Fireworks of My Heart: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Fireworks of My Heart: Episode 3. Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen return to Meng family. Madam Meng walks downstairs. She’s surprised that the two kids came back together. Xu Qin asks her mother about her father.

Does Song Yan Meet with Xu Qin?

Fireworks of My Heart: Episode 3

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Fireworks of My Heart: Episode 3.

Madam Meng reveals Master Meng went to Xiao Yixiao’s family. Xu Qin goes to second floor to get changed because she just sweated. Meng Yanchen goes to second floor as well. Xu Qin takes a shower. She walks out of the bathroom and she gets changed.

She places the doll on the bed. She’s happy and she tries to leave. But she finds out that someone is missing from the table. She looks for the stuff from the cabinet. She doesn’t find it. Song Yan returns to the fire station with the firefighters.

He notes that something isn’t in his pocket. He returns to the fire truck to look for the stuff. He doesn’t find it as well. He gets off the fire truck. Xu Qin runs downstairs. She asks Madam Meng about her woodcarving. Madam Meng reveals she let the babysitter throw it away.

She mentions what she told Xu Qin that she doesn’t like it. She tells Xu Qin that she doesn’t wish her to study medicine. She thinks she cannot take care of family in the future if she has a family. Xiao Yixiao visits. He tells his aunt that he came to have dinner.

Madam Meng lets the kids have a talk. She goes to second floor. Xiao Yixiao notes that Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen aren’t happy. He wonders why was scolded. Song Yan returns his office to look for the stuff. Mr. Jiang passes by the office.

Song Yan calls Mr. Jiang from the window. He asks him who threw away the trash today. Mr. Jiang reveals the one who threw the trash was Zhan Dapeng. He thinks the stuff is very important to Song Yan. He volunteers to help him look for it. Song Yan rejects it. Mr. Jiang leaves.

Xiao Yixiao tastes the food. He tells Xu Qin that the chef in her family is pretty good. She tells a lie to him that her mother came. He stops eating. She smiles after she fooled him. He’s angry to push her head. He reveals he opened a bar. He invites Xu Qin and Song Yan to go to his place to relax.

Madam Meng shows up. Xiao Yixiao tells her that he missed her. He pulls chair for her. She lets the kids have a seat. She persuades her son Meng Yanchen to get a girlfriend like Xiao Yixiao. She thinks Xiao Yixiao should help Meng Yanchen.

But Xiao Yixiao worries that Meng Yanchen will find the one Madam Meng doesn’t like. Madam Meng thinks it doesn’t work if the two families aren’t match. She gives the photos of boys and girls to Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen. She asks them to let her know if they make the decision.

Xiao Yixiao persuades Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen to come back to live. Because he thinks the house is big. He mentions there’re many pretty girls at his bar since Meng Yanchen needs a girlfriend. Madam Meng asks him not to speak because they’re eating.

Song Yan looks for his stuff from the trash cans. Suo Jun joins him. He learns that he’s looking for a lighter and the lighter was given by Song Yan’s lover. Suo Jun is told that Song Yan had taken the lighter. He wonders why Song Yan broke up with the girl since he cares for her.

Song Yan stops looking for the lighter. He sits on the floor. Suo Jun joins him. Song Yan reveals his ex-girlfriend’s parents thought he’s not match for his ex-girlfriend. It makes Suo Jun realize that Song Yan cared for the honor because of the girl.

Song Yan reveals he planned to stand in front of the girl like a man if he sees her again. He mentions he lost the lighter since the girl came. Suo Jun knows Song Yan was hurt deeply in the love relationship even if he didn’t know what happened. He persuades him to let the past go since he has seen the girl. He tells him to begin a new life.

Meng Yanchen walks into Xu Qin’s room. He asks her to choose a girl from him when he hands over the girls photos to her. She takes a look at the photos. She thinks the girls are pretty good. But he thinks she’s prettier than those girls.

He takes a look at her photo. He recognizes the guy in the photo. We learn that the guy is Jiang Yu. Meng Yanchen thinks Jiang Yu is better than Song Yan. It makes her angry. He thinks she doesn’t like Song Yan. He reminds her that she just regrets for the past. She goes to the bar in the evening.

Xu Qin and Meng Yanchen arrive at the bar. Xiao Yixiao is waiting for them. He calls Xu Qin beauty doctor. She tells him to save the time to flatter his girlfriend. But he thinks she’s his girlfriend. She hits him. He takes Meng Yanchen and Xu Qin to walk around the bar. He chooses a table by the window.

Meng Yanchen thinks the bar is good. He’s surprised that Xiao Yixiao has a good taste. The waitress Ye Zi brings the wines to the table. She knocks over the glass in front of Meng Yanchen. She’s pretty and she wears a short skirt. Her legs are beautiful.

Xiao Yixiao scolds Ye Zi. He asks her if she got trained. The manager shows up. She explains it to her boss that Ye Zi is a rookie. Ye Zi apologizes to Meng Yanchen. He tells her that he’s fine. The manager reveals Ye Zi is a part-timer. She lets Ye Zi leave.

Xiao Yixiao blames the manager for not training Ye Zi well when she cleans the table. He asks her to welcome the firefighters. Xu Qin leaves. Ye Zi returns. She apologizes to Meng Yanchen. She takes a look at him and she leaves again.

Xiao Yixiao thinks Ye Zi is like Xu Qin. She touches hair herself after she noted that Meng Yanchen is looking at her. Xu Qin shows up when the two fire officers are checking the fire fighting equipment. She has a talk with the female fire officer. She learns that the fire fighters aren’t in charge of the part. The two fire officers leave.

