The Judge from Hell Episode 2 Recap: The Real Trial

This is the recap for The Judge from Hell: Episode 2. Bit-Na tries to end Jeong-Jun’s life with her demon knife. But Da-On drives his car to arrive. Bit-Na has to give up her plan. Da-On is furious to rush to Jeong-Jun. He grabs his collar.

The Judge from Hell: Episode 2

Da-On mentions what he told Jeong-Jun not to hurt Min-Jeong. Jeong-Jun explains that he lost his parents when he was young. But Da-On doesn’t believe Jeong-Jun’s words. He tries to beat the bad guy. Bit-Na stops Da-On when she grabs his angry fist.

His colleagues show up. They take Jeong-Jun away because Jeong-Jun stalked Min-Jeong. Da-On invites Bit-Na to go somewhere with him. She gets in his car. But she feels comfortable when she faces the silver cross. She wears her sunglasses and she thinks he keeps the cross for going to the heaven. He denies it. She explains it to him that she followed Jeong-Jun for making sure that he didn’t do something bad. But she actually made the guy hurt the poor girl.

They go to the poor girl’s house. Bit-Na doesn’t regret even if she saw the brute scene. Da-On thinks the girl wouldn’t be hurt if she gave the man one year imprisonment. But she doesn’t want to take the duty. He reveals he’s going to arrest the man. He thinks other judges won’t be like her. He leaves the girl’s house.

Da-On interrogates Jeong-Jun in the Interrogation Room. Da-On thinks Jeong-Jun broke into Min-Jeong’s room. But Jeong-Jun tells the cop a lie that the girl let him in. Da-On thinks Jeong-Jun attacked the girl. He asks him to explain the hammer.

The man lies again. He claims that he carried the hammer because the girl wished to nail something. Da-On reveals Min-Jeong hung herself after Jeong-Jun left. Jeong-Jun worries about his ex-girlfriend. He asks Da-On if the girl is alive. Da-On admits it.

It flashes back. Da-On and the cops go to Min-Jeong’s house. He saves the girl before she takes her life. Min-Jeong’s mother cries after she saw the injury on Min-Jeong’s face. She asks her why she did come home with them. The girl tells her mother that she doesn’t want to live.

Jeong-Jun feels easy after knowing the girl is alive. Because he cannot live without the girl. Da-On reminds the man that the girl almost killed herself because of him. But he thinks it was just a couples fight. He’s released because the police don’t have enough evidence.

So-Young regrets for letting Da-On guard down. She tells the cop to go to prepare the arrest warrant. She notes that Jeong-Jun is looking at her. She gets angry and she lets Da-On go to protect the girl. Jeong-Jun tries to text Min-Jeong outside the police station. But Da-On stops him and he takes him home. He tells him not to leave because he’s going to sleep in front of his house. Bit-Na watches them.

Man-Do runs into Bit-Na at the court next day. He notes that she doesn’t look well. She goes to the rooftop. He brings a can of cola to her. She reveals the girl is alive. She thinks the cop is the problem if she wants to continue her plan. He offers to kill the cop. But she rejects it because she thinks the cop is cute. She reveals she’s going to reject the arrest warrant. He laughs and he thinks she’s a bad judge.

The cop reports to So-Young that her arrest warrant was rejected. She tells Da-On to go to watch over the girl and the girl’s family. Bit-Na laughs in her office after she won. Da-On visits Min-Jeong’s father. He tells him that he’s going to protect him from now on. But Jeong-Jun shows up after the cop left.

He applies the cream on the camera of the CCTV. He takes out a hammer and he tries to ring the doorbell. But he gets a message from someone. So he leave. Min-Jeong and her mother are at home. They tie each other with a rope so that they can protect each other.

Someone visits them when he rings the doorbell. He claims that he’s the cop Da-On. Min-Jeong mistakes the person for Jeong-Jun because the CCTV is the vague after Jeong-Jun messed it with a cream. She thinks the guy came to kill them. She’s scared. Her mother tells her father to call the cop Da-On.

But the man thinks they shouldn’t rely on the cop. Min-Jeong is nervous to ask her mother to untie her. Min-Jeong’s father grabs Min-Jeong’s shoulders. He mentions he promised to protect her. But she thinks nobody can protect her. She cries.

He lets his wife lock their daughter in the bedroom. He gets a knife from the kitchen. He opens the door and he attacks the man with the knife. But the man kicks away his knife and he pushes him to the door. We find out that the man is Da-On. Min-Jeong’s father cries after he saw the cop.

