Flex X Cop: Episode 1 Recap

This is the recap for Flex X Cop: Episode 1. I-Soo takes a cab on a foggy highway in the evening. He tells us that he wants to find an answer. He finds a house in a forest. He opens the door and sees his father burning something in the house. He walks to him. We hear a gunshot.

Flex X Cop Episode 1 Recap: I-Soo Becomes A Cop

Flex X Cop

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Flex X Cop: Episode 1.

We return to two months ago. The servant Jeong-Hun brings the juice to I-Soo when I-Soo sleeps in the room. We see his girlfriend Gang-Hyun’s photo on the table. I-Soo drinks the juice. He returns it to Jeong-Hun. He shows his video to him that he dives when he’s around the sharks.

Jeong-Hun notes that I-Soo didn’t sleep well. He reminds him that he needs to take part in the management strategy meeting. He walks to his suit when he thinks he should be the head of the meeting. But I-Soo chooses to sleep. The employees are preparing for the meeting.

I-Soo’s father Myeong-Chul and I-Soo’s older brother Seung-Ju arrive at the company. Myeong-Chul notes that I-Soo doesn’t come to the meeting room. He’s not happy. Seung-Ju texts I-Soo. I-Soo receives a footage. He learns that there’s girl being kidnapped.

He takes a shower and he wears the cop clothes. He rides his motorcycle to leave his house. Jeong-Hun sees I-Soo off. He calls someone and he asks him to get the support team ready. I-Soo arrives at the mall. He gets the weapons from his partner.

The partner reports to I-Soo that there’re 30 kidnappers. I-Soo kills some kidnappers. He encounters the support team. But they’re attacked by the kidnappers. Some of the team members are killed. I-Soo also kills some kidnappers.

I-Soo gets in the elevator with his team member. The kidnappers shoot the elevator when the door opens. They only find the bomb. The bomb blasts. I-Soo catches the chance to shoot the kidnappers. He and his team members reach the rooftop.

They see the girl who’s tied up on a chair. The team member goes to untie the girl. But he’s shot by the kidnapper. I-Soo jumps to shoot the kidnapper. He unties the girl. He reports to someone that he has saved the girl. His team member and the kidnapper get up.

The kidnapper complains to I-Soo that there’s blood on his clothes. He asks him to pay him for the laundry. I-Soo agrees to it. But he thinks he saw the kidnapper before. The kidnapper denies it. He leaves. The team members and the kidnappers get up in the mall.

Jeong-Hun hands over his business card to the owner of the mall. He asks him to check the damage. He sees I-Soo off with the beauty when the team members cheer. He tells the lady that I-Soo is different because I-Soo risked his life to play.

The cops Jun-Young and Kyung-Jin chase the suspect Byeong-Su on the street. Gang-Hyun shows up when she drives the car. Jun-Young and Kyung-Jin walk aside. Flex X Cop introduces Gang-Hyun as the lead cop. Byeong-Su flees to the alley. But the gate blocks his way.

Gang-Hyun walks to Byeong-Su. She tells him that he’s arrested. But he takes out the knife. He waves his knife in front of her. She shoots him. He passes out. Jun-Young and Kyung-Jin arrive. Kyung-Jin mistakes that Gang-Hyun hit Byeong-Su with her car.

But she tells him that she used a taser. They wait for Byeong-Su until the guy wakes up. The guy is startled when he sees the cops. He finds out that he’s tied up. Gang-Hyun asks Byeong-Su about his friend. But he tells her that he doesn’t know. She tells him that she’s going to shoot him again. He has to call his friend.

She takes him to the police station. She studies the murder case. She takes Byeong-Su to wait for his friend. I-Soo drinks at the bar. His friend thanks him when he hugs the beauty. I-Soo lets his friend have a seat. But he finds out that Young-Hwan is missing.

He holds the umbrella to walk out of the club when it’s raining outside. He finds Young-Hwan in the car. He gets in the car. Young-Hwan laughs after he saw I-Soo. He asks him to taste the drug. But I-Soo throws the drug out of the window.

He grabs Young-Hwan’s neck. He mentions what he told him not to use the stuff. He reminds him that he can kill his company. He parking agent knocks at the window. He asks I-Soo to pay for the parking. I-Soo gives some money to the parking agent.

The parking agent leaves. I-Soo gets off the car. He gets a call from Seung-Ju. I-Soo gets off the car to pick up the phone. Seung-Ju asks I-Soo to take part in the meeting. But I-Soo claims that he has a case. Seung-Ju realizes that I-Soo played a cop again. He asks him to go home. I-Soo turns around. He finds out that Young-Hwan is missing.

