A Journey to Love: Episode 11 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for A Journey to Love: Episode 11. Ren Ruyi kidnaps Yang Ying and she flees after she had a fight with Qian Zhao and Yu Shisan. Ning Yuanzhou returns and he learns that his brothers had a fight with his lover.

Ren Yuanzhou Knows His Brothers Fought with Ren Ruyi

A Journey to Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for A Journey to Love: Episode 11.

Ren Ruyi kidnaps Yang Ying and she flees. Yang Ying finds out that Ren Ruyi is going to sleep when they ride the horse. She tells her not to sleep. She mentions her mother passed away when she slept. Ren Ruyi tells Yang Ying that she’s not dead.

Yang Ying feels happy after she heard the good news. She tries to give the medicine to her. Ren Ruyi wonders why Yang Ying didn’t flee. She asks her if she feared the death. Yang Ying tells Ren Ruyi that she believed that she wouldn’t kill her.

Ren Ruyi mentions she’s the best killer of Red Clothes Guards. Yang Ying points out that Ren Ruyi is her master as well. Ren Ruyi smiles. She gets off the horse. She lets Yang Ying leave. Chu Yue is picking the weapon in the market.

The maid wonders when Chu Yue is going to go to see Li Tongguang. Chu Yue sees some guys drinking. She walks to them. Yu Shisan is waiting for Ning Yuanzhou. Ning Yuanzhou wonders what happened. Yu Shisan reveals they fought with Ren Ruyi because Ren Ruyi is Red Clothes Guards.

Yuan Lu realizes that Qian Zhao intended to let them go. Ning Yuanzhou doesn’t blame Yu Shisan. He thinks he should find Ren Ruyi and Yang Ying. Yuan Lu listens to the ground. He reports to Ning Yuanzhou that someone came. Yang Ying rides the horse to show up.

Ning Yuanzhou Reveals Ren Ruyi Betrayed Red Clothes Guards

Yu Shisan helps Yang Ying get off the horse. Ning Yuanzhou finds out Yang Ying was hurt. She denies it and she tells him that Ren Ruyi was hurt. She asks him to go to save Ren Ruyi. Ning Yuanzhou tries to leave. But Qian Zhao stops him.

He asks him to kill him if he wishes to save Ren Ruyi. Ren Ruyi walks in the woods. She’s tired. She has a seat and she takes a break. She asks Empress Zhaojie to save her. But Empress Zhaojie thinks she cannot save Ren Ruyi. She mentions what she told her not to fall for men easily.

She tells her that the killer has to die if she has feelings for a man. She leaves. Ren Ruyi passes out. Ning Yuanzhou mentions he has to go to save Ren Ruyi. But Qian Zhao thinks he had his mercy to let Ren Ruyi die outside. Ning Yuanzhou reveals Ren Ruyi didn’t intend to hide her identity.

Qian Zhao learns that Ning Yuanzhou knew Ren Ruyi is Red Clothes Guard. Ning Yuanzhou admits that Ren Ruyi is Vice-Chief of Red Clothes Guard. He points out that she would do that if she planned to take action. He reveals she betrayed Red Clothes Guard. But Qian Zhao worries that Ren Ruyi will betray them.

Ning Yuanzhou doesn’t believe that Ren Ruyi will betray them. He promises it with his life. He reminds Qian Zhao that Ren Ruyi fought with them in Sky Star Canyon. He thinks there was no spy who would be stupid like Ren Ruyi. He tells Qian Zhao that he trusts Ren Ruyi like he trusts them.

SEE ALSO: A Journey to Love: Episode 10 Recap & Ending Explained

Episode 11 of A Journey to Love ends with Ning Yuanzhou telling Yang Ying that he cannot accompany her to go to see Shen Tuchi. She claims that she doesn’t fear Shen Tuchi at all. Because she doesn’t wish to let Ren Ruyi down. She takes a look at the sugar rabbit Ren Ruyi gave to her.

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