A Shop for Killers: Episode 1 Recap

This is the recap for A Shop for Killers: Episode 1. The broadcast tells the villagers that there will be a firearm training. He tells them not to leave their houses. There’s a house. The wall is broken. Some people with guns are close to the house.

A Shop for Killers Episode 1 Recap

A Shop for Killers

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for A Shop for Killers: Episode 1.

A Shop for Killers Episode 1 begins with the man Seong-Jo parking his van on the bridge. He holds a rifle to target the house. He receives an order from his boss to kill the rabbit. He wonders why the boss asked them to attack the house from two sides.

He pulls the trigger. The bullet flies into the house. The girl Ji-An avoids the bullet. The bullet hits the photo in the house. Ji-An is startled to cover her head. The glass on the photo is broken. Seong-Jo sneers after he realized that he shot Jin-Man’s family photo.

The female killer Min-Hye is staying with Ji-An in the house. She looks at the gun on the floor. There’s a guy lying on the floor. Ji-An tries to go to pick up the gun. But Seong-Jo shoots the gun. The gun flies under the couch.

Ji-An is scared to tell herself to focus. She remembers the tips her uncle Jin-Man taught her. It flashes back. Jin-Man and Ji-An watch the shooting show on the couch when they eat ice cream together. He reveals the person is using the blind spots to avoid the bullets. He tells Ji-An that she can survive if she uses the person’s tip.

Ji-An ties the shard of glass on the broom. She reaches out the broom. Seong-Jo laughs when he watches what she does. He shoots the broom. She lifts the broom and she finds out that he couldn’t shoot her broom. She climbs on the fridge.

Seong-Jo finds out that Ji-An is missing. He tells his partner Bongo to move forward. Bongo moves the van. Seong-Jo sees Ji-An. He thinks she’s going to jump. He shoots her when she jumps. The bullet flies over her head. She reaches the couch. She tries to take the gun from under the couch. But she cannot reach the couch. So she carries over the couch. She finds the rifle and some bullets. She shoots Seong-Jo.

Uncle’s Death

Ji-An is at the police station. The pervert reports to the cop that Ji-An beat him. Ji-An wishes to leave the police station. The policewoman tells Ji-An that she can leave after they get the footage. She wonders if she beat the pervert.

She watches the footage with other cops. She finds out that Ji-An beat the pervert after he got into the women’s restroom. The cop keeps Ji-An. He tells her to call her guardian because the pervert plans to sue her. She calls Jin-Man.

The cop Jin-Woo from another police station picks up the phone. He tells Ji-An that her uncle Jin-Man is dead. She takes the cab. She’s on the way to see Jin-Man. It flashes back. Jin-Man and Ji-An are in the room. He’s installing the security bars. She thinks he doesn’t have to do it because they’re on the fifth floor.

She doesn’t believe that there will a thief reaching fifth floor to steal something. She kicks the closet. She thinks the closet isn’t suitable for her. He explains it to her that the closet is a retro. He reveals the closet was made by iron. He thinks the closet can protect her because it’s bulletproof. But she doesn’t believe that she will need the closet.

Jin-An mentions the convenience store owner’s hands and legs were broken after he bullied her. Jin-Man admits that he was the one who did it to the guy. But she thinks he’s just kidding. He takes a photo of her ID. She’s furious to take back her ID. He tells her to remember her ID when he holds her head.

The driver recognizes Ji-An. He thinks she’s Jin-Man’s niece. He reveals he’s the classmate of Jin-Man. He doesn’t know if she remembers him. She greets him. He thinks she came to see Jin-Man. He asks her about her uncle. But she tells him that her uncle is dead.

He parks his cab at the hospital. He hands over his business card to her. He tells her to call him if she needs his help. He leaves. Ji-An walks into the mortuary. She sees her uncle’s dead body. She doesn’t believe her uncle killed himself because his throat was hurt.

Jin-Woo explains it to Ji-An that they’re looking into the case. He reveals there was nobody being found on the CCTV. He intends to send the death report to her. But she thinks the death suits her uncle. She refuses to accept the report.

She signs the paper. She confirms that the dead body is her uncle. She sees the word on her uncle’s leg. She meets with the funeral arranger. He asks her if she has a photo of her uncle. She visits Jin-Man’s house. She runs into Jeong-Min.

They get into Jin-Man’s house. Jeong-Min takes a photo of Jin-Man’s photo. He reveals he was the last person who contacted Jin-Man. He mentions Ji-An’s uncle was found in the bathroom. He volunteers to clean the bathroom for her after knowing she didn’t clean it. She thanks him.

Ji-An holds Jin-Man’s funeral. The driver comes to help her. There’re too guys attending the funeral. The driver tries to talk with them. But they ignore him. The driver thinks the two are outsiders. Jeong-Min finds a phone when he cleans up Jin-Man’s bathroom.

The driver cries. He tells Jin-Man’s friends that Jin-Man saved them. Ji-An finds out that she knows nothing about her uncle. She sees Jin-Man off with his friends. Ji-An returns home with Jeong-Min. He reports to her that he has cleaned up the bathroom.

She thanks him for doing it for her. She says goodbye to him. He leaves. She gets into the house. She takes a look at Jin-Man’s photo. She sees Jin-Man who asks her to cook something herself. She cries after she realized that he had a hard time.

She wipes off her tears. Jeong-Min returns. He finds out that Ji-An is crying. He tries to leave. But she keeps him because she’s not fine. She learns her head on his shoulder when they sit on the couch. She falls asleep. Ji-An wakes up. Jeong-Min reports to her that he found her uncle’s phone in the bathroom.

She checks the phone. She finds out that her uncle is very rich. She doesn’t believe that her uncle could earn so much through selling hoses. She asks Jeong-Min to show Jin-Man’s website to her. They visit the website. They find another website murthehelp.

Ji-An recognizes the word “murthehelp”. She remembers she saw the word from her uncle’s leg. She finds out that Jin-Man sold guns. She receives a message from someone who asks her when he will get the gun because he has paid. She replies to him that the shop will be closed.

He realizes that Jin-Man is dead. He tells her that he will come to kill her. Jeong-Min is startled to close the computer. He plans to report it to the police. Someone rings the doorbell. Ji-An goes to pick up the door phone. The girl Min-Hye is excited to tell her name to Ji-An.

Episode 1 of A Shop for Killers ends with Ji-An telling Min-Hye that her uncle isn’t at home. Min-Hye reveals she’s Jin-Man’s Chinese teacher. We see a gun in her bag. Ji-An receives a message from the killer who tells her that he will come. The drones show up in the sky. They’re going to come to Ji-An’s house.

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