The murderer doesn’t come. Gang-Hyun tells the cops to wrap up. I-Soo follows Young-Hwan. He sees someone who wears the raincoat cutting Young-Hwan’s hand. The guy runs away. Young-Hwan cries when he feels hurt. I-Soo goes to chase the culprit.

Gang-Hyun is going to leave. But she sees I-Soo chasing the culprit. The culprit tries to climb over the wall. I-Soo stops him. The culprit kicks I-Soo. I-Soo kills the culprit because the culprit holds a tile to attack him. He tries to take a look at him.

But Gang-Hyun pushes him away. She goes to check if the culprit is fine when I-Soo’s nose is hurt. I-Soo mistakes that Gang-Hyun is the culprit’s friend. But she catches him and she hurts his hand. She finds out that he pretends to be a cop. She arrests him.

Gang-Hyun returns to the police station. Jun-Young reports to her what she caught is the youngest son of Hansu Group. Kyung-Jin is surprised that they caught I-Soo. He introduces I-Soo as a celebrity. He shows I-Soo’s social media to Gang-Hyun.

Gang-Hyun learns that I-Soo is a trouble maker. Jun-Young reveals I-Soo rented a mall for a survival game. He mentions what I-Soo told him that his nose is broken. The cop Byung-Sik tries to be off duty. The chief cop Sung-Goo shows up when he scolds Byung-Sik.

Sung-Goo blames Gang-Hyun for catching the youngest son of Hansu Group instead of a murderer. She explains it to him that I-Soo hurt a drunk passerby. He asks her to release I-Soo. But she wants to look into I-Soo. He tells her not to make trouble. He leaves.

Gang-Hyun walks into the interrogation room to see I-Soo. She blames him for not telling her that he’s the son of Hansu Group. He points out that she didn’t give him the chance. She tells him that he can leave. But she tells him that there’s no special treatment.

She mentions he hurt the passerby. But he reveals the passerby stabbed his friend. He hands over his phone to her. He lets her call his friend Young-Hwan. She calls Young-Hwan and she asks him if he was stabbed. He denies it. Gang-Hyun hangs up. She mentions Young-Hwan told her that he wasn’t stabbed.

She returns the phone to I-Soo. She tells him to hire a lawyer. But he refuses to do it because he thinks he did nothing wrong. The cop asks I-Soo to take off his shoes and his socks. He tries to take him to the cell. But I-Soo wishes to drink an iced Americano.

There’s no iced Americano. I-Soo is locked in the cell. The prisoner recognizes I-Soo. He tells him that he’s his fan. I-Soo lets the prisoner stay away from him. He finds out that someone puked in the cell. Kyung-Jin is excited to tell his friend that they caught I-Soo when he talks with him over the phone.

The SBC reporter Gi-Seok hears it. He stops the cop Mr. Park. He tells him that he wishes to eat with him. Mr. Park opens the door of the jail. Gi-Seok sees I-Soo. Seung-Ju goes to see Myeong-Chul. He reports to him that I-Soo didn’t take part in the meeting.

Myeong-Chul tells Seung-Ju to send I-Soo to the overseas branch. He thinks I-Soo is a loser. His wife wears the suit for him. She thinks he looks great. But he’s cold to her. He leaves. Myeong-Chul walks into the meeting room. He tells the people that he’s going to run for the mayor of Seoul.

Gi-Seok walks into the meeting room. He asks Myeong-Chul if he knows his son was arrested. Gang-Hyun wakes I-Soo up when he’s sleeping with the prisoners in the jail. He’s startled to wake up after he found out that he hugs a prisoner.

He leaves the jail with Gang-Hyun. He asks her to apologize to him. Because he thinks she made a mistake. But she tells him that she won’t let him leave if she catches him again. He sees Jeong-Hun. Jeong-Hun lets I-Soo get into the room.

I-Soo walks into the room. He sees Myeong-Chul. He asks his father about the press conference. Myeong-Chul punches I-Soo. He tells him that he’s not his son anymore. He lets him take care of the case on his own. He leaves the room.

Seung-Ju asks I-Soo why he didn’t call him. I-Soo reveals he didn’t want to bother Seung-Ju. Seung-Ju wonders why I-Soo didn’t tell it to his father as well. I-Soo thinks he’s the failure of his father. Seung-Ju comforts I-Soo that he will resolve the problem. I-Soo reveals he didn’t do anything wrong.

Gang-Hyun is working in her office. She remembers what I-Soo told her that the guy carried a knife. She goes to the scene of the crime. She finds the knife. She goes to the hospital to see the passerby. She finds out that there’s a knife scar in his hand.

