way to the house. Bit-Na walks very fast. She blames Sun-Hui for her slow. The old lady throws the house key to the ground.

Bit-Na and Da-On reach the house. Da-On persuades Bit-Na to respect the elderly. But she points out that she’s older than the woman. She lets him open the door. He opens the door but he hears the chime. We see Little Da-On returning home. There’s a same bell. The bell reminds him his childhood shadow.

Bit-Na doesn’t know what happened. She begins to look for the kid after she walked into the house. But the kid isn’t at home. Sun-Hui shows up with two weapons. She asks Bit-Na and Da-On to leave her house. But the boy makes a sound from the cabinet. Bit-Na finds him.

Sun-Hui concealed the kid because she worried that the judge and the cop will take his grandson away. Bit-Na tells the old lady that she didn’t come for the kid. She mentions what Sun-Hui said that she witnessed Ja-Young killed her son. She asks her for the evidence.

Sun-Hui reveals she saw the woman cheated on her son on her son’s funeral. But Bit-Na thinks it’s not evidence. She tells Da-On to leave with her. But he hurts her eyes with the cross because he wants to ask the old lady about the death benefits. He lets Ji-Ho go out with Bit-Na.

Bit-Na and Ji-Ho are on the boat. Bit-Na buys the kid a delicious snack. She mentions his grandmother is bad-tempered. But he thinks his grandmother is kind. She tells him that he’s biased. He learns that his stepmother will be punished if there’s evidence. He invites her to go to take a look at his drawings. She rejects it.

Bit-Na takes a look at Ji-Ho’s drawings in the room. She laughs and she thinks it’s bad. The kid glares at her. She notes one of the drawings. She realizes that the drawing is related to Ji-Ho and Ja-Young. She realizes that the kid’s stepmother told the kid not to leak it.

Sun-Hui cries to tell Da-On that she doesn’t care for her son’s death benefits. She reveals she wants to protect her grandson. She knows the woman will bully her grandson once the woman gets the death benefits. The kind old lady goes to pack eggs for Da-On.

Da-On walks into Ji-Ho’s room. He finds out that the kid is trying to kill Bit-Na with a pillow. He stops the kid. But he’s told that Bit-Na asked the kid to do so. Bit-Na shows the drawing to Ji-Ho. She asks him to tell her what happened that day.

It flashes back. Ji-Ho is close to the car. He sees Ja-Young applying the water soluble adhesive on the seat belt when his father falls asleep in the car. The evil woman intends to drive into the sea. Hyeon-Su cannot leave from his seat because of the water soluble adhesive Ja-Young applied. Ja-Young closes the sunroof with the car remote then.

Ji-Ho begs his stepmother to save his father. But she shakes off his hand. She threatens to kill his grandmother even he doesn’t listen to her. Ji-Ho sees the car sinking into the sea. He cries.

We return to Ji-Ho’s room. The kid tears up after he remembered the past. Da-On hugs the kid for comforting him. Da-On and Bit-Na leave Sun-Hui’s house. Da-On thinks nobody will believe a kid’s words. But Bit-Na tells him that she believes it even if he’s a kid. He’s moved to tear up when he stares at her.

We go to to courtroom. Bit-Na just gives Sun-Hui a light punishment. But she still lets the evil stepmother Ja-Young raise the kid. Sun-Hui glares at Ja-Young. Ja-Young visits Sun-Hui with the police. Sun-Hui tries to drive them away when she lifts her broom. She disallows them to take away her grandson.

Ja-Young acts like a good lady. She tells the officers not to scare the old lady. But Sun-Hui scolds her because she knows her real face. Sun-Hui passes out at her house in the evening. It seems that Ja-Young stunned the old lady and she took the kid away.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 4 Recap: When the Demon Loves a Man

She tells Ji-Ho that he should accept the punishment when she drives. Bit-Na wears the earrings in her room. She smiles when she looks at herself in the mirror. She writes the kid’s name on the mirror. She sees Ja-Young trying to drown Ji-Ho in the bathroom.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 2 Recap: The Real Trial

Da-On visits Ja-Young when he tries to open the door. Bit-Na learns that the kid is dead. She finds Ja-Young and she takes out the demon knife. She asks her about the kid. The lady is nervous to tell the judge that the kid is safe at home. But Bit-Na tells Ja-Young to accept the punishment because she lied. She tries to stab her.

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