Min-Jeong and her parents are lost at home. Da-On persuades them to wear the smart watch. But the girl thinks she was the one who brought the danger to her family. She thinks the only solution is her death. But she’s told that the bad man is dead. Bit-Na is happy to return to her office. A-Rong notes it. She thinks something good happened to the judge. Bit-Na reveals she ended the trial well. She walks into her office and she laughs.

We go to 12 hours ago. Jeong-Jun receives a message from Min-Jeong. She asks him for a meeting up. Bit-Na plays music in her room. She dresses up. Jeong-Jun arrives at the house. He takes out his hammer. He’s ready to hurt Min-Jeong. But he sees Bit-Na walking to him. He’s surprised and he conceals his hammer.

He asks Min-Jeong to show up. But he sees Man-Do. Man-Do imitated Min-Jeong’s voice and he tricked Jeong-Jun to come to the house. He leaves after he completed his task. Bit-Na tells Jeong-Jun that the real trial begins. She takes out a knife. He’s scared to flee. But he finds out that he got into a pink cafe. Bit-Na shows up. She grabs his collar and she welcomes him to come to her world.

They have a seat and they eat the food. Jeong-Jun refuses to eat the food because he’s full. Bit-Na is furious to put the food into his mouth. She slaps him. She gets on knees to him to beg him when he tries to leave. She tells him that she cannot leave with him.

She grabs a fork from the table. She threatens to stab herself if he breaks up with her. He stops her. She hugs him and she asks him not to break up with her. They’re at home. He asks her to break up with him when she prepares the birthday cake for him.

Her smiling is frozen. She blows out the candles. She beats him and she uses a bat to hit him. He calls the police and she’s arrested. He returns home and he finds out that she’s working in the kitchen. He tries to hit the SOS button. She threatens him that she will take his life with the knife.

He asks her to break up with him. She’s furious to beat him. He asks her to let him leave. She agrees to it. But she uses the hammer to hit his leg. She tells him that she loves him very much. It makes him cry. He’s in the house alone. She tries to break into the house. He has to hang himself.

Jeong-Jun leaves Bit-Na’s world. He finds out that his leg is fine. Bit-Na reveals she’s a demon from the hell. He thinks she did it for taking revenge for Min-Jeong. But he’s told that she came for the murderers like him. She tells him that the girl was dead when he trampled her soul. We see Min-Jeong is injury. There’s a dark rose in the glass. It’s her soul.

Jeong-Jun thinks it’s ridiculous. But Bit-Na slaps him. He’s pushed to the glass door. The glass door is broken. He falls. He begs her to give her a chance. But he tries to hit her with a hammer when she talks with someone. He throws away his hammer and he grabs her neck. He tells her that he’s going to kill her.

She laughs and she grabs his neck. She lifts him and throws him to the wall. The wall is broken. She thinks she didn’t control her power well. She walks to him and she grabs his hair. She beats him and steps on his hands when he lies on the floor.

He grabs the shards and he casts it to her. But she avoids it. She uses the fighting skill to beat him. He tries to hurt her face with the shard. But she stabs him with the shard. She kicks him to the stairs. He tries to climb the stairs. But she drags him back and she drags him back. She swings him to the wall. She smiles when she looks at herself in his blood.

Jeong-Jun is bleeding. He asks Bit-Na to stop. He admits his sins and he thinks he deserves to die. She uses the demon knife to stab him. She brands his forehead. The demon gate opens. Jeong-Jun’s soul is sent to the hell. Bit-Na stares at the demon gate. She smiles after she completed her first task.

Da-On arrives at the scene of the crime with So-Young. The cop Eun-Seop goes to vomit after he saw the dead body. Da-On and So-Young take a look at the dead body. So-Young notes the brand on Jeong-Jun’s forehead. They walk into the house. They find out that the place is very clean.

Man-Do goes to the mall with Bit-Na. He reports to her that the professional demons had cleaned the place. The lady wonders why she didn’t hear the demons. The guy mentions she never cared for her underlings. But she thinks he overstated her evil. But he thinks it’s the fact. She throws the dress to him.

Bit-Na’s underlings are cleaning the sinner’s house. They fix the stairs and they clean Bit-Na’s traces from the dead body. Man-Do reports to his boss that the demons felt honored when he gave them the task. But Bit-Na doesn’t care for the demons’ feelings.