She checks his thumbprint. She finds out that he was the killer who killed many people. She reports it to her leader Chan-Gun. Sung-Goo yells at Gang-Hyun when he realizes that he’s going to be retired. He asks her how she’s going to make up for it.

She decides to release I-Soo and announce the result. But Sung-Goo doesn’t like the plan. Chan-Gun lets Gang-Hyun leave. Seung-Ju hears the people talking about the victim is a murderer. He lets his follower look into it. Chan-Gun persuades Sung-Goo to tell the media that it was Gang-Hyun’s mistake. He asks him to fire the cop. He thinks the media would like to hear the story because of Gang-Hyun’s father’s case.

Seung-Ju breaks into Sung-Goo’s office with his followers. He thinks they have same problem. He mentions his brother caught a murderer. Gang-Hyun meets with Jun-Young. He thinks it wasn’t her mistake. But she thinks the chief cop found a reason to fire her.

Jun-Young intends to go to persuade Sung-Goo. But Gang-Hyun stops him because she wants to take the duty on her own. Sung-Goo reports to Seung-Ju that they’re going to release I-Soo. But Seung-Ju thinks it’s not good enough. He mentions Sung-Goo is going to cover everything. He gives him a proposal.

Seung-Ju leaves Sung-Goo’s office. He brings the coffee to I-Soo. He lets him get changed. I-Soo plans to sue Gang-Hyun. But Seung-Ju thinks I-Soo was lucky. He reveals the guy I-Soo beat was a murderer. I-Soo believes that he will get an award.

Seung-Ju tells I-Soo that he will be a cop. Sung-Goo tells Gang-Hyun that he’s going to tell the media that I-Soo is a cop of their police station. She goes against it and she persuades him to process it according to the book. But he reminds her that she will be fired if the people know the truth.

Gang-Hyun Being Asked to Tell A Lie in Flex X Cop

He asks her if she wishes to be like her father. He reminds her that the whole police station will be shamed. I-Soo laughs after knowing he’s going to be a cop. He thinks his brother is kidding. But Seung-Ju tells I-Soo that the chief cop has agreed to it.

He thinks the plan can help them restore their image. He reminds I-Soo that the people will laugh at their father if he doesn’t do so. But I-Soo doesn’t care for it because Myeong-Chul didn’t treat him as his son. Gang-Hyun looks at her cop photos on the locker.

She gets changed and she tells the media that I-Soo is a cop of their police station. She tells them that the reporter Gi-Seok lied. Gi-Seok is scolded by his leader. He reveals he saw I-Soo in the jail. He thinks Hansu Group had a deal with the chief cop.

I-Soo is one the way home with Jeong-Hun. He mentions he was fired. He returns home and he finds out that Young-Hwan is waiting for him. Young-Hwan calls I-Soo friend. But I-Soo pretends not to know Young-Hwan. Young-Hwan explains it to I-Soo that he thought he would be arrested if he told the cops the truth because he took a drug.

He believed that I-Soo would be released because I-Soo is the son of Hansu Group. I-Soo tells Young-Hwan to leave after knowing he got a treatment. Gang-Hyun goes to the restaurant with Jun-Young and Kyung-Jin. She drinks and eats with them.

I-Soo's Mother's Death in Flex x Cop

She mentions she told a lie to the people. Kyung-Jin reminds the two that they’re going to work with a rich man. But Jun-Young doesn’t believe that I-Soo will come to work. But Kyung-Jin has treated I-Soo as his brother. Gang-Hyun worries that I-Soo will come to work.

I-Soo drinks at home. He opens the box. He sees the cop clothes. He goes to sleep. He has a nightmare that his mother is hit by the car. Seung-Ju holds a press conference. He tells the reporters about the truth of his brother’s case.

Gang-Hyun is working in her office. Byung-Sik takes the team two to tease her. She tells him that it’s not funny. He mentions she got a silver spoon. But she thinks the silver spoon won’t come. Sung-Goo prepares a red carpet. Kyung-Jin sees it. He thinks they’re going to have an event.

Episode 1 of Flex X Cop ends with Kyung-Jin getting a call from the chief cop who asks him and Gang-Hyun to come down. Gang-Hyun and Jun-Young walk out of the police station when they wear the doll. I-Soo shows up with the cop clothes. He waves at the reporters when he walks on the red carpet. Sung-Goo applauds to welcome I-Soo. I-Soo takes a photo with the doll people. Gang-Hyun takes off the doll. I-Soo doesn’t expect that she would welcome him in such a way. He shakes hands with her when she glares at him.

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