Xiao Yixiao finds Xu Qin. She reveals she ran into Song Yan. He wonders if Song Yan became a boss like him. She leaks that Song Yan became a fire fighter and he ignored her. He asks her if she feels regret. He’s surprised that she has feelings for Song Yan after so many years. He tells her that she and Song Yan are impossible. He asks her to go to drink with him. But she goes to the restroom to wash her hands. She sees the couples kissing.

It flashes back. Xu Qin goes to the nightclub with Song Yan. She sees the couples kissing. He covers her eyes and he tells her not to look at it. He takes her to dance. We return to the present. Xu Qin is on the way to leave the bar.

Xiao Yixiao follows her when he wishes to know where she’s going to go to. She reveals she has a task and she leaves. Xiao Yixiao joins Meng Yanchen. He reveals Xu Qin told him that she regretted. Xu Qin visits the fire station. She tells the guard that she wishes to see Song Yan.

He calls Song Yan. Xu Qin is told that Song Yan isn’t in the fire station. The female fire officer Li Meng shows up. She asks the guard Li Cheng to give the present to Song Yan. She leaves. Xu Qin sees Song Yan who leads a dog at the track.

How Did Song Yan Break Up with Xu Qin?

Suo Jun joins Song Yan. He persuades him to go to see Xu Qin. But Song Yan takes care of the dog Little Meng. Xu Qin leaves. Song Yan refuses to go to see her because he thinks she’s not important. He returns home. The kids tangle him. They ask him to give them a ride in the truck.

Grandpa Zhao stops the kids. He lets them not tangle the uncle. Song Yan joins Grandpa Zhao. He gives two fruits to the kids. He reminds Grandpa Zhao that he’s going to lose when he pays chess with someone. He calls his aunt when she’s working on the rooftop.

He tells her that he wishes to eat beef noodles when she runs downstairs. She walks into the house with him. Song Yan eats the noodles in the house. His aunt Madam Song brings the kimchi to him. She reveals Xu Qin came home to look for him.

But she’s told that he has seen the girl. She thinks he has feelings for Xu Qin. He tells a lie to her that he hates the girl. She points out that he wouldn’t hate the girl if he doesn’t have feelings. She lets him swear. She mentions he suffered because of the girl. She thinks Xu Qin did it too much. He asks her for the garlic. She goes to take garlic.

It flashes back. Song Yan takes Xu Qin home. He lets her not nervous. Madam Song brings the fruits to Xu Qin. She finds out that she’s pretty. She leaves. Xu Qin has fun with Uncle Song. She laughs to tell Song Yan that she likes his family very much.

He asks her to marry him. He promises to only care for her all his life. Aunt Song hits Song Yan from his back. She persuades him to focus on his study first. She mentions Xu Qin is in the university. She thinks the girl won’t choose him. Xu Qin thinks Song Yan’s aunt and his uncle are good people. She also likes his yard. She reveals she won’t go out everyday if she has a yard like him.

Xu Qin meets with Song Yan on the road. He tries to hand over the ice lolly to her. But she shakes off the ice lolly. He turns around and he sees her family’s car. He tries to take her away. But she rejects it. She asks him not to come to see her in the future.

She tells him that they come from different worlds. She thinks they won’t have a good future if they live in such a way. He realizes that her family was against it. She denies it and she reveals she doesn’t want to tell a lie to him.

He grabs her hand when he thinks her parents forced her to say so. She tells him that nobody forced her. She confesses it to him that she doesn’t like his family because the family is poor. She asks him not to contact her. She runs away.

Song Yan chases Xu Qin when she’s in the car with her mother. She turns around and she sees him chasing her. She tears up. He sneaks into her house. He leaves the words on the window of her room. He tells her that he will wait for her in the woods. He waits for the in the woods. But she doesn’t come. He’s sad to cry.

Does Song Yan Save Xu Qin from the Car?

We return to the Present. Song Yan washes the dishes in the kitchen. Xu Qin works at the hospital. She runs into Dean Liu. He learns that she’s going to be off duty. He asks her if she got used to the hospital. He promises to help her resolve it if she has trouble. He mentions he ran into her mother. He asks her to greet her mother for him.

Director Xu gets off the elevator. He ignores them even if Xu Qin greets him. Xu Qin leaves. It’s pouring. The fire fighters stop the training. Suo Jun asks the fire fighters to check the equipment in the hall. Zhan Dapeng wonders why Suo Jun is so nervous. Because there’s no fire in a rainy day.

But Suo Jun reveals the rainy day is more trouble than fire. He calls Song Yan. He mentions his vacation. But Song Yan tells Suo Jun that he has returned to the team. Suo Jun sees Song Yan. Song Yan walks to Suo Jun. He mentions the night just began.

The patients are sent to the hospital because of the rainstorm. Xu Qin is on the way to the hospital. Her car is broken because of the rainstorm. She fails to open the door and the water gets into her car. She calls the fire station. The fire fighter promises to come soon.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart Episode 4 Recap: Love You Cannot Be Denied

Xu Qin asks for help in the car. The fire fighters arrive. The fire fighter Song Yan lifts the car from the water. He breaks the window and he sees Xu Qin in the car. He helps her get off the car. He carries her to walk in the water.

SEE ALSO: Fireworks of My Heart: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Episode 3 of Fireworks of My Heart ends with Xu Qin catching the chance to hug Song Yan. He threatens to throw her into the water. He’s rude to drop her. He blames her for not staying at home. She explains it to him that the hospital summoned her. He hands over the clothes to her. He tells her to go to find a place to take shelter from the rain. She wonders if he knew she was in the car. He claims that he would save a dog if she was in the car. He leaves with the fire fighters. She wears the clothes. She runs away.

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