But she doesn’t know the underlings are badmouthing her. They wonder why the evil boss asked them to drag the dead body to the front door. One of the underlings thinks the boss is in a pain. Bit-Na completes the shopping. She leaves the mall. The loyal Man-Do carries the bags for her. She reveals she wants to let people know what will happen to bad guys. She thinks it’s fun when the police don’t have any clue. He tries to stuff the bags into her car. She scolds him because she worries that he will damage her baby.

The police have a meeting in the meeting room at the police station. They didn’t find any useful information from the dead Jeong-Jun’s autopsy report. Da-On notes the word “Hell” from the brand on the dead’s forehead. Man-Do brings many papers to Bit-Na. She complains it to him that she needs to read all of the papers for killing one person. He persuades her to be a friend of the cop Da-On because he thinks the cop knows many bad guys. But she rejects it because the cop doesn’t like her.

A-Rong breaks into Bit-Na’s office. She reports to her that the chief is summoning her. She reveals the chief looked angry. She leaves after she completed her report. Bit-Na thinks the secretary was rude. She goes to the chief’s office to see the chief. The guy asks her to change her hair. But she yells at him and she’s furious to leave. He reveals he would send her to countryside if he wasn’t for Assemblyman Jae-Gul. He gets a call from Jae-Gul.

Bit-Na has lunch in the cafeteria. The judge Dae-Yong joins her. He mentions the chief threw a fit to her in the office. She thinks he’s very happy that she had a hard time. But another judge Hwa-Sun points out that the chief let Bit-Na go easily.

Bit-Na knows the chief forgave her because of Jae-Gul. She wonders who’s the guy. She sees the guy on the TV. She finds out that the guy is giving free food to the people. But she doesn’t remember him. The judge reveals Bit-Na broke off the engagement with the Assemblyman’s eldest son.

The chief judge Young-Jin has dinner with Jae-Gul and his family at a restaurant. Jae-Gul blames his eldest son Tae-Kyu for not caring for Bit-Na because the female judge is his ex-fiancee. Young-Jin takes Tae-Kyu’s side. He thinks Tae-Kyu was busy. Jae-Gul learns that Bit-Na lost her memories. He asks Young-Jin to watch over Bit-Na for him. His second son Sun-Ho is silent during the dinner. But he looks weird. Is he related to Bit-Na’s death?

Bit-Na drives home with Man-Do. They run into the landlady Myung-Sook. Myung-Sook invites Bit-Na to take part in the meeting. She tempts her that there’re snacks. Bit-Na, Man-Do and the neighbors are in Myung-Sook’s house to have a meeting. The landlady asks them to sign a petition go against the redevelopment. Bit-Na signs the petition after the landlady promised to reduce the rent. But the landlady asks her to pray with her. Bit-Na reveals the god told her to go to sleep. She runs away from the landlady’s house.

Bit-Na returns home. She thinks she should find a way to kill the nine sinners because she doesn’t want to be related with the landlady. The landlady is a deaconess of the church. Bit-Na has to face the cross if she meets the landlady. She comes up with a way to be close to the cop.

Min-Jeong visits Da-On at the police station. She reveals she met with Bit-Na. Bit-Na found Min-Jeong when she was praying to the god in the church. The girl hated Bit-Na because she was almost dead because of her. But Bit-Na told her not to feel guilty.

Min-Jeong tells Da-On that Bit-Na’s words comforted her. She tears up when she thinks she’s a terrible person. Da-On drives in the evening. Bit-Na shows up in front of him suddenly. He has to stop his car. She waves at him. But he yells at her when he walks to her.

She reveals she got his home address after she told the cop that she’s Da-On’s girlfriend. He thinks she lied again. She catches the chance to ask for a date. But he rejects it. She threatens to tell his colleagues that they love each other.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 3 Recap: Demon

They barbecue. He reveals Min-Jeong told him that she met with her. She asks him about the killers he knows. But he refuses to leak it. He’s drunk and he reveals he killed three people. He adds that the family didn’t forgive him. She’s interested in it. She wishes to meet with the family. But he tells her that the family is sitting with her. He falls asleep and he sheds tears.

SEE ALSO: The Judge from Hell Episode 1 Recap: Innocent Sinner

Da-On wakes up. He admits to Bit-Na that he killed some people. She grabs his hand and she tells him that she’s going to take him to hell. She takes out her demon knife and she stabs him. He falls down and passes away. She laughs and looks at